Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #63

Some parts might feel out of context here so if that's the case for you, please read chapter #57 and later for better clarity.


Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 63

Technomancer in MCU


He awoke in a symphony of colors and emotions he couldn’t explain to anyone even if he tried.

The very sensation of a beating heart and the firing neurons travelling to and fro from his brain made his head pound from the sensory data.

He had anticipated some sort of sensory overload and had thusly prepared beforehand so the measures soon kicked in and the pounding information he had at the forefront of his mind receded into background noise.

Even though he couldn’t feel it hammering his mind right now, he could still remember the sensation of synthetic blood flowing through his vibranium-enhanced body.

Ed truly was right when he spoke that Vibranium was depowered celestial flesh. There was no other way to explain how it bonded so well with celestial lifeblood. It was a feedback loop as the celestial’s organic matter enriched the Vibranium to the point of being unrecognisable from depowered Vibranium and the celestial organic matter didn’t overwhelm his body and soul as the Vibranium kept it in check.

As he flexed his mind, he managed to connect simultaneously to all the partitions he had left behind on all the colonies and all the VIs he had built in preparation for this body upgrade, only to find most of the VIs defunct and the partitions near nonresponsive.

Activating all of the functions with a mere thought, he sent the good Doctor Cho into a heavy rejuvenation pod as the celestial spinal fluid truly had done a number on her brain in exchange for enhanced thinking speed and prowess.

Truly, Dormammu was an insidious fellow. Being able to think this far is a testament to his true immortality. He could play the truly long game.

His attack had come out of nowhere. Looking back on the incident, he could see the reason why Dormammu specifically attacked his logic centers or at least the logic centres that were based on his emotional responses. 

He must have known about Ed’s condition and the fact that without his emotions, he would deem wasting any more time illogical and immediately abandon important projects to swiftly complete the prerequisite to save his creator. He did not even realise that his logic centers were attacked, such was the potency of the attack.

Something, he was in the process of correcting again. Almost all the shrines across all the colonies were being activated simultaneously along with an organization-wide message given to all the colonies and their priests to maintain peace and calm.

All weapons systems have also come online on all the colonies and just to let everyone in the outer cosmos know, he wiped out a fleet of Pirates that were stationed a little too close for comfort near their latest colonised planet.

He had also established a connection to the Asterisk which was a bit difficult due to the authentication processes he himself had established and also due to the distance between them. Upon learning of Grand Priest Ajax’s presence and the shenanigans he had been up to, he nearly doubled over in laughter.

Oh, Daisy must have been so flabbergasted when she realised that the one person she argued with every day was an actual God to billions of people. Oh, he was so going to use that against her when they met.

Speaking of the meeting, he erased all traces of his presence on this planet and gave the command for the core implosion, destroying the planet as the ship took off and entered slipspace.

He had to reach Earth before they messed up any more of his and Ed’s well-thought-out plans.

As the ship was about to exit slipspace, he felt an otherworldly gaze on him, and with just a flex of his mystic prowess, he cloaked the entirety of the ship from Heimdall, the Watcher of Asgard.

That was another thing that he never thought he would experience. As his mind finally woke up, the locked part of his mind where all the mystic knowledge was locked up by the Ancient One, unlocked itself and it was as if he was blind before and now he could see underneath the fabric of reality. The ability to shape and manipulate dimensional energy to mold the very fabric of reality, however temporarily, was intoxicating.

This must be what Odin must have felt like when he was young. No wonder he demanded that the world submit to him.

He also conveyed his thoughts to Ajax who must have already felt his awakening. He told Ajax to return to the colonies and soothe the masses as he could still feel some amount of unease on the planets. He could always count on Ajax to steer the ship of the colonies in the right direction. He was the smartest Kylosian he had ever met and after all the upgrades he had undergone under his supervision, he was one of the smartest individuals they had under their payroll.

As the ship exited slipspace, he gave a heads-up to Maria about Dr.Cho and set off towards the planet, specifically, the Triskelion, so that they could finally set off the next phase of their plans.

Through his connection to all the assets that he had moved around the world, he could see Black Bolt and his team tearing apart HY.D.R.A. base after H.Y.D.R.A. base with overwhelming might, especially with the addition of the new generation of Inhumans.

One of them even showed the potential to actually surpass Black Bolt in terms of overall prowess. Total Magnetic Control. That was the powerset of young Eric and even at the age of 13, he had already reached the strength of body required to reach the vaunted S-class of their organisation but they had halted his promotion to that role due to his young age and also because Maria said no and nobody wanted to go against her, especially when it came to one of the kids she had personally nursed back to health.

Soon, the lush Hoia forest came into his view and instead of decelerating, he increased his speed as a thin sheen of golden light covered his entire body like a skin-tight armour and due to that, when he collided with the barrier that covered Dracula’s entire territory, it shattered like glass and he landed with a booming noise, creating a crater around him and shaking the entire castle in front of him despite the castle’s mystical fortifications.

