That Time an American was Reincarnated into Another World

Chapter 149: Pathfinders

I saw the cold before I felt it. 

When the Rail surfaced to enter the Terminal, I looked out the window and saw clear skies and an endless expanse of snowy mountains. A slight chill graced the cabin moments after. 

I pulled up my coat’s collar. It was also black and looked similar to the summoner’s coat I had received to go with my fatigues. I figured it wouldn’t be an issue to wear it instead of the standard uniform, especially when the weather was so extreme. 

Still, it seemed I’d have to get used to being cold. Though, given the fact that I had socks, pants, a coat, and hood that was all temperature controlled, I’m not sure if I’d actually have an issue. 

Not long after, we glided into the terminal. I grabbed my bag and stepped out, instantly feeling the cold’s bite on my face and hands. 

This base didn’t seem active. There was a squad or two of soldiers alongside me that had stepped out, as well as plenty of supplies to be unloaded. But at first glance, comparing the base with something like Purple Sky was almost like an insult to the massive microcity. 

Stronghold Charlie was on the westmost edge of the frontlines. Further to the left were more mountains before one reached the coast. I was actually on the border of the Bloody Sea now, though it wasn’t like I’d be taking any trips out on a boat. 

Still, it was obvious what this base’s purpose was: keeping the Scourge away from strategic flanks. They might not come with the ferocity they did at other bases because of the terrain, but those that did come were no doubt specialized. Less numerous, stronger, and harder to find. 

I was starting to see why I was sent here. 

Though my Crown was off the books, I was still a ranged fighter with exceptional single target lethality. In a place like this, ranged fighters were more valuable than close combatants. 

I walked onto the base with those thoughts. I had my orders. I was to find Commander Pollux and report for duty. 

Fortunately, I wouldn’t have to go looking for him. 

My eyes caught a man with a shoulder sporting three stripes and three arrows, the insignia of an A-7 Commander. Then, there was the nametag that said T. Pollux. The only confusing part was how he was Authority 8, a level higher than his rank indicated.

The man wasn’t large and wore the fatigues of a warlock. He was several inches shorter than me and I faintly sensed some water mana. That’d be useful in this place.

I walked up to him and saluted. Although I now had two ranks, Corporal and Officer, I defaulted to my Intelligence rank. 

“Officer Cooper, reporting to Commander Pollux on the General’s orders.”

“Mm. Good to see you, Cooper. Welcome to Stronghold Charlie. Come with me, and I’ll get you acquainted with your new life here.”

I dropped the salute when he extended out his hand. I shook it before following him into the base. 

My breath let out visible vapor as we walked. This was a military base, but in order to handle the snow, the rooftops of the buildings were slanted, giving it a more homely vibe that almost let me ignore the metal and stone construction. 

Interestingly, there were enchanted conduits along the stone brick roads that melted snow, the remaining streams of water being diverted into a drain system. I didn’t know where it went, but it would be ingenious if it was brought to a purifier to be used for the base’s water supply. 

Commander Pollux spoke. 

“I’ve read of your exploits, Cooper. I’m sure you’ve been told many times, but there’s never been a summoner quite like you. Outstanding ranged lethality. I’ve also seen some of your mission records. Your performance was noteworthy in every case. But it’s also clear you need to operate in a squad. Your strengths are just as clear as your weaknesses.”

“Yes sir. I’m quite the glass cannon.”

“Hm… a fitting phrase. I’m glad you’re self aware too. So you must understand that, given the attention on you and the often unpredictable nature of our operations here, I find it difficult to find a suitable place for you that doesn’t immediately put your life at risk. Nevertheless, you’ve been placed in my platoon, so it will be done. Hopefully the position I’ve assigned you is a place where you can thrive. I have no doubt your lethality will become a great asset to us should we succeed.”

“I’ll do my best.”

I smiled a bit. This guy was basically saying that he hoped I’d be able to survive long enough to be of value. 

I didn’t mind being of value, but why were we acting like my survival was a casual topic of little concern? Was that not supposed to be my primary goal in all this?

I internally shrugged, filing the thought away for later, and continued following him. 

We came upon some residences where he led me to an empty room. I guess since this base was emptier than normal, there were enough rooms for everyone. 

He had me drop off my bag there before I was brought to the headquarters building. 

