That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

Everyone Have Traitors

In the world, there are three distinct types of souls, each shaped by the emotions and qualities that define a person.

"First", there are "Normal Souls". These souls are found in almost everyone, from the average person to those leading ordinary lives. They are a mix of many different emotions—joy, sadness, fear, excitement, and much more. Just like how people experience a variety of feelings, these souls reflect that balance. Normal souls are shaped like any other soul and don't stand out much. They're the most common, representing the emotional complexity of regular individuals.

Then, there are "Noble Souls". These are rare, appearing in only one out of a million people. These souls are born when someone experiences a single powerful emotion that overrides all others. This emotion could be pride,justice,righteousness, or bravery etc... People with noble souls are often fearless, unafraid of death, and always ready to stand for what is right. They are the kind of people who help others, protect the weak, and fight for justice, no matter the cost. The appearance of a noble soul is quite special—it's transparent, like clear water, a bubble without color, reflecting the purity of their intentions.

Finally, we have the Fallen Souls, also known as Evil Souls. These souls are shaped by dark and negative emotions like greed, hatred, lust, and envy etc... People with fallen souls care only for themselves or someone they love. They are driven by a desire for revenge, power, or material gain, and as their dark emotions grow stronger, so does the corruption within their soul. Over time, their soul turns into a deep, **pitch black**, a sign that their dark desires have fully taken over. These are people who walk a path of selfishness and evil, their souls reflecting the darkness they harbor inside. 

Fallen souls are as rare as noble souls. 

Lunatic explained everything to Scarlett with a calm but serious tone. "Noble souls can repair the souls of angels, and fallen souls have the same effect on monsters and demons. That's why we need to find a fallen soul," she stated, her eyes locked on Scarlett's.

Scarlett nodded in understanding, but before she could respond, Li Feng interrupted. His usual carefree demeanor was gone, replaced by anger. "What I don't get is how they invaded so smoothly. There's no way I'm believing they pulled that off without inside help."

Scarlett smirked, as though she had expected this. "Of course. Everyone have traitors," she replied confidently.

Li Feng raised an eyebrow, clearly confused. "Traitors? Are you saying we have traitors among us?" His disbelief was evident.

Scarlett gazed up at the sky, her face emotionless. "Yes. But this applies on both sides." she said, her back now turned to him. Her tone was cold and distant, devoid of feeling, as if she were processing something greater.

Suddenly, her posture shifted. "I can sense it… someone is coming through teleportation," she murmured, her senses heightened.

Xao Feng returned with a grave expression. Scarlett wasted no time giving orders. "Xao, take the bodies of those who died to a separate room and freeze them. We need to preserve them."

Then, addressing everyone around her, she raised her voice, her words commanding respect. "No need to cry. They aren't truly gone yet.One week....In one week, I'll bring them back to life. Think of it as them taking a short trip."

Hearing her confidence, the villagers' faces brightened, their worries easing. Scarlett had given them hope, and that was enough for now.

Before Scarlett could say anything else, Lunatic acted quickly, casting a spell that put Yumi Yamamoto into a deep sleep.

"How did you know I was about to ask you to do that?" Scarlett asked, surprised.

Lunatic smiled faintly. "Just a lucky guess."

Scarlett thought to herself, "What we're dealing with isn't something the president can handle… it was better this way."

Suddenly a villager came towards them runnin, "Scarlett-sama... Some humans hae arrived, Do we attack them? " He said hurriness in his voice. 

"No!, I'm going to talk to them! ", she said as she turned towards the exit gate with an evil grin. 


At the eastern corner of the world, where the *Kingdom of Armament* lies isolated, a land as secretive as North Korea but even more so in its strictness. No citizen is allowed to leave, and no outsiders are permitted to enter. Hidden within the sealed borders of this mysterious kingdom is an unknown location, a room unlike any other. The walls and floor are pure white, bathed in an eerie glow, as if the entire space was swallowed by light itself.

In the center of the room stood a single object: a modern, sleek gaming chair. Resting on it, a man reclined silently, his form barely visible, his face obscured in the shadows, blending with the wall in front of him. Only his stillness hinted at his presence.

Suddenly, the silence was broken. A figure entered the room, dressed in a white suit reminiscent of advanced civilizations—something out of a futuristic sci-fi world. His outfit, like an astronaut's suit but more streamlined, gave off the impression of technological superiority, resembling a Doomslayer's armor but in bright white.

The man in white knelt immediately and spoke, his voice laced with urgency and fear. "I have come to report to Lord Auren."

Auren, the man in the chair, remained silent but listened intently. His mechanical-sounding voice finally responded, cold and emotionless, "Speak."

"An emergency has occurred, my Lord," the man began, keeping his head bowed. "Something has struck our precious solar sphere, the one we use to harness the energy from neutron stars."

Auren's head tilted slightly at this news, his voice gaining an edge. "What?"

"I… I am deeply sorry," the man continued, his voice trembling with fear. "It was caused by a slash wave from someone's sword. We believe the strike wasn't meant for us, but it was so powerful that it traveled millions of kilometers and damaged our sphere, We were just unlucky."

The silence grew heavier as the man in white finished. He hesitated for a moment before adding, "Because of this, repairs will take six months. Our plan is delayed by an entire year."

For a moment, the room was completely still, the white light flickering slightly. Auren clenched his fist tightly, frustration evident in his mechanical voice. "A whole year… Just who is this fool responsible for such a reckless act?"

<Name : Auren The Absolute>

<Title : The Man From Future, The Man Of The Stars>

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