That Time an American was Reincarnated into Another World

Chapter 54: Date

“This girl is actually going to class. What a nerd.”

I laughed when I read the message on my Aerial. 

I got to the Magisterium a bit late, so classes had already started and Umara was a diligent student. 

I had wanted to skip school with her, but since she was already there, I decided I may as well go through classes too. 

Funnily enough, I was completely engaged. 

I felt like everything was far easier to understand. When I recalled all the information I had been taught, everything just slid into place. Because of that, all those subjects became so much more interesting to me. 

Thinking about those things also led me to think about all the classes and subjects I had studied on Earth. 

Another feature of my advancement was better memory, which allowed me to remember and recall things with much greater clarity. It wasn’t perfect, but I was pretty sure there would be a time in the future when I really would have perfect memory. 

So when I recalled several different topics and scientific disciplines, I was able to both understand them and get some ideas. 

Earth was well into its modernity. At least, America was. But that meant that all that information was at my disposal. 

Even though I couldn’t recall everything since I didn’t know everything to begin with, that didn’t mean I couldn’t introduce certain things to this world. 

Electronics, industry, even some obscure scientific concepts. 

I was pretty sure I had invaluable knowledge to contribute to any industry in this world. I just needed to pick which one, and I already had some ideas. 

Sawn had already shown me the door to his company. If I went to him with some knowledge he could use to either improve his products or completely revolutionize the industry, then there was no reason he wouldn’t take me in on the spot. 

Of course, this would all be for money. There really wasn’t any other benefit to doing it. After all, it would take an entire lifetime for certain pieces of technology to develop and mature. I wouldn’t be able to see the finished products in my lifetime, so I could only benefit from short term innovations. 

Not that any of that would happen right now. My top priority was simply increasing my power. For the foreseeable future, that’s all I had to care about. Money wasn’t an issue, for now. 

With those thoughts, I ended the school day. That’s when I texted Umara to meet me somewhere on campus. 

I waited around, leaning on a wall near a doorway that students used to exit the classroom building. 

Soon, I saw Umara walk out. 

I whistled at her. 

“Woah, who’s that hottie?”


Umara spun around, as did several other people nearby. 

They all looked at me, then at Umara who realized what was happening and started to flush red. 

She dipped her head and walked over, headbutting my chest. 


“You’re cute when you’re embarrassed. I can’t help it.”

I laughed and gave her a hug. 

“Hey, so how about a date tonight?”

“Wait, really? Tonight?”

“Mhm. But we’re going to skip training. Since your mother said I can take you on a tour, I’ve decided to do so.”

I smiled and recalled one of our conversations. 

Umara and I hadn’t gone three days without talking to each other. In fact, we were texting at almost every available moment while calling during our nights. During that time, she had told me about what her mother told her. 

I intended to take Duchess Talerria’s warning very seriously and keep Umara out of my business, and not just because I was scared of her warning. 

I understood Umara’s identity clearly now and knew that there were certain lines she couldn’t cross. Getting involved with the black market was one of those lines. 

But you didn’t have to get involved to be there. With me by her side, Umara would be able to expand her horizons without worrying about shady business. 

Of course, not only did she not certainly know that it was the black market that I was involved in, but she also had no idea what the black market even represented. 

It would be a jaw dropping experience, surely. 

“Skip training?”

Umara asked surprisedly, making me smirk. 

“What, are you scared?”

“Shut up. I’m just concerned about what the Puppet Master will say tomorrow when we finally show up.”

“Eh, who cares. Now let’s go.”

“Wait! I should get dressed!”

“No need.”

I laughed and dragged her out of the Magisterium. Who needed to look good for the black market? She could be dressed in rags and fit in just fine.

Like that, we made our way to the entrance. Along the way, I started to explain some things.

“So, did your mother give you a definite answer on what I do?”


“Then since we’re going there, allow me to enlighten you. I operate in the black markets.”