“You’re a summoner, no doubt fit for an intelligence role. However, we also want you in the field where we can take advantage of your lethality. After some consideration I decided to give you a relatively new position. It was only created when we got the Aerial nodes. You’ll be our communications liaison. The Intelligence personnel here at headquarters relay information to us while we’re in the field, but since we may be busy if there’s a fight, we need someone to act on that information for us. That’s where you come in. First, I’d like you to meet one of our Handlers. You two will be frequently talking to each other.”

I was led into a large room with several magical screens that displayed maps and pages of information. There were tables all around with papers and Intelligence personnel sitting behind them. There were devices, similar to Aerials, but cruder and larger, mounted on the tables like a landline. 

And behind one was a mature woman with short deep blue hair and a dark face. She looked perpetually depressed and angry. 

She saw us approaching and turned. 

“Polly. This is the newbie.”

“Nice to meet you, ma’am.”

I gave a quick salute when I saw the three arrows signifying a Colonel. She was also a summoner, it looked like. I could feel the power of her mind through what little Aura she had. 

She nodded plainly. 

“John Cooper. I wish I got promoted right out of academy.”


I just smiled. It wasn’t like I had any excuses for it. 

She leaned back into her seat. 

“Whatever. I’m hoping you at least won’t hold us back. I’ve heard what you’ve done at the Magisterium but all of that hardly matters out here. Everything beyond the walls of this base is hostile. Everything that walks and crawls wants to kill you and burrow into your corpse for the little bit of warmth it may offer. For your sake, I hope you adapt quickly. Such a high profile kid dying here will only stain our record.”

“Don’t worry ma’am. I don’t want me to die either.”

“Whether or not you die isn’t up to you. If you can die, you will die. So don’t put yourself in the position to. Thankfully, you’ll have me in your ear. If you get your leg bitten off, you’ll at least be able to hear me say ‘I told you so.’”

“Duly noted.”

I couldn’t help but grin a bit. I didn’t sense a lick of hostility in her Aura, just someone who had no filter and said it as it was. I quite liked those kinds of people. Though, the apathy I sensed from her was a bit disheartening. I could imagine that she was a bit jaded after years of being in the military. 

She looked down and tapped the Aerial on her desk. 

“Connect your Aerial to this. This is my personal Aerial and if you get contacted by it, you better answer. Failing to do so will be met with severe disciplinary action. On the other hand, you are only allowed to contact this number when specified or during operating hours. Outside of operating hours, there better be a damn good reason for you to call. If not, I’ll have your balls. Is that clear?”

“Crystal clear, ma’am.”

I gave an acknowledgment before exchanging contact info. The screen on her Aerial device flashed and added my name to the contact list. 

She nodded. 

“Good. Since you’re a summoner it’ll be easier to communicate. Still, you’re going to have to memorize some maps and learn your way around the terrain. Getting lost is just as dangerous as encountering Royals. I'm transferring you a map.”


I was transferred some data, and a map popped up on my Aerial. Like with an Orb projector, I could interact with the map and focus on all the little details. 

After that, she waved. 

“If there’s nothing more, I need to get back to work. Pollux, is he going out tomorrow?”

“I was planning on bringing him along since it's routine.”

“Alright. I’ll put it in the logs. Just remember he’s a summoner and prepare accordingly.”

“Of course.”

Pollux smiled and walked off. I trailed behind him, taking one last glance at Polly as she went back to filling out papers. 

He chuckled.

“She’s a hard ass for protocol. And now, you get to deal with her. Just know you’ll probably be in charge of mission reports from now on too.”

“... Understood.”

I clicked my tongue. Seemed I’d have to handle the bureaucracy since I was the summoner. 

After walking around a bit more, we came upon what looked like a barracks. 

I heard the boisterous interior before the door even opened. A recreation area greeted us as we entered. There were a few dozen people here, all of them turning their heads from their tables, games, and conversations. 

Mostly men, and some women, all scrutinized me as one spoke. 

“Is that the new guy, Commander?”

“Damn, he’s tall!”

“Yes. All of you listen up! This is Officer Cooper. He’s the new Communications Liaison for our Pathfinder Platoon. Andrea, you no longer have to deal with mission reports.”

“Fucking finally!”

One female warlock let out a cry of relief.

“As for his position, Cooper is a ranged fighter. I’ll be assigning one of you to be his partner in the field. For the time being, that person will be his protection until we decide whether or not he needs it. He’ll be coming with us on our scouting mission tomorrow. Either way, get yourselves prepared tonight. We leave an hour before sunset tomorrow morning.”

“Yes sir.”

“Hey new guy!”

One guy shouted shortly after, catching my attention. He was a knight, Authority Six from first glance. He flicked his head from a spot on a couch. 

