Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #61

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 61

Technomancer in MCU

Sun Prison, Photosphere

–Toby Mathers–

As he felt the mark on Dormammu on his rescuers, he smirked internally.

What a bunch of fools. To let go of your soul willingly to Dormammu of all people. That bastard would take anybody’s soul and turn them into the Dark Ones, shredding their mind and soul to the point they become nothing more than animals capable of only killing, eating, and reproducing. Something that was done to the same species in the Dark Realm.

He just waited to see them fail spectacularly once the Ancient One’s seal kicked in and she was alerted as to what was happening here. That would summon her here instantly. Not to mention Ed or Alfred would sooner nuke the prison than let him go free, comfortable in the knowledge that he would survive whatever they threw at him.

Even if they threw him into the sun below, he would survive far longer than most gods before succumbing to his wounds, his body being too slow to adapt to the mystically charged star of the solar system.

But, as he saw them dismantle some of the nearby machines with tools made of the miracle material, Vibranium, and felt the partially formed dimension he was in, shudder in protest, he frowned in confusion.

That was odd.

First of all, he could feel their energy from where he was imprisoned as he had all the time in the world to hone his energy manipulation capabilities inside the prison, and it was not much. Even the strongest of them would fall from a single one of his blows. He could flick his fingers and generate more energy than all of them combined. The very fact that they were able to infiltrate this prison was confusing on all levels for him. 

Secondly, he could feel the bindings come off but the soul bond he had with Ed was the same. He could feel Ed on the other side of the bond. The bond had weakened considerably in the past few hours or so but that must be because his dear friend must have used his powers even though he knew he was dying anyway.

Sad thoughts aside, if Ed’s soul was not suffering any backlash and the prison was being broken from the outside and the Ancient One was nowhere in sight, the deal was not being broken in any way.

He could be free. Not to carry out his goals immediately but to see how far his friend had come in their shared goal.

He had hoped that Ed or even Alfred would come and visit sometimes, even if only to rub in the fact that their way proved to be better but alas, he had not even heard from anyone except from Frank. Even then, it was only once. The Ancient One or Ed must have stopped Frank from coming.

Because, for all his blind worship for Ed, Frank was someone who was far more agreeable with his methods than most people in the organisation Ed had built. Last they spoke, he had told Frank that he could feel Ed’s soul weakening somehow, warning him of his impending death. Frank understood his meaning immediately and left as soon as he could. That was the last he had seen of him or anybody he knew.

He could understand their reasoning. After all, he did possess the Devil’s Tongue skill from his time spent in hell. He did never thank that demon properly for that. He would not have used it on Frank. Not on one of his only friends but he could understand their decision of not sending anybody to his home sweet home for the past 5 years. Not to mention, with his constitution, he did not need food, air, water, or even energy from external sources for his continued survival. The internal energy reserves he possessed, especially in his hibernating form, would last him well over a thousand years, not to mention, over the years, he had figured out that the seal had some leeway and he could connect to his past home for energy needs in case of an emergency.

As the intruders in his prison so helpfully dismantled the last of the machines that were keeping him and the dimension in homeostasis, the dimension began to collapse in on itself.

Thankfully, with his body, he was able to shrug it off and contain it, rendering it ultimately harmless to the prison facility at large.

“Greetings, Demon of Gluttony, we are servants of Dormammu and would like to-” the one who was dressed in the garbs of the Masters of Mystic arts began saying.

“Oh, shut up,” he interrupted him as he began taking stock of the damage that had incurred to his body due to its long stay in a 2D dimension. Physics just worked differently there. Overall, as he flexed his body, he could feel the damage done to his cells being undone as the regenerative properties of his cells kicked in as they began greedily consuming energy from their surroundings.

He switched on his connection to dimensional energy as that was the only type of energy he had access to that could help accelerate healing in any tangible way. The rest of his palate only had energies with destructive capabilities and light energy from Alfheim would sooner destroy him from inside out rather than help him recover.

At his interruption, the one in the lead gritted his teeth and began rambling something about Dormammu again.

He ignored him as he spread his senses as far as his current form allowed and confirmed that there was nobody waiting to ambush him. It would seem that the Ancient One was truly occupied then..

Something tickling him brought him out of his reverie. “Hmm?” he vocalised as he looked at the outstretched hand of the one who was rambling earlier and noted the fearful looks the group was giving him.

