That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

Scarlett vs Tiathmet and Lunaria (2)

Tiathmet and Lunaria stood in front of Scarlett, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze. The air crackled with tension as they sized each other up, ready for the next round. In the blink of an eye, they charged at each other, the battlefield erupting with their rapid movements.

Tiathmet aimed a powerful kick while Lunaria threw a punch at Scarlett. Scarlett's fist collided with Lunaria's, producing a resounding thud, while she effortlessly caught Tiathmet's leg with her other hand. For a split second, they paused, the intensity of their clash evident.

Boom! Boom! Bam! Bam!

The fight resumed with a flurry of blows. Fists, kicks, headstrikes, and an array of martial arts techniques filled the air. Tiathmet and Lunaria moved with incredible speed and power, their synchronization flawless. Yet, Scarlett remained unfazed, deflecting their attacks with a smile, her movements fluid and precise.

Seeing an opening, Scarlett capitalized on it. She landed a powerful punch on Lunaria's face. "Too slow!" she exclaimed, her voice dripping with confidence.

The force of the blow was immense. Lunaria's face exploded like a firecracker, a gruesome sight that would have convinced any onlooker of her demise. But in the next second, Lunaria's face regenerated, the flesh knitting back together seamlessly.

"So they have regeneration too?" Scarlett thought, a glint of curiosity and challenge in her eyes.

In the midst of the chaos, Tiathmet spread her wings and flew backward. Suddenly, chains erupted from her back. They looked like ordinary chains but had arrow-like tips attached to their ends. The chains shot out and embedded themselves into the ground. With a fierce pull, Tiathmet uprooted massive chunks of earth, each piece five times the size of an average human.

Commanding the chains, Tiathmet hurled the massive landmasses toward Scarlett. The sight was terrifying, with huge chunks of earth flying through the air, aimed directly at her. Despite the impending threat, Scarlett's expression remained calm and detached, as if she were facing something utterly inconsequential.

"Return," Scarlett exclaimed, invoking the same spell she had used in the academy when some girls had thrown erasers and pencils at her. Return magic, a form of psychokinesis, sent every attack back from where it came. The larger the object, the more mental strength and mana required, which made it a rarely used spell. But for Scarlett, it was a different story.

The chains stopped mid-air and then reversed direction, flying back toward Tiathmet. "What the hell?" Tiathmet shouted in surprise. One by one, the pieces of land struck her, but before they could make contact with her body, she conjured a barrier to protect herself.

"Let's just end this," Scarlett said with determination. In the next second, she seemed to disappear. She was moving so fast that even for Tiathmet and Lunaria, catching her with their eyes was nearly impossible.

A moment later, Scarlett landed a direct hit on Tiathmet's face. Despite the barrier, the impact shattered it. One... Two... Three... Twenty... One hundred and ten... In just a second, she landed more than a hundred punches on Tiathmet's face. Tiathmet coughed up blood, but her wounds began to heal almost immediately thanks to her regeneration.

"Bam!" With the final punch, Scarlett sent Tiathmet flying into the air. As Tiathmet was suspended in mid-air, Scarlett joined both of her hands and formed a gun shape with her fingers, mimicking how children playfully shoot at each other.

But what Scarlett was about to do was far from a game. She was preparing to unleash a hand cannon.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of gunfire rang out, though no bullets were visible. Yet, Tiathmet's body was riddled with holes, as if struck by cannon fire. Each impact created a massive hole in her body, causing her immense pain and further shocking her.

Scarlett's actions were deceptively simple yet profoundly powerful. She wasn't transforming her hand into a gun; she was using psychokinesis. By controlling the space around Tiathmet's body, she concentrated her mana and then used fire magic to cause explosions at precise points. The beauty of this technique lay in its immediacy: there was no need for fire magic to cover the distance. Unlike a fireball that could be dodged or blocked, this method ensured instant explosions, like a time bomb.

Tiathmet's screams of agony filled the air as she struggled to comprehend what was happening. The pain was intense, and even her rapid regeneration struggled to keep up with the constant barrage of damage. Every explosion sent shockwaves through her body, each one more excruciating than the last. Her breath came in ragged gasps, and her eyes were wide with a mix of pain and disbelief.

Seeing her sister in such a state, Lunaria was consumed by a blinding rage. "How dare you...!" she shouted, her voice trembling with fury. But her anger only served to give Scarlett an opening.

"Oh, I forgot you were here too!" Scarlett smirked, smacking her forehead in mock realization. In an instant, she moved so fast she seemed to vanish, reappearing right in front of Lunaria.

"Huh?" Lunaria gasped, unable to process what had just happened. Before she could react, Scarlett stretched her right leg and delivered a powerful 90° kick. Her foot connected with Lunaria's chin, sending her hurtling through the air.

But Scarlett wasn't finished. She jumped and caught up to Lunaria, her fists a blur of motion.