“Your face looks like it got chewed up by a snowrat. What’s with that?”


I chuckled a bit. It was true that I had a few scars on my face. Thankfully it didn’t quite put me on the level of deformity. 

I shrugged. 

“Eh, you know. Just a little bit of personality.”

“Well that’s one fucking way to put it. Ever consider putting a bag over your head? Might save us some trouble.”

“And rob the ladies of this beautiful visage?”

I stroked my chin with a smile, feeling a healthy layer of stubble. The knight snorted.

“Hah! You think you’re ever gonna get a girl, you fucking virgin?”

“Well with that attitude, you certainly aren’t. So someone’s gotta, eh?”

A few people chortled to the side. The knight’s face fell from cocky arrogance to something more violent. 

“Fucking summoner. I think you’re forgetting who’s got the power here.

“Hey now, what’s with all the hostility, man? Can’t we all just get along? We could be buddies!”

“The fuck? You think I’d associate with a little bitch like you?”

“Alright, then let’s get to the part where you shut the fuck up, please. It’s not like I find this sudden pissing contest particularly enjoyable either.”

I sighed and brought out a cigar, lighting it and taking a few puffs. I really didn’t know what this guy’s problem was. 

Then, in the corner of my eye, I saw the gleam of a knife. A 1911 appeared in my hand as I lifted my head, the knight throwing the knife as I raised it. 

It was heading for the side, not at me. I tracked it with my eyes and hand, using a bit of Psyka and time dilation before pulling the trigger. 

The explosion of the gun was the only thing audible as the knife suddenly went flying the other way. It clattered on the floor to the side. A wisp of smoke rose from my barrel.

Needless to say, that shut people up. 

The knight took a few seconds to process what happened, the two of us staring at each other, before suddenly standing. Then, Pollux put up his hand. 

“Stand down. Cooper, apologize to First Sergeant Eric. He doesn’t have his stripes on, but he still outranks you.”

“Ah. My deepest apologies, First Sergeant.”

I gave a sharp salute, smiling a bit as Eric smoldered. 

Then, Pollux waved. 

“Let’s go check you into the armory.”

“Yes sir.”

I nodded and went to walk out with Pollux, though not before he got in the last word.

“Ugly motherfucker.”


I stopped and turned, shooting him a half smile of disappointment and slight contempt. Then I just went and walked through the door. 

Pollux smirked. 

“Don’t worry about him. He’s always been a bit of a… fiery personality.”

“So I’ve heard. Speaking of ranks, sir. I was told that I could put in for a promotion to Captain? Apparently there’s a test?”

“Oh, yes, you can. That would be something for Colonel Polly to handle. Go find her during your free time.”

“Understood. As for Eric, should I expect more warm welcomings like his?”

Pollux chuckled again.

“I don’t think so. You must understand that everyone here is relatively independent. When we head into the Crags and mountains, teams are separated and on their own. We don’t defend walls here. We go out and hunt our enemies. We split off into pairs or singles and set up traps and stalk ambush sites. We also get ambushed and are forced to either consolidate and defend, or disperse. Ranks mean less. The chain of command is useless out there where everyone has to fend for themselves. That means interpersonal relationships are both less important and unique. That also gives me the challenge of finding someone who will be your partner when you go out there.”

“... If I may give my opinion on the matter.”


“I’d prefer a knight for a partner, but I’d sooner go out on my own than get paired with someone like Eric. Anybody who isn’t hellbent on making my life difficult for no good reason.”

“Hm, noted.”

Pollux nodded as we arrived at the armory. There, we met the clerk, Josh. 

“Hey Josh.”


“Get Officer Cooper here checked in and equipped with the basics.”

“Cooper, come find me in the Garage when you’re done.”

“Yes sir.”

I saluted him before he walked off. After that, I turned to Josh and got started. 

The basic package here was primarily cold gear. Not everyone was fortunate enough to be gifted Warm Socks from the head of the Polaris Family, and you wouldn’t survive here without layers. 

So I was given a set of standard issue clothing. A thick fur lined long coat, two pairs of pants, two pairs of a wool long sleeve shirt, some nice boots, insulating socks, and a balaclava. 

All of the gear was camouflaged for snow too. They had white and black designs across them, though I was curious as to how effective camo was against Scourge monsters and Scouts. Vision was vision, but when magic was factored into it, there was a whole other layer of complexity. 

