That Time an American was Reincarnated into Another World

Chapter 78: Executioner


My eyes opened to an endless white expanse. There was no indication of direction, of texture, not even of depth. The mildly bright white gave no indications of, well, anything really. 

But it was not the apparent physical plane that caught my attention. A strange pull on my mind brought me, as a river might a boat, to my thoughts. 

I remembered all those children and adults from the warehouse, the ones I had saved. But those I couldn’t save surfaced as well. Their faces, permanently etched into my memories, demanded retribution.

Unbidden, a torrent of miseries erupted. I imagined hundreds, thousands who had all suffered the same fate. I imagined the atrocities committed in an attempt to discover the limits of the human body. But most prominently, I imagined endless rows of faces twisted into masks of agony, their eyes fearful and angry and confused. 

It was overwhelming. It was depressing. It… filled me with determination. 

I could save even more. I just needed information, and there were plenty of people to get it from. Tavera was just one person. There were hundreds of bounties on the Repository, and surely there would be traffickers on that list.

If I could do it, then I would. My guns gave me the power to kill even an Authority 7 warlock. Anybody below that level wouldn’t be able to stop me.

As I made my decisions, my surroundings shifted. I saw another warehouse, one full of even more trafficked people. They were in an even sorrier state than the ones I saved.

I rushed forward, forgetting it was just a dream, eager to put down more scum. I could feel their captors around the building. I just needed to kill them.

But, my body wouldn’t listen to me. I simply stood there even as all those captors rushed down to meet the threat. There were Authority 6’s, even an Authority 7 knight. They were strong, not people I could fight against.

I watched as they rushed from surrounding passages, almost like rats from the woodworks. They rushed toward me, their hate-filled faces only loosely concealing a primal dread.

They were scared.

As if I wasn’t there, they ran around and past me. I turned around to follow them, watching as they stacked up into defensive formations, their typically unphasable Authorities showing large cracks. 

A large metal door was blown off its hinges, merely a pebble to the explosive force of nature behind it. A badly mulched body, hardly recognizable as human flesh, flew with the door, both staggering the hastily formed battle line. A figure loomed in the doorway, bloodstained axe in hand.

Silent screams of battle-rage and anger rippled across the battle line as they began advancing upon the figure rushing at them. 

In a dance of violence, limbs flew, blood gushed, and bodies dropped as the person blew through Knight after Knight, Warlocks and Summoners blown aside by the thrown bodies of their comrades. The bloody axe left craters in finely crafted armors, a strange explosive force magnifying its effect by many times. Their best efforts, an otherwise incredible display of teamwork stemming from years of fighting together, were child’s play to the paragon of violence that silenced them in seconds.

And, without fail, the figure’s final blow to every enemy was decapitation, dead or alive.

An Executioner.

I simply watched as they were all dispatched with impunity. 

When silence reigned, a simple blow to each lock freed the captives from their cages. 

I slowly came to an understanding as I watched the person go about their work. 

I wasn’t needed. This wasn’t my duty. 

Whoever that executioner was, they were enough.

I watched that person stand there. They wore a coat and hood, very similar to my own.

All of a sudden, as if struck by some divine inspiration, they reached into their coat and pulled out a cartridge.

My eyes widened. I was the only person who could give someone a cartridge.

Who was it? It wasn’t the Key Master, that was certain. So who could possibly have ammunition from me?

And then, a faint pair of wings bloomed from the person’s back, shrouding them in faint light. 

Ah, I see.

Guardian Angel.

I smiled, letting out a long breath as I closed my eyes.

And the next time I opened them, I was back in my hotel room.

I laid there in my bed while my mind processed everything that happened.

This injustice wasn’t the one I was meant to resolve.

There was somebody else out there who I could trust to do it for me.

My mind was cleansed of torment. The faces of the dead, once debilitating, now inspired me to continue on this path of mine.

And in that moment of inspiration, I decided to pull out my advancement formation.

I pulled up the first page and raised my hand, releasing my Aura and tracing channels through the air.

I watched as my finger traced recursively complex channels into my Aura, almost like there was some other force guiding my hand and I was just along for the ride. 

The core of the formation sat before me, a faint wisp of active Aura still trailing from my finger to where I had left it off. An entire third of the first formation was done.