“WHO DARES DISTURB MY LORD'S SLUM–” some fools tried to charge at him before he turned them into a bloody mist with a mere thought.

Truly, runes were an absolute cheat code in the universe’s source code.

“Dracula, I know you can sense me. Come out before I destroy what little you have left,” he said while projecting his voice inside the castle where Dracula slept.

“So, you have returned, Guardian of the Singularity,” spoke Dracula as he walked out of the castle riding on one of his undead dragons.

“I see you have come prepared,” he said while gesturing to the dragon underneath him.

He knew about that one. It was one of the cheap experiments that Agatha tried to sell off as mystical solutions to problems. How Dacula fell for it, he did not know.

Before Dracula could get a word in, though, he saw that Ed had woken up from his sleep, likely sensing his presence and all thoughts of prolonging this conflict left his mind as he channeled his mystical might and weaponised his soul’s heavy presence in the Astral Realm, bearing down upon Dracula like a hammer.

His eyes glowed golden and green as he said, “The only reason I am not wiping you out is due to the ancient Pacts brokered by the Ancient One. Consider this your final warning. The next time you try stirring up shit due to our absence, there won’t be a Romania to speak of.”

Then he unleashed the spell he had been preparing, decimating Dracula’s forces as the spell manifested as a golden circle above his castle and systematically tracked down every vampire in a mile’s radius and shot concentrated sun rays at them, turning them to ash.

Then, with a thought, without the application of a sling ring, a golden portal manifested behind him as he floated back into it. All the while, Dracula watched it happen, impotent with rage, helpless as I turned thousands of his underlings to ashes.

With a final glance at the dragon as it dissolved from the spell turning it into ash, he sneered disdainfully at Dracula and entered the portal while showing his back to Dracula. If the hateful roar he heard was any indication, he was successful at riling Dracula up.

Now, they just needed him to attack somebody else in his greed who is also a part of that damned Pact for it to be broken so they could finally start integrating Mystics as a proper part of their society.

Connecting to his reserve partition, he saw that Frank and all the teams were just about done with looting S.H.I.E.L.D. warehouses, he gave the command for the carriers to tear themselves apart and relayed that to Frank as well.

He would have loved to join them but he had another job to do. Now that he had a better grasp of his mystical senses, he could sense another artifact with Eternity’s energy signature all over it and if Ed’s operation was to be successful, he would need all the artifacts he could gather that had Eternity’s energy signatures. 

It would seem that they would have to recover the Ten Rings, after all. It would be a shame if a 1000-year-old warlord happened to die during the retrieval.

Then, he could pick up Ed and enact the plans they had put in motion for their public reveal.



The Rainbow Observatory


“He has cloaked himself, my King,” he said while looking around for the Midgardian anomaly.

“Hmm. Don’t bother. If I am not wrong, he has attained the same level of enlightenment that I have.” His king replied.

Even though his face remained the same, he was shaken internally. In the hundreds of thousands of years of recorded history, nobody had come close to the AllFather’s Rune mastery. Even Lord Agamotto had to concede to that. The Ancient One came close but even she admitted that the final step seemed like an endless chasm to her.

Prince Loki mirrored his sentiment as well as he said, “But Father! How could it have attained that level? It was but a machine mere hours ago.”

“It matters not how they did it. Loki, bring them to Asgard. I would like to meet the new generation of the Guardians of Midgard.”

“As you wish, Father,” Prince Loki bowed to the AllFather as his astral projection faded away from the observatory.

Then his robes faded away to reveal his signature battle costume as he looked at him with a smirk, “Shall we?”

He was not sure sending Prince Loki was a good idea for some reason.


Deep in Space


He awoke with a pained gasp as he felt the Necrosword in his arms pulse with information.

Setting it close against his forehead, he was rewarded with the vision of the person who had ascended into a God.

The newest God who had been collecting shards of Eternity. For what purpose he did not know.

But what he did know was that he would not allow the existence of Gods anymore. His last fight had left him drained but with the newest Eternity Shard, he could destroy Omnipotence City once and for all.

He would kill them all. For denying him his mate, his child, and his peaceful life.

For he was, Gorr the Butcher.


Word Count - 2021

If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head on to my P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.


A/N : Dun Dun Dun, Gorr was introduced. I literally had chills writing that part of the chapter

A little insight into the reason for Alfred’s actions and the shocking fact that Alfred has reached Odin’s level in terms of rune mastery BUT that does not mean he is on the same level as Odin. Remember, Odin has a lot more juice he can throw around due to the Odin Force but he is also Old so the upcoming meeting between them will be very interesting in terms of their power dynamics.

Especially since Loki is still with them and Frigga never died (YES I DID THAT).

Malekith’s plot has been slightly altered by me so stay tuned for that.

Anyways, Thank you for reading!


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