Once I was given all that, I signed a contract stating that the given items were merely loans. Should they be damaged in the line of duty, then they would need to be turned in and then replaced. If I lost them, I would need to pay for it. And at the end of my assignment here at this base, I would have to turn everything in. Standard military things. 

After that, Josh moved on to one more order of business. 

“I received two shipments for you, the first from Armor Production and Requisitions. No need for payment. Here.”

Josh pushed over a box with a letter pinned to the corner. 

Then, he pointed to a bigger box to the side. 

“Second shipment is from Sawn Industries. I’ll need an ID imprint for that.”


I handed him my ID, which he used to sign a document. 

Once I got it back, he rested his hands on his hips.

“Can you bring these back, or do you need help?”

“I should be able to.”

I walked over to the box of armor. Taking that into my armband storage was easy. Then walked over to the huge box from Sawn. That one had to go into my personal storage. 

Josh shrugged. 

“Alright then. I’ve got nothing more for you. If you need repairs or more gear, you know where to find me. Just know you’ll have to buy any gear beyond your issued stuff.”

“Sure. Thank you, sir.”


With a wave, I left the armory, everything I received inside my storage. 

Since I didn’t need to drop everything off immediately, I went to the Garage where Pollux was standing around. 

The Garage was just that. It stored all the vehicles this base used, larger than a hangar and taking up a huge chunk of the base. There were several dozen vehicles, from magic bikes to Steeds. Almost every vehicle was modified for the rough and snowy terrain, as well as painted to match our camo. 

Pollux waved me over. 

“This here is the Garage. Almost every deployment beyond the walls of this base will be in one of these vehicles. You know how to drive any of these things?”

“Yes sir. I should be able to drive all of them.”

“Good to know, though for now, you won’t be. Once you get the gist of how we operate, you’ll probably become a driver. I’ll test you when that time comes. Still, get used to the sight of these babies. Transport can sometimes take longer than the mission. And occasionally, you may sleep in them.”


“Did you get everything from Josh? I heard you got some packages.”

“Yes sir.”

“Good. There’s more that we use, things like traps, sensors, and camping gear. But you get those things when you deploy.”


“Good. Now, relax for a little bit. Alpha Platoon should be returning soon.”

Pollux grabbed a nearby stool used by some maintenance personnel in the Garage. I grabbed one as well. 

Then, we waited for a while. Sure enough, there was a distinct alarm as the front gates of the base flung open. 

Six Steeds flew through, as well as a dozen bikes. The Auras of those who rode them practically towered. I sensed one Authority 10, five Authority 9s, and an assortment of 8s and 7s. 

A really powerful platoon. There were about 40 of them from a quick count. While there wasn’t anybody in our platoon who was below Authority 6 except me, they still couldn’t match these guys, not by a long shot. 

Pollux mumbled. 

“Alpha Platoon, otherwise known as the Snow Doves, is in charge of most of the search and destroy missions. They fight the strong ones. Royals and Unique monsters. As for us, we’re often in charge of recon, trap setting, and sensor placement. I’ll tell you more about those things tomorrow on our mission, but basically, we’re the ones who pave the way for those guys so they can do what they do best.”


I nodded while watching them roll into the Garage, quickly hopping out with enthusiasm. I glanced around and found patches on their shoulders, ones that sported white doves in front of blue backgrounds, the source of their nickname. It seemed like their mission had gone well, though I quickly sniffed out some blood. Human blood. 

“Healer! One wounded over here!”

“On it!”

“It’s just a spear to the leg. I’ll be fine.”

The wounded knight waved off the excessive concern, though still allowed himself to be treated. He was generally battered and bruised, so he had probably taken a beating before getting speared. 

I watched the healers cast a couple of small spells before talking with the knight and getting him moved to the medical bay. Pollux elbowed me. 

“Just so you know, both of our platoons have healers who deploy with us. They are there for emergency on-site treatment. Basically, they’ll keep you from dying until we get back to base. Normally, you won’t get fully repaired since if you’re getting hurt, the battle isn’t going well. They’re still mages capable of combat. So they can’t devote all their energy to healing.”

“Mm. No matter what, it’s great that they’re there.”

“Yes, and since you’re a ranged fighter, they will be the people you must focus on protecting. You understand why they have to be the last people to get hurt, right?”

“Yes sir.”

“Good. Well Cooper, I’ve got nothing more for you today. Go situate yourself and settle. Your first mission starts tomorrow. Keep an eye on your Aerial for instructions from Polly.”

“Yes sir.”

We both stood and saluted before going our separate ways, the bustle from the Garage fading away.

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