Bang! Bam! Boom!

Scarlett's punches landed with relentless force, each one driving Lunaria further back. The final punch sent her flying at least fifty meters. Despite the brutal assault, Lunaria was bewildered. She should have been bleeding profusely, but there were no wounds. "Are her punches really this weak? And why do I feel like my mana has increased?" she thought, her mind racing even as she hurtled through the air.

"You idiot! That's not your mana! Let it out, hurry!" Tiathmet's voice rang out, filled with urgency and desperation. She was warning Lunaria about one of Scarlett's tricks.

Lunaria's eyes widened in realization, but it was too late.


A deafening explosion erupted from within Lunaria's body, sending shockwaves in all directions. Her body was torn apart, ripped into countless pieces as blood and flesh flowed out uncontrollably. The explosion's force was so immense that it sent debris and shrapnel flying, creating a scene of utter carnage.

Scarlett watched the spectacle with a mixture of satisfaction and cold detachment. The advanced fire punch magic she had used was devastating. Instead of igniting her fists, she had channeled her mana into Lunaria's body with each punch, causing it to burn and explode from within.

Lunaria's screams echoed through the battlefield as she struggled to comprehend her fate. Her regeneration fought desperately to keep her alive, but the damage was overwhelming. The agony was beyond anything she had ever experienced, each explosion tearing through her like a raging inferno.

Scarlett's eyes were icy, her heart pounding with the thrill of combat. Adrenaline surged through her veins as she watched her opponent disintegrate. "Still alive? Not bad... not bad...," she murmured, her voice a chilling whisper carried on the wind.

"Water magic, Fire magic, Earth spikes, Crystal needles!" Tiathmet cried out in desperation, her voice echoing across the battlefield.

In an instant, water balls erupted around Scarlett, huge fire spheres emerged, sharp spikes began popping out from the ground, and powerful crystal needles materialized in mid-air, all converging on Scarlett. 

Simultaneously, Tiathmet herself charged at Scarlett, her face a mask of fierce determination. They began exchanging blows at a blistering pace, but Scarlett moved with an effortless grace, deflecting each attack as if she were swatting away flies. Water and fire had no effect on her, earth spikes shattered upon impact, and crystal needles crumbled to dust against her skin.

Scarlett's expression was one of sheer amusement. "I heard so much about both of you, but you guys are so weak that I can sing a song while fighting you!" she taunted, her voice dripping with contempt. 

And she wasn't lying. As they continued their furious exchange, Scarlett began to hum a tune. Her voice rang out, clear and mocking.

"In this awesome world, I can make stuff fly~

Even taking down big shots is easy as pie~"

Each word was a slap in the face, an insult that cut deeper than any weapon. Tiathmet's frustration mounted with each verse, her eyes burning with humiliation and rage.

Scarlett's movements were a blur, her punches and kicks landing with devastating precision. Yet, she maintained her carefree demeanor, her song continuing to mock her opponents.

"Magic is super cool and handy~

I can't wait to eat meat with candy~"

Tiathmet's attacks grew more frantic, her desperation palpable. The ground beneath them was torn asunder, a testament to the ferocity of the battle, but Scarlett remained unscathed, her song never faltering.

Every syllable that fell from Scarlett's lips felt like a dagger to Tiathmet's pride. She gritted her teeth, her mind racing to find a way to break through Scarlett's unyielding defense. But Scarlett's mocking grin only widened, her amusement growing with each futile attempt.

The battlefield was a chaotic blur of magic and martial prowess, but Scarlett moved with the fluidity of a dancer, her every motion a symphony of destruction. Her laughter echoed through the chaos, a sound that sent chills down the spine of everyone who heard it.

Tiathmet's heart pounded with a mix of anger and fear. The sheer power and confidence that radiated from Scarlett were overwhelming. "Why won't you just fall?" Tiathmet screamed, her voice breaking with frustration.

But Scarlett's response was a cruel smile and another verse of her song.

"Even when you try your best~

I won't even break a sweat~"

The words were a bitter truth that Tiathmet couldn't deny. Despite her best efforts, despite all her power, Scarlett was toying with her, effortlessly deflecting every attack and taunting her with that infuriating song.

The air crackled with tension, the ground littered with the remnants of Tiathmet's failed attacks. Scarlett's eyes gleamed with a cold, merciless light as she watched her opponents struggle.


Do not worry, They both aren't that weak, It's just Scarlett is strong and also they aren't giving their 100%.

Well one things I'm gonna say is, Writing this novel is way easier than my second novel, it only took few hours to write two chapters. 

Since I already know what I will have to write next hehe.. 

Well anyone who is wondering about when the next chapter of my second novel will come.. 

My answers is after the whole fight of Scarlett vs both sister, I think it will continue for another two, Three or four chapters and then it'll end, They are demon king level existence after all. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.