When considered among the entire advancement formation, only a tenth had been drawn, but the effects were incredible. I had been studying it for a while now and it seemed with this dream, I was able to make a leap. 

My mind churned as I finished what I could. My ocean of thought started to flow, small eddies and currents growing and merging into a whirlpool in my mind. 

Its movements were lethargic, considering the fraction of progress made, but the results were stunning. Everything about my thought process became faster, smoother; it felt like the cloudy barriers I once had to shove every thought through had finally been lifted and my mind could finally flow free. 

It felt amazing, and with this boost I finally wrapped my head around the situation. 

If it wasn’t my calling, then so be it.

I sat up after letting myself calm down. Several notifications from my Aerial jolted me from my afterglow. 

The most recent one, from the Key Master on behalf of the Black Spider Repository, was interesting. 

“John Cooper. For successfully claiming the head of Henevue Rence, your Polaris Bank Account has automatically received the bounty reward of 250 thousand coin. In addition, on behalf of the Tavera Family Patriarch, an additional 190 thousand coin has been deposited.”


My face was neutral. Money was always welcome, but I still wasn’t sure how I felt about being paid for this. It seemed that the bounty had also somehow increased in the time I spent hunting him. 

Oh well. I had used a bit over 100 thousand coin for the freed slaves, and I wasn’t exactly in a position to reject payment. After that, I looked at everything else.

Plex sent me a few messages in regard to our job from Apocryon, which was today. We would handle it during sunset, which wasn’t long from now.

Other than that, I had several messages from Umara, some of them about the results of their questioning, others wondering where I was.

The messages from Vetsmon and Feiden were asking where I was on behalf of Umara. To ease her worries, I gave her a call after texting Vetsmon and Feiden reassurances. 

She picked up instantly.


“Hey. Sorry about the delay. I was a bit busy.”

“That’s okay. I was just worried. Were the jobs really that time consuming?”

“Well… something like that. It got a bit dangerous so I couldn’t really respond.”

I decided to refrain from telling her about it for now. No need to spoil her mood with Christmas just around the corner. 

Still, her voice brought a smile to my face. I decided to meet with her and bring myself a bit more ease. 

“I have some more business tonight, but I’d like to see you today. Do you have time?”

“Of course. Just give me the location and I’ll be there.”

“Sure thing.”

With a goodbye we hung up. After I found a suitable place for a short date, I got dressed and sent her the location.

We met up a little while later. She came dressed in some beautiful yet casual clothes fit for the chilled weather.

Her head tilted though when she approached.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”


I let out a breath, the two of us hugging.

“Just realizing how lucky I am to be with someone like you.”

“O-Oh. Thank you. I-I mean, I feel lucky too.”

She stammered a bit, making me chuckle.

“Come on.”

Grabbing her hand, I pulled her into the nearby cafe.

I only had a couple hours, but that was enough to talk about recent events.

Particularly, she informed me about what was going to happen in regard to the Cyclops Scout.

The testimonies of my squad all came back completely true, which means there was zero doubt that I had actually killed it single handedly.

And since I had broken some kind of record, I was going to be placed within the Magisterium’s Hall of Fame.

It was a place only the best Elites could have their image enshrined. The body of that scout would be put on display, evidence of my kill, and my name would accompany it as the first Authority 4 to ever kill an Authority 7.

Whenever something like this happened, there would be a big announcement and an award would be given out, though I didn’t know when. I imagined that it would happen after Christmas since everyone was out anyway.

Well, at this point I wasn’t sure I cared. I had now killed an Authority 7 warlock, so the Cyclops felt a bit underwhelming. And after what I just went through, I simply wasn’t in the mood to care. 

So as she spoke, I simply rested my chin on my hand and stared at her, appreciating her presence, and realizing that I really, really liked this girl.

Was it enough to say that I had fallen in love?

A small smile rested on my face as I watched her talk.

Ah, she was so pretty.

Perhaps she noticed too, because at some point she stopped talking and started reddening.

She fidgeted in her seat, occasionally glancing at me to check if I was still staring.

So I could still tease her. Good.

After a few minutes of that I finally laughed and diverted my gaze.