I gave her the answer clearly, feeling a bit weird as I said so. 

And she nodded slowly. 

“I had a feeling that was the case.”

“Yes. I’m a delivery man, and the cargo I deliver ranges wildly. I don’t ask questions, simply bringing a package from one place to another while collecting payment.”

“Oh. So what’s the weirdest thing you’ve delivered?”

“That’s a hard question… I’d say one that’s definitely up there is a finger.”

“Huh? A finger?"

"Yes, an actual severed finger.”


She cringed, making me chuckle. 

“Yea, well, that was only once. Anyway, the place I’m bringing you to now is the largest black market in the Kingdom. There are only a few ways to get in, and this is one of them. I think you’ll like it.”

Making my way down a street with Umara’s hand in mine, we promptly arrived at our first stop. 

“Welcome to the Golden Trading Post.”

“Oh, I know this place!”

Umara jumped excitedly, and her knowledge of this place didn’t surprise me. 

It was an extremely popular trading spot and it wasn’t actually within the black market. Her knowledge of it saved me my breath. 

“Alright, makes my job easy. This place is popular, but it’s also a front. One of the official entrances is here. Come on.”

Pulling her along, we arrived at a busy food shop. 

That’s where I called out. 

“Chef Black!”

“Huh? Oh! It’s John! Haha, how are you kid?!”

The big chef walked over to us, giving me a handshake and looking at Umara beside me. 

“And who’s this?”

“This is my girlfriend, Chef.”

“I’m Tally. Pleasure to meet you, Chef.”

“Hoho, how fun!”

The Chef chortled as Umara gave a curtsy with an alias, bowing a bit in response. 

Then he chuckled at me. 

“A girlfriend, huh John? It’s about damn time!”

“Well, had to find the right one, you know?”

“Hoho, how bold! Well, anyone who can catch John’s eye must be something special. Here! Allow me to treat you!”

Marching back, Chef Black grabbed us both kabobs with some juicy cubes of meat on it. 

We took them with smiles, taking a bite. 

“Oh, it’s good!”

“Haha, much appreciated.”

Chef Black gave a fancy bow, making us laugh. 

After that, he waved us through the door in the back.

“Alright, I won’t hold up your date. Head on in!”

“Thanks, Chef. For your troubles.”


I flicked a gold coin at him, which he caught before raising his hat toward us. 

“Many thanks, friend.”

With a wave, I pulled Umara into entrance. I also shifted from holding hands to linking arms, which she took happily.

Before I even arrived, the secondary door was opened for me. The man on the other end greeted me. 


“Hey Gavin.”

“Enjoy your time inside.”

He ushered us in, and like that we entered the black market proper. 

I whispered to her.

“Prepare to have your mind blown.”

“Is it that amazing?”

“Huhu, you’ll see what I mean.”

I chuckled, and soon, we arrived at the main plaza. 


Both of us suddenly stopped walking as a man flew out of a bar door and rolled across the floor at our feet. 

Another man then came running out, barreling toward his adversary with hate in his eyes. 

“You better pay for that fucking beer, you cheap sack of shit!”

“Fuck you!”


I clicked my tongue. There was always someone fighting out here. 

Umara was observing with shock too. I pulled her along though, not particularly caring to watch a drunken brawl. 

After that, I brought her through a few streets that were lined with establishments of all kinds. It was like the city, except not nearly as orderly. 

At first glance it seemed festive with all the floating lights and activity, but most of the people here were always looking for something exciting to occupy themselves with. This plaza was where those people came together and had what they considered fun. 

As we walked, I pointed out some of the unique places. 

“That’s a smithy. They can make armor, but it’s cheap crap. That’s a tailor. They’re actually pretty decent. Oh, that restaurant made me vomit, so I wouldn’t recommend it. And that place is where I bought my citizenship.”

“...How interesting.”

Umara mumbled with barely disguised disappointment, causing me to laugh. 

"Haha! You're so cute. Come on, let's keep going."

