Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #58

Author Note - I’d recommend reading #44 if you get confused about the first part of this chapter. The next couple of chapters will be a flashback so please bear with me as I have a lot to add in these chapters.


Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 58

Technomancer in MCU

Right after Throgg performed his spell

Throgg’s workshop

–Throgg “The Madman”--

As he was on his way to the sorcerer, he was feeling oddly drained all of a sudden. 

That was odd, he thought to himself.

Being the oldest dwarf alive, he was easy to tire, by Dwarven standards of course, but the exhaustion he was feeling was magical. He hadn’t had that feeling ever since he killed those ravagers and even then the only reason he was exhausted was due to the mystic nature of the poison he was infected with and the fact that he had to imbue all his attacks with his magical prowess else the damn fire demons would have kept standing up again and again as the ambient magic continued to fuel them, healing and reviving them repeatedly.

There was no reason whatsoever to feel this drained after casting a spell that only covered his base.

Suddenly, he stopped mid-step as his eyes widened to the size of saucer plates.

He broke out in a cold sweat as he thought of a rather horrifying possibility.

Ignoring his exhaustion, he immediately ran to the portal room. He had built a single ingress point for any spatial magic inside the base because he was paranoid about somebody just opening a portal and killing him. Now, he was cursing his past self for making the decision to make the portal room in a corner of the base that could be easily discarded with the push of a button.

Coughing due to his magical exhaustion, his vision had gone blurry when he finally found Wong waiting impatiently for him in the portal room with a portal open, showing Kamar Taj on the other side.

Seeing his state, Wong rushed towards him, helping him breathe as he activated some sort of talisman he had on him.

Soon, the stars in his vision receded and he was able to breathe properly.

“Master Throgg, what happened?” Wong questioned him, concern evident on his face.

“Ancient One..Poison…Alfred..Tell her tha–'' was all he managed to say before darkness claimed him.


Wong “If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it

Holding on to the collapsed form of Master Throgg, he checked to see if the healing talisman he was given from the personal collection of the Ancient One was working or not.

Finding it to be in working order, he hurriedly conjured a platform for Master Throgg and jumped through the portal, sending a covert SOS message to all the Sanctum Masters.

If something or someone managed to fell Master Throgg who regularly destroyed all the Masters of Kamar Taj put together, the situation was not something that could be handled by his lonesome.

Hurriedly running to the medical ward of Kamar Taj, he encountered multiple apprentices on the way who immediately ran out of his way as soon as they saw his expression and the fact that he was carrying Master Throgg on a conjured stretcher.

Carefully depositing Master Throgg on one of the available beds, he then activated the runes engraved on the bed, creating a glowing green shroud that encapsulated Master Throgg.

He couldn’t see Master Throgg but the vitals displayed on the hologram showed his vitals stabilising. 

Switching to the mystical scanner vision, he was stunned to find a black sludge-like poison spreading through Master Throgg’s body.

The bed seemed to have slowed it down a bit but it was still spreading and at that rate, it would infect Master Throgg completely in less than an hour.

At his wit's end, he was about to conjure a portal when he felt a hand patting on his shoulder, “Don’t worry, Wong. I’ll take it from here,”

The Ancient One was here.

He nodded and left the medical ward, closing the doors behind him.

“Call for the other masters and tell them to guard all the Sanctums. This might take a while.” he heard a voice speak into his ears.

He nodded even though she couldn't see him and then swiftly left to gather the forces of Kamar Taj.

It looked like war was on the horizon.


–Ancient One–

She was very much concerned with the way the events were unfolding. With Ed’s and Toby’s arrival in this world, the future had gotten harder and harder to see but she could still see the rough outline of her actions up until 2 years ago.

But now, she was lucky if she could catch a glimpse or two of the future. It had made planning for the events ahead very much unpredictable.

For the first time in centuries, she was uncertain about the path she was taking. Even her Death, a fixed point in time, seemed malleable to her now.

That was why she was startled when she got Wong’s SOS. It was designed as a spell by Alfred when he realised that they didn’t have a reliable magical equivalent of a normal emergency SOS call. In his words, what was the use of having an always-available near-unlimited source of energy if you couldn’t even make basic spells like this?

Now, as she gazed upon the prone form of Master Throgg, she could feel her palms suddenly become clammy.

The medical bed, another invention of Alfred that he made in less than a month of learning about runes, showed the nature of the poison currently raging havoc inside Master Throgg’s body.