We went on to talk for a while until I had to leave. I told her that I was going on a dangerous job, so we ended our date with a long kiss.

With that, I made my way to the Founder’s Market.


I looked at Rayla as we trudged through the Trenches.

Plex took the lead and Libitus tailed him. We made conversation along the way since we hadn’t seen each other in a while, killing time as we trekked over to Apocryon’s Headquarters. 

Nothing from my Aura tipped me off but I knew that would change as soon as we arrived. I was especially curious to see Apocryon again.

Back then, that madman was able to twist my mind with illusions. I saw and felt him kill me, yet it was nothing more than one of his tricks.

I had thought it was just his magic back then, but now I wasn’t so sure.

Since I was with a group, even the most foolhardy opportunist could only sulk and glare from alleyways. So we arrived at the headquarters smoothly.

And there, I saw Apocryon.

He sat atop a particularly large APC modded with all kinds of scrap metal and mounted spikes. It fit the psycho vibe this place gave off.

And he felt the exact same as last time. Waves of unrestrained power rippled off his body, nearly tangible in their force, carrying an Aura of unhinged psychosis. His eyes were particularly stinging. My Aura felt like it would be swallowed by his.

Dressed in a dirty lab coat, he jumped up as soon as we stepped foot into his territory, entering the plaza in front of the headquarters.

“Ah, my favorite deliveryman! And John! You’ve made quite the name for yourself since I last saw you. A far cry from that little kid several months ago!”

“And I still vividly remember you tearing my chest open with your bare hands.”

“Heh, a mere trick of the mind. I can see your Aura. I’ve never seen someone progress so far in such a short amount of time, not since I did so myself. Let me see you clearly.”


I was silent. I had kept Plex in front of me to hinder line of sight between us, but now he was asking to meet head on.

And I was curious myself. So I stepped forward, standing next to Plex as I stared him down.

That’s when I saw it clearly.

His Aura. It wasn’t like mine, all foggy and malleable. His was like a storm of needles, capable of piercing through all.

And at the center of that storm was an eye. A massive eye that peered straight into my mind.

As soon as I looked into it, I felt my surroundings change.

The surrounding people faded away, the ground turned black as spikes jutted from the floor all around me.

They pierced my feet, my legs, my chest. Skewered me from every possible angle while tearing my body apart with bladed protrusions.

But, through the arresting illusions, I was able to get a glimpse.

The slightest indication that all of it was fake. The smallest sign that it was all planted into my mind instead.

I was able to dissociate from the pain, just slightly, just enough for it to not be overwhelming.

He really was a warlock, which made sense since he could concoct potions and medicine. But his Aura’s ability to tamper with the mind was inconceivable. There wasn’t an ounce of mana utilized within any of these illusions.

Still, I fought back. My resistance appeared in the form of that foggy cloud that tried to wear away at all the spikes.

But it was nowhere near enough. It didn’t so much as leave a scratch. The difference between us was incredible.

And yet I was able to see the path forward.

Suddenly, I raised my hand, in it a 1911.

And I fired straight at him, the bullet bearing my Aura tearing through the illusion, piercing through several spikes between us.

But the bullet shattered before it could reach him, Apocryon’s mere thought enough to reduce it to dust. 


He mumbled and pointed a long finger at me.

A needle manifested, soaring toward me. Despite being slower than my bullets, it advanced steadily toward my forehead, even my heightened awareness unable to pull me out of the way in time.

It would’ve pierced my head if not for Plex stepping back in front of me.

“That’s enough.”


I collapsed as soon as the illusion fled, buckling as blood poured from my eyes, nose, and mouth.

Someone caught me. I was barely able to tell it was Rayla.

Without a word, she started mopping up my face.

“Focus on me.”


I stared blankly, my mind still recoiling from the sensation of having multiple needles driven through it.

What an amazing power. Through the horrible illusions I could see the remarkable skill and profound knowledge behind it.

He was capable of killing with his Aura. It was clear that I wouldn’t be going down that path, but my path wasn’t much different. 

My Aura was an extension of my mind, of my Psyka. And I would use it as such, wielding my mind, my strongest attribute, as a tool to fight others.

Previously I had been worried about subterfuge. I wanted Plex’s invisibility because it would keep me safe and allow me to use my guns with complete freedom.