I pulled her along, and she followed almost reluctantly.

It looked like Umara was having her worldview shattered in real time. The more I showed her, the less impressed and more disgusted she became. 

Sure, the black market had some cool stuff. But it was all surrounded by degeneracy and idiots. 

Her face was especially great when we passed by a brothel street. Although we didn’t go through it, just one glance made her face warp into a sight to behold. 

We walked around for around an hour, and it was only when I brought her to a nice dessert place that she finally got some relief. 

I watched as she chowed down on a small slice of cake. 

“So? Mind blown?”

“You’re so mean. Here I am thinking it’s some mysterious haven for rich people, and then you show me what I can only describe as a scummy rat hole of the city.”

“Pfft. Well, that’s not totally inaccurate.”

I chuckled and poked my finger out, taking some frosting off her cake. 

I tasted it and nodded. 

“Mm, that’s good.”


Suddenly, she raised her fork with a piece of cake on it. 

I smiled and opened my mouth, letting her feed me. 

“Mm. Yummy.”

“Hehe, what a dork.”

She giggled while taking another bite. 

I continued to watch her for a bit before muttering. 

“So, your first assumption isn’t entirely wrong.”


“This is just one of the markets. It’s called the Founder’s Market. The other one is called the Black Spider Market, and it’s basically exactly what you’re expecting. Damned rich, over the top fancy, and ushers some of the most influential people in the kingdom.”

“Oh! We should go there!”

“Don’t worry. That’s our next stop. I just wanted to show you where I work. Well, I don’t really work here, but you know what I mean.”

“Where do you work then?”

She asked while finishing the cake, both of us standing to leave. 

I shook my head. 

“It’s a place called the Trenches, and we’re not going there. It’s basically everything you’ve seen except 100 times worse. It’s dangerous, headed by a psychotic asshole, and you get high on whatever drugs are in the air just by stepping foot into its territory. That’s the last place I’d ever bring you.”

“Oh... So why do you work there if it’s so bad?”

“Because I get paid like a pimp.”


“The paychecks are large. Anyway, we should head out.”

Linking arms, I led Umara out of the Founder’s Market and back into the city. 

We didn’t go straight to the hotel though. Instead, I brought her back to the Magisterium. 

“Back here? Is the date over?”

“As if. Now’s the time to get dressed nice. We’re heading to dinner.”

“Oh! Alright, I’ll go get ready.”

With a rosy face, Umara ran to her room while I retreated into mine. 

I threw on a nice suit after cleaning up, applying just a dash of cologne that I bought from the tailor I got the suit from. 

Once I felt I was ready, I left my room and headed toward the Magisterium’s gates, tapping my Aerial and pulling up a number. 

Soon, Umara exited the dorms. When I saw her, I was actually stunned. 

She came out in a dark purple dress that wrapped around her torso before flowing down into a slim, free skirt. It was simple, with no flamboyant frills, sparkles, or accessories. Yet, it seemed to be expertly hand made to fit her body perfectly.

And it matched her purple eyes so well. Alongside her done-up hair and a hint of makeup, she looked so amazing that I was rendered speechless. 

She brushed her hair behind her ear while walking over to me. 

“I didn’t overdress, did I?”

“...You’re absolutely beautiful.”

“T-Thank you…”

She smiled as I took her hand, entwining our fingers and making our way to the gates. 

There, a carriage awaited, one I had called on my Aerial. 

It was luxurious, one that I had seen diplomats and rich merchants use while riding through the city. And our destination was the same as many of those influential figures. 

“Black Spider Hotel.”

I spoke, and soon, the carriage moved. 

I felt hardly any vibrations while we drove, making me smile since many of these rides could be uncomfortable. 

Then, I looked back at Umara. I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off her. 

“Damn. You’re making me feel like a bum.”

“N-Nonsense! You look great! I just feel like I’ve gone a bit too far. I picked out one of my nicer dresses.”