She was familiar with that poison. She had not seen it since she was but a Sanctum Master under the previous Sorcerer Supreme.

It was a terrible, terrible poison that could only affect someone if the origin of the dark energy spell was one’s own magical energy.

It was notoriously difficult to remove as well. She knew of only one way that the poison could be removed from Master Throgg’s body. The longer she waited the longer the poison would have to damage his body and then, eventually his soul would be devoured by the poison as well, leaving no chance for Master Throgg to enter Valhalla. 

She would not let that happen though. But before she could begin, she could not, under any circumstance, let anybody know of what she was about to do.

Raising the strongest wards she knew, she sealed the entirety of the medical ward in a phased dimension. This way, there was nobody coming in and out of the wards without her saying so.\

She opened up the cover of the medical bed and removed the prosthetic limbs that Alfred had designed for him. The VI present seemed to protest but an EMP spell fried any electronics within the suit.

It was useless now anyway since the poison had spread to the VI present in the suit as well.

Placing both her hands on Master Throgg’s chest, she started chanting the spell she had only heard from her Master, the previous Sorcerer Supreme. Back then, her master had to resort to borrowing energy from Dormammu to save her from the very same poison that Master Throgg was infected with.

Soon, a veritable flood of Dark energy suffused the room as a mark appeared on her forehead, signifying her connection to the Dark realm.

As the Dark Lord sensed her actions, she could feel the strain on her soul increase as the flow of Dark energy took its toll on her body and soul but she could also feel the results of her spell.

The magical poison, sensing the delectable Dark energy, began rushing out of Master Throgg’s body and into her soul, where the highest concentration of Dark Energy was present.

As soon as the poison left Master Throgg’s body, she opened her eyes and grasped the Eye of Agamotto. The poison, perhaps sensing its demise, began thrashing around in her soul space.

She grimaced as she coughed blood due to the damage taken from the poison’s last-minute struggle. But with a determined glint in her eyes, she activated the time stone and reversed time for the poison present inside her soul.

Normally, she would not have taken the risk of exposing the time stone’s energy to something as metaphysical as her soul with the taint of Dark energy but she had recently gained a newfound will to live.

Now that she could no longer safely predict the future, she felt equal parts free and anxious about the future. Her choices would no longer be influenced by the future but by her present self and that was an incredible feeling that she had not felt in centuries. 

But at the same time, the looming threat of Dormammu made her anxious but it also gave her the will required to survive and see it through to the end.

That’s why she was much more liberal in her use of the Eye of Agamotto.

Using its energy to speed up the recovery period Master Throgg, she watched as his face gained color and his breathing became even.

Soon, he woke up and the first thing he did was shout, “No, What have I done?”

She approached him and questioned, “What exactly happened, Master Throgg?” 

His eyes snapped towards her with desperation and panic clear in his eyes, “Quick! Look for Kaecilius. We must find him before bef–” he stammered towards the end, “-Before Alfred dies”

She stood there, shocked to her core.

“What do you mean, Alfred will die? I have cured you of the poison and from what I have gathered, it has not spread beyond you and your suit.”

“Oh, poor Victor,” he muttered, his eyes downcast.

 “No, it's not about that. The spell. The spell we were working on. It was all a ruse,” he then said nearly hysterically.

She knew of only a single spell they were working togeth—

“What did you do?” she whispered in a haunted voice.

The next moment, she waved her hands, and the next moment the dimensional lock they were in shattered, returning them to Kamar Taj.

The scene that greeted her was of absolute chaos.

Apprentices were putting out magical fires that looked suspiciously similar to the ones used by the Dark Ones that reside in Dormammu’s realm and multiple dead bodies lay strewn about the veranda in front of her.

She sensed something odd at the very edge of her sensing range and immediately teleported to the location and found a portal on the verge of closing. She threw a frosty glare towards the closing portal. The withering vegetation around the portal gave her enough clues about the destination of that portal.

Dormammu had started moving again.


Word Count - 1828

If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head on to my P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 12 extra chapters uploaded there.

A/N - 

 Sorry for the delayed chapter. Friday night Barbeque was so good. Ended up sleeping in and by the time I got out of my bed, it was already evening. So, it is still Saturday in my time zone, so here you go with the chapter. 

Tomorrow is Sunday! God’s day!(People need sleep, guys!) so we'll see each other tomorrow(or you’ll see the notification of the new chapter, either way, fine.)

As always, thank you for reading!


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