Tesslia: Can I Survive Being a Pet of a Sadistic Vampire?

Chapter 28: I was Played!❤️


Chapter 28: I was Played!

(Tesslia’s POV)

Glancing up at the ceiling, I was ashamed beyond belief… With prior sexual relations, I could use me being a weak human as an excuse to not go on for a long time.

With my treatment, I no longer had such an excuse. In truth, I could actually stay awake for well over a week. That is, if I wanted to.


Risa: “Your reactions are so amazing… Look how wet you’ve made our hands. Not to mention how wet you’ve made the bed.” She giggled with a lewd tone.

Karlena: “Good girl.” She seductively praised, rubbing my head.

While nude as can be, Karlena and Risa were still dressed up in pretty dresses. Even being dressed, the women were playing with my body.

Like my pleasureful moans, and twisting body, was something that got them off personally, the two women didn’t even care about their own pleasure.

Tesslia: “A-ah~… You two are g-going to drive me insane~!” I happily moaned out.

Karlena: “That’s fine.” She said with a smile.

Risa: “Yes, you can go crazy. No matter how silly you end up… I can surely fix your cute little mind.” She said before taking my lips.


This sex, one which my pleasure is the sole focus, had gone on for… two days, I think? Once she was satisfied with the kiss, Risa started to lick my neck. Following her mother’s example, Karlena did the same.


As they sucked my blood, the women didn’t forget to pleasure me into oblivion. A while ago, I moaned out that question, which was answered. Yes, me feeling pleasure does, in fact, make my blood taste better.

Which was evident, with how the two would pick up speed, and pleasure me with even more intent and skill. My kitten was petted by them endlessly, slowly becoming theirs and theirs alone. Hell, if this was some stupid doujin, my sex would have reformed to suit their fingers and tongues…

They truly loved the taste of my blood… Risa said that she stopped drinking blood wine, and the blood from her pets. The same went for Karlena.

Tesslia: “More~!” I moaned with a perverted girl.

As they were sucking my blood, there was no verbal reply. Though they did pick up the intensity, with them each starting to fondle my breasts.

During this, I just looked up at the ceiling. I had really no input in this sexual encounter, the two were fully in control. For me… I was just to lie here, and be a good girl, accepting their loving pleasure.

And… despite being a virgin, I never expected that I would not only be continually treated like an innocent virgin girl, but that I would enjoy it as well…


Jointly, mother and daughter fingered my flower, easing a squirt out of my battered kitten, much to my pleasure. As my waist lifted up in the air, the two did the final suck, which they said was always the best.

Risa: “I’m addicted to her already.” She stated, after licking the bite wound.

Karlena: “That’s good. Now you’ll protect her just as well as I do. Just imagine if another woman got their lustful hands on her…” She replied, doing the same.

Risa: “We’ll have to keep her a secret as long as possible. Tesslia surely isn’t fully ours yet. We need to make her fall further for us.” She said with a serious tone.

Karlena: “I agree. Until she is fully ours… we must keep her locked up in my estate.” She agreed.

The conversation went on like it was normal, all the while they lovingly and softly rubbed my sex to coax me out of my orgasm. My mind was too sexed up to join in on their oddly terrifying discussion, let alone speak any words. I was panting like crazy…

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