“No no, I need to be able to match my girlfriend, not bring her down. I just have yet to go to that tailor and buy a good suit.”

I thought about the tailor the Key Master recommended to me. I didn’t care about the cost, but I had been occupied lately with fending off Hunters and advancing to Authority 4. 

I regretted that I didn’t make the time earlier. 

My suit was still nice. I had a white shirt, black slacks, nice dress shoes and a blazer. I definitely wasn’t underdressed, but a dress like hers could only be matched by a fancy tuxedo. 

Well, I didn’t worry about it that much. Still, I would need to correct this small issue the first chance I could. 

After a bit more talking, we arrived in front of the Black Spider Hotel. 

Before getting out, I took out my Platinum Bank Card, tapping it on a device the driver used to receive his payment. 

He spoke when I did so. 

“Have a good night.”

“You too man.”

With a wave, I stepped out and took Umara’s hand, helping her down the carriage before linking arms.

And so we stepped into the Hotel, the first person to greet us being the Key Master. 

He smiled widely as he saw me approach. 

“Good evening, John. And good evening, Lady Umara.”

“Hello, Key Master.”

“Good evening, Key Master.”

Umara curtsied, making the Key Master clap with a smile. 

“You both look dashing. Off to taste the delicacies of the Black Spider Market?”

“And a little tour. I wish I could bring her to an auction, but we missed the last one.”

“Well, they happen every month. Surely you’ll be able to make one soon. Until then, there is still much to see.”


I nodded, and suddenly, one of the elevators nearby dinged and opened. 

The Key Master waved us toward it. 

“I won’t hold you longer. Please, enjoy your night under the stars.”

“Will do.”

We bowed toward each other a bit before separating. 

After entering the elevator, I inserted my key and dialed in the numbers. Like that, we were taken to our destination. 

While that happened, Umara asked.

“Who’s that? You two seem friendly.”

“That’s the Key Master. He’s responsible for providing rooms in the hotel, as well as handing out the keys to allow entry into the Market. He also helped me a lot when I first came here, so I owe him.”

“I see. Also, I saw that Card you pulled out in the carriage. My mother has one of them that looks just like it.”

“That doesn’t surprise me.”

I smirked a bit as the elevator doors suddenly opened. 

And we stepped out, greeted by the floating lights and stone brick streets of the Black Spider Market. 

Umara’s eyes sparkled as she looked around at the opulent buildings and rich individuals that walked down the sidewalks. 

“Welcome to the Black Spider Market.”

“It’s nice! Now this is what I was expecting!”

She laughed as we started walking, excited to see a mystical place that didn’t resemble the slums. Along the way I pointed out some of the places we passed like the Polaris Bank. I also explained some things to her, such as my Bank Card and the auctions I had mentioned. 

“The auctions sound interesting. Are the items really valuable there?”

“Let’s just say that the people who buy stuff from it are far richer than I am.”

“Oh? And just how rich are you?”

“Hey now, what if you just want to use me for my money?”

I poked her in the side, obviously joking around. She could probably move far more money than I could any day. 

Sure enough, my words made her chuckle mischievously. 

“Hoho, maybe I just want to know if my boyfriend needs any help. After all, the bill for tonight is sure to be big.”

“I can handle a restaurant bill no problem, you needn’t worry. And I’ve only stashed what I could from all my jobs. It’s not enough to live like a king, but enough to pay for everything I need along with a bit of luxury. I at least don’t need to work while I’m at the Magisterium.”

“Hmm, sounds like you’ve worked hard. Unfortunately I can’t relate as the daughter of a Duchess.”

“How spoiled.”

“Am not! I’ve worked very hard for my power, and unlike other nobles, I don’t get showered with stipends or rich allowances. The most valuable things I have are my robes and staff.”

“I know, I know.”

I wrapped my arm around her and squeezed a bit in comfort.

After that, we approached the Caviar Restaurant. At the door, there was a host who smiled at us in greeting. 


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