But maybe I didn’t need invisibility. Maybe I just needed an illusion of it.

Knights, my most threatening foes, would be at the mercy of my powerful mind. Anyone else could be killed by my guns with relative ease.

Yes, this was it.

I lifted my head with this revelation, barely able to see Apocryon discussing something with Plex.

When he sensed my gaze though, I sent out my Aura once more, this time delivering a message to his own.

(I figured it out. Thank you.)


He suddenly laughed, startling and silencing Plex.

“To think I’ve been used! Amazing! To think you were talented enough to use me for your own gain! Pray, John Cooper, that you are simply envied and not feared! Or be doomed to the path I have walked! Do you understand me?!”


I nodded as he almost screamed at me. With every second, my mind gradually recuperated and I was eventually able to climb back to my feet.

I watched Apocryon as he made the exchange with Plex, thinking long and hard about what he said.

Be envied, not feared. I could imagine why he said that. I was already dealing with such things from nobles.

If they envied me, then they would simply hate my presence, perhaps taking some measures to get rid of me.

If they truly feared me, then I was as good as dead. They would stoop to any level to remove the threat; my days would be numbered. 

Had he gone through something like that? Everyone already feared him, and perhaps the only reason he was able to survive was because he pushed his power to the extremes that he did.

I had a feeling that he wasn’t always the psycho everyone knew him to be. People were often shaped by their circumstances and environment. Maybe Apocryon was another victim.

I took his advice to heart, starting to think that I needed to hide certain powers of mine.

Apocryon threw Plex a box, its contents only to be revealed at the auction.

A bag of gold, almost like an afterthought, was thrown over Apocryon’s shoulder as he strolled back into his headquarters. Plex caught it, only his hands and a knowing smirk visible before he vanished without a trace. 

Libitus, Rayla, and I could see the surrounding individuals start to advance on us.

The other two started prepping for combat, but I just raised my gun up and fired into the sky. 


A piercing explosion cut out the once enthusiastic would-be ambushers. Everyone froze. By now, my guns had left a permanent mark on the residents of the Trenches.

I looked around, donning my hood.

“You know who I am. Fuck off.”


Silence prevailed. Some remained frozen, others backed off or ran. I let the tension pervade for a few more seconds, then walked off.

The others walked with me, our very surroundings seeming to cringe back from our presence. 

Just like that, we left the Trenches.

Libitus chuckled.

”Just try strolling into the Trenches, they said. Easier than I’ve heard!”

“Shut up.”

“Haha, I’ll give you some of my cut as thanks for lending us your infamous name, Mr. American.”

“Don’t worry about it. Just buy me a drink tomorrow.”

“Sure thing.”

He patted my shoulder as the pain in my mind shifted from stabbing pains to a hammering headache. At least it was better than earlier. I took out a stogie to help, but much of the damage was Aura-based; a smoke could do nothing for mental debilitation.

The reason I bled at all was because of a spike in blood pressure, my body reacting negatively to the crap going on mentally. If I had spent any longer within Apocryon’s Aura, then I probably would’ve had an aneurysm.

For now, I just needed rest; recovery would come naturally.

Of course, we had to stop by our place of business first.

Plex had already arrived at the warehouse, but evidently wasn’t expecting us to return so soon.

I put my hand out, making him smirk and throw a bag of coin.

Inside was 150 thousand coin.

“Hazard pay. Now get out of here and prepare for the auction tomorrow.”


I nodded before stashing the coin.

When I turned, I saw Rayla looking at me.

She smiled and squeezed my shoulder.

“Go rest up.”

I smiled back as she walked past and received her own pay.

After wishing goodbye to Libitus as well, I left and headed to the Black Spider Hotel.

I also texted Umara, letting her know that I was fine.

Of course, she also came over once she heard that I was done. I hung around in the lobby for bit and brought her up when she arrived.

Unfortunately, I didn’t really have the energy to engage with her. She saw the smeared blood on my face and helped me clean up before both of us went to bed.

Thankfully the cigar had at least calmed my mind, allowing me to fall asleep relatively easily for someone who just had some needles driven into his brain.

I passed out with tomorrow's auction in mind. 


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