Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #8

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 8

Technomancer in MCU


Washington D.C.

–Alexander Pierce–

Adjusting my tie, I got ready to meet with the fellow Heads of H.Y.D.R.A.

Unfortunately, the situation in New York has only gone from bad to worse. Despite my word that I would handle it, the other heads want reassurances.

Shaking my head, I thought of the new variable that has popped up out of nowhere with the potential to upend the entire board casually by his lonesome.

The best and worst thing about the situation was the dangling juicy pie that is the technology employed by that man during the invasion.

It was technology, which can be replicated and distributed to every player on the planet. It wasn’t a serum that has been costing multiple organisations ludicrous amounts of money to make and even if they did succeed, all it would do is make a super-soldier. A single soldier, no matter how enhanced, will not be able to stand up to the might of the technology that they saw.

His contacts had already reported the movements of China, Russia, India, hell even the North Koreans had sent spies to find out if they could get some of the technology.

Shaking my head, I snorted, “Like those fools would ever get anything.”

The computer pinged, signaling the start of the meeting.

As I made myself comfortable on my chair, the screen lit up and the silhouettes of all the other H.Y.D.R.A. heads were displayed.

“What is going to be our next step, Alexander? You assured us that the team Fury was assembling was a one-shot trick and it would never work out. The scenes we have witnessed show them working out quite well.”, Strucker questioned.

“Yes yes. And what of that unknown variable and all the technology he has at his disposal. Where did he come from and how was he able to remain hidden from all our assets?”, came the hurried question from Whitehall.

“The healing technology they possess. Imagine what I could do with that. The survival rate of our experiments might shoot through the roof. We might even become immortal.”

I could literally feel him salivating at the thought of possessing their healing technology, through the screen.

Disgusting!, I thought.

“Like I said, we don’t yet need to do anything. I know Fury and he will never let this big of an unknown leave without having his curiosity satisfied.”, I replied.

“He will ask all the questions for us.”

“With that information, we can easily get the technology for us.”

I grinned, “After all, it will not be the first time that S.H.I.E.L.D. has some technology shipments stolen from them.”

Suddenly, an alarm sounded on the screens.

A file popped up on my dashboard.

“What is it, Supreme Leader?”, came the mocking voice of Strucker.

I glared at the screen, then opened the file with a sigh.

The contents of the file left me reeling in shock.

The silence probably spooked them since Whitehall asked again in a serious voice, “What happened, Pierce?”

The other leaders were in their respective bunkers with only a single secure H.Y.D.R.A. communication line between them, so it was only natural none of them knew about the current happenings in New York.

I soundlessly shared the footage.

Unsurprisingly, there were audible gasps of surprise between them.

The video showed the extraordinary feat of them essentially quarantining a significant section of a City with three of their aircraft carriers. 

This changed everything. It meant that they could essentially dominate any place on the planet. Crush any rebellion anywhere.

This was their answer to Project: INSIGHT.

They were all taken aback by the seriousness in Gideon’s voice when he said, “Alexander. We can’t let that man get out of there alive.”



Came the resounding agreement from the other two.

“Let’s not be hasty. There is still time. Maybe Fury’s team will pull through.”

“We can not trust those Freaks with this. They are uncontrollable weapons at best and you know it, Pierce.”, argued Whitehall.

With a sigh, he agreed, “But how do you intend to kill him? Remember, this will also kill all the other Avengers. Stark can still be of use to us.”

“Let them die. They will need to go when Project: INSIGHT comes online anyway. I say good riddance.”, said Strucker.

“Very well. I’ll make sure that the pilot is not traced back to us in any way.”

Hail H.Y.D.R.A.”, I shouted.

Hail H.Y.D.R.A.”, came the equally excited reply.

Rubbing my forehead from the stress of it all, slumping slightly, I ordered the strike.

Getting up and Opening a bottle of whiskey, I dial a call.

“..Hello, connect me to POTUS, Priority Yellow.”


A weary voice replied, “What is it, Secretary Pierce? If you aren’t aware, I am dealing with a crisis over here.”

“Yes, sir. I was meaning to talk to you about the same. I have reason to believe Director Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. is compromised and might be a part of the organisation that has intervened in today’s battle.”

“....I’m listening.”, he replied after a moment of silence.

The President was an intelligent man, he understood my intent immediately.

After all, be it for the invasion or their intelligence failure regarding the new variable, somebody had to take the blame.

With Fury’s headstrong nature, he would have never approved the strike and once he learns of it, he will not stop until he unearths everything.

Better to nip that dangerous possibility in the bud.

The Helicarrier

–Nick Fury–

While the portal was has yet to be closed, the whole world was watching with bated breaths what was going to happen next.

If only I could get a hold of any of them there, I would have asked them what the hell they were doing.

Aliens continued to pour out en-masse through the portal and the team had apparently given up on protecting the city as they were floating outside the shield, apparently watching the slow destruction of the city.

Through drone footage, I could see that they had captured Loki and it seemed to hold this time but why were they not doing anything to close the portal.

“Hill”, I shouted, “Any success in contacting Stark?”

“Negative, sir. All attempts at communication with the team have failed.”, she replied.

“Still, the fact that they can do that is astounding.”, she remarked after a while of silence.

With a sigh, I replied, “Yes, Hill. That is impressive but it would have been more impressive if they could contain the damage to the city and close than goddamned portal above the city.”

“Any luck in figuring out a way to close that damn thing?”, I questioned her.

“The analysts and the lab's people have yet to find anything. Sorry, sir.”

I waved her off, “Not your fault.”

I turned around on the bridge to look at the drone footage showing them sitting on chairs and listening to the man talk, “Let’s hope they find something to do that.”


With a shrieking sound, alarms began to blare throughout the facility.

Hill ran to her seat and her face paled.

She took another look at the panel and promptly ran away towards the runway.

Eyes widening, I realised what was happening and took off after her.

I reached her just in time to see her shoot a rocket and take down a bird.

Sighing in relief, I was about to approach her when the sound of a second jet reached our ears.

Both of our faces lost colour as we turned around and saw a bird had taken flight.

Face rapidly wilting, she asked me, “What do we do now, sir.?”

“Seal everything. Make sure no one even thinks of going near one of the birds. Take their wings off if you have to.”, I ordered her.

Running back to the bridge, I pray to God that somebody finds out about the bird before it is too late.

“Stark, can you hear me? Stark? Widow? Barton? Captain? Anybody?”

Slumping slightly, I limp back to the bridge, vowing to make sure that whoever did this will pay.


Word Count - 1407

Next Chapter - Stark POV

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