Tesslia: Can I Survive Being a Pet of a Sadistic Vampire?

Chapter 68: Since We’re Here, Might as Well Explore Some More!


Chapter 68: Since We’re Here, Might as Well Explore Some More!

(Tesslia’s POV)

A loving sex session with my wife later, I crawled out of bed. Rosey had been left in space for a long time, and she really just wanted to rest. Given this imprisonment, she was going to use it as an excuse to get said rest after so long. As for me… I really liked the idea of me exploring this place more.

Varesta: “Ah, Tesslia. I have been meaning to find you for something.” She said, stopping me in my tracks.

Tesslia: “What do you need?” I ask in reply.

Varesta: “You’re very beautiful, so I would love it if you could give me a chance to paint you.” She answered.

Tesslia: “Hm? Well, I don’t mind.” I agree.

Varesta: “Great! Come find me later, as I am still working on a different piece right now.” She said as she excitedly ran away.

I won’t lie. I do, in fact, find the artist girl somewhat cute. Not in any romantic sense, mind you. Rather, she was just cute. She was like a young woman that you’d want to protect. Actually… aren’t most of the girls here like that?

Blair is supposedly asexual, so does she perhaps just get off to protecting weak girls? It is hard to say, as I have barely spoken to that woman. Hell, Blair even knew what kind of clothes I like, and my room was filled with them. There were even clothes that Rosey liked as well, which gives us even more oddly mixed signals from Blair…

Some Exploration Later.

I talked to more of the girls, and they told me something very interesting. Apparently, Blair is more than willing to let them go if they want to leave. Of course, give someone such treatment and… why would even think of leaving?

This housing complex was big, but not too big. It was the perfect size to where you wouldn’t feel cramped or feel like the space was too big. Blair clearly spent a lot of energy in designing this place.

Some of the girls have even tried to seduce Blair, but they never managed to succeed in doing so. Blair seemed adamant that she only had these girls here for her to protect and pamper them. And I am supposed to believe that woman was dangerous and horrible space pirate, one that is still recorded in history? How absurd…


Anyway, I was relaxing out on the long path, which went a bit into the lush greenery in front of this complex. Small birds were chirping around, and it was very peaceful. This spot was nice to relax at. I would be enjoying it further… but it seemed to be a date spot.

Girls Flirting!

Perhaps it was due to how they have been here for a long time, but a few of the girls had gotten together with each other. Seeing them interact… I was very impressed. Though there was a missing element to their relationship, sex, the couples were just as lovey-dovey and my wives and I are like.

Which just makes me miss them more… Rosey’s love isn’t enough. I need the love of all of them combined! It was odd… but deep down; I felt like there was another person missing in my life. I just never expected that said missing person would… just so happen to be one of the women who kidnapped me away from my other wives.

Slightly in a downer mood, I made my way over to Varesta’s room. What I saw when I entered was… Well, it was just a bunch of her art pieces. But what she asked of me… was what shocked me greatly. What is her deal!?

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