He then smirked balefully at them as his hand enlarged and he slapped the one who had the audacity to attack him into a bloody mist.

Ah, that felt nice, he thought as his cells instinctively began absorbing any remnant of energy from the corpse to accelerate the healing process. 

He was about to do the same to all the fools who were standing in front of him when one of the fellows began screaming in pain.

He smiled internally as he recognised the energy signature of whoever was possessing the poor baby sorcerer in front of him.

“Dormammu, I haven't seen you since I ate part of your realm,” he greeted him as he possessed the broken body of that sorcerer, evident from the slimy dark energy that flowed out of that sorcerer’s orifices.

“Toby Mathers of Earth, I have come to bargain,” Dormammu said.



He broke out into laughter at that comment. It only doubled in intensity when Dormammu growled.

Wiping his tears, he stood up and said, “Oh, man. I needed that. Thank you for that. You truly have no idea what you just said but please, do go on.”

“I have an offer for you. I need you to destroy the sorcerer organisation that has become a thorn in my side for too long.” Dormammu said.

“And why would I do that?” he raised an eyebrow and questioned Dormammu.

“They have been a thorn in your side as well. I know all about your imprisonment and even the spell used for your imprisonment, I have it all. Using such a detestable dark spell for manipulating soul bonds, You must be infuriated at what she did as well. Why not take her out and help us both?” Dormammu replied.

“If you know about the spell, you should also know that I can’t strike at the caster or the bond would snap in half,” he questioned.

Dormammu waved his hand carelessly, “You don’t have to worry about that. You will find that the Ancient One has been careless in handling one of my spells and inadvertently given up control of the spell you were trapped under.”

He raised a questioning eyebrow at that statement.

Then Dormammu began explaining his evil plot to him. As all stupid people do.

He let him speak as it only worked to his benefit to know everything possible about the plot Dormammu was cooking up.

Then, he realised why nobody was coming for him.

Not because they couldn’t but because they didn’t even know he existed. 

Alfred, Ed, and Frank were the only ones in the current roster who knew he was alive and where he was being imprisoned. Even Maria’s memories were personally erased by the Ancient One.

He had to hand it to Dormammu, for all that planning. 

Hitting Alfred with one of his original spells that would disrupt his decision-making and emotional centres while at the same time, making sure that the Ancient One used her soul which was drenched in Dormammu’s energy to remove the poison from somebody she knew and valued enough, was a masterstroke. That way, he was able to take over the air-tight control that she kept over the original spell.

And to do all of that only when Ed had nearly killed himself by using his powers, resulting in his soul leaking his powers like a running tap.

It was all planned meticulously, all for this purpose.

To free him because Dormammu knew he would never be able to do as much damage to Earth as he could.

“So, that's what it means to be truly immortal, huh? To play the truly long game,” he muttered under his breath.


“How long have you been planning this?” he questioned Dormammu, his body now fully healed up by merely being in the presence of Dormammu’s avatar, such was the Dark Lord’s energy reserves.

“Not for long. You and your friend’s souls are different. Ever since your souls entered this universe, the future has been in a constant state of flux that neither someone like me, who can perceive all-time at the same time, has been able to read and even the wielder of the Time Stone has not had any more success than I did. But what I did have was the advantage of time and so, I set these series of events in motion, in hopes of freeing you.” Dormammu said.

“So are you in, kill the Ancient One and I’ll supply you with all the energy you might need to truly take her down.” Dormammu offered him.

It was honestly tempting.

To take vengeance on the one who imprisoned him. But to have it all offered up to him on a silver platter?

“Nah, I’ll pass,” he replied and began stretching his body, to make fun of Dormammu.

“What?” Oh, his confused expression was funny. And it truly was funny how he did all that preparation to free him and as it turned out, he did hate him more than he hated the Ancient One or Ed, for that matter So, he was not going along with whatever scheme Dormammu was trying to cook up..

So, he transformed into his true form, shattering all bindings on him that were imposed by the Ancient One, and without waiting for her to appear here and try to imprison him again, he covered his form in demonic energy and took off, going through multiple levels of enchanted materials and shattered the prison that was holding me, destroying everything and everyone on it, including Dormammu’s avatar, as was evidenced his enraged road, “Cures you, Mathers.”

He smirked and used his powers to enter slip space and left behind the rapidly burning up rubble of the most advanced prison any human ever built.


Word Count - 1977

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