Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #56

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 56

Technomancer in MCU


Such was the influence that their Lord held over them.

He once again prayed in his mind, waiting for their Lord to return.

For he knew that the entire galaxy could be plunged into war should their people not get their Lord back.


The Royal Palace, Wakanda


He stood ramrod straight as the council went on one of their stupid arguments the result of which was decided before they had even begun speaking but they had to go through all this song and dance every damn time.

He had honestly thought that with his acceptance into Wakanda, he would have to deal with less politics than he did in the States but boy was he wrong.

The tribe elders used the council meetings more as a place to meet people of their age and chat between themselves for entertainment rather than actively working for the betterment of Wakanda.

He could see now why Wakanda could be termed as slow to change. Even if the King himself wanted to change Wakanda, he would have to go through this absolutely detestable council of tribe leaders if he didn’t wish to just go through it in the bloody manner, i.e., the American Way.

Ever since Ed left him here with his assigned mission, he had been rising rapidly through the military ranks, much to the consternation of the tribe elders. They tried, oh they tried, but in the end, nothing they could send my way could match the strength he wielded.

They or for that matter, nobody in the country held leverage over him as he could not be stopped if he so wished.

A few days ago, he had stopped receiving Alfred’s mandatory reminders of his goals and after a while, he had gotten a missive from the organisation regarding the situation as one of the few people with B-class clearance, he was made privy to additional details once his uplink to the organisation’s central database was restored.

The fact that Ed was dying was shocking enough but the situation of Alfred of all people leaving Ed in his most vulnerable state was straight-up incomprehensible to him.

He might not have been as close to Alfred as Daisy was but he knew that Alfred would never willingly leave Ed. 

Something must have gone wrong for Alfred to take such a drastic measure.

If he was shocked by Alfred leaving, he was downright flabbergasted when he read that Daisy of all people was appointed as the interim leader of the organisation and somehow, against all odds, she had done a great job.

However, she certainly inherited Frank’s propensity for always bringing overkill gear for the job. The small jet always hovering right above him and the two armed teams that were smuggled into Wakanda overnight were enough proof of that. Apparently, even Frank Castle himself was unnerved about the situation and actually followed all of Daisy’s orders.

He actually went to complete the H.Y.D.R.A. mission by himself. That mission was way above his pay grade but then again, these were hardly regular times.

That was the reason he was tolerating these bunch of old fogies again. He could see T’Chaka looking at him with amusement clear in his eyes. The bastard took joy in seeing me suffer.

The reason he was here was to request for Wakanda to officially join the global stage and reveal its true state, using the downfall of H.Y.D.R.A. and advertising its role in it to soften the impact it would undoubtedly have on international politics.

So far, the work that he and T’Challa had done in liberating neighbouring countries was bearing fruit but any progress was slow going. Not to mention that without openly declaring themselves as the liberators, they had to go through several hoops to make sure that the work they did was not undone in a matter of hours by another warlord. Dealing with warlords with no morals while resisting the urge to kill them was exhausting enough. Trying to do the same while having senile elders breathing down your neck and waiting for you to mess up even slightly was a whole other ball game altogether.

He was lost in his thoughts when he heard King T’Chaka’s voice, “Prince N’Jadaka, please voice your proposal.”

He stepped forward, mentally preparing himself for the verbal stalling ahead, hoping against all odds that Wakanda would help Ed in their difficult time.

“Greetings, the esteemed council of Wakanda. I am here with a plea. A plea to help our allies who will no doubt be very grateful for our assistance…..”


–Frank Castle–

Waiting in stealth mode, he awaited the signal that would herald the activation of the helicarriers.

He had to say that Terry did a great job in making sure that the blast damage was limited to the bay doors that were groaning in protest even now as they opened slowly, making way for the carriers to launch.

The plan was simple.

There were six carriers and six chips. The tricky part was that each chip had 3 separate parts that needed to be put into 3 different slots within 60 seconds of each other. 

There were six carriers and they were six people. The chip fragmentation issue was made infinitely easier due to his authorisation of the standard nanite suits for all the members of the team. While he was at it, he even allowed Wilson’s flight suit to draw power from the mini reactors in the nanite suit, allowing him to use those experimental wings of his for longer periods of time.

As soon as the repulsors of the first carrier turned ON, alarms started blaring in the Triskelion building.

He could see in his feed that Pierce, who was escorting his fellow members of the World Security Council, was startled upon hearing the noise and ordered Brock Rumlow to investigate the cause.

While he was guiding them to the top of the building to make them witness the uprising of H.Y.D.R.A, Rogers began speaking through the speakers.

While Rogers was giving his admittedly inspiring speech, he connected to the carrier formation floating above him, “Daisy, I think we are going to need a few hundred medbots down here once the fighting begins.”

“Already on it. Once the guns begin shooting, I’ll have them flood the entire building,” came the voice of his commanding officer.

He smiled internally at that piece of news. She was learning incredibly fast.

Soon, one by one, all six of the carriers exited the bay doors and immediately their thrusters pushed them upwards at full tilt.

“Come on, boys. It’s now or never,” he heard the familiar voice of Romanoff as she zipped past him in her custom suit.

He could hear the various guns on the carriers activating and locking in on the flying form of Romanoff even as the thrusters began outputting even higher levels of power in order to get into low earth orbit as soon as possible.

“Woohoo!” He heard Wilson scream before he dive-bombed the first carrier that took flight.

He followed after Wilson as he connected to the bridge of the carrier floating silently above them, “Daisy, I hope everything is in place?”

“Of course, who do you take me for?” came her sassy reply.

He smiled and spoke out loud, “Activate overkill mode.”

God, he felt so cringe saying that out loud but he had no choice. Alfred had made the first generation captain suits and no one other than him could even hope to alter them in any meaningful way.

Instantly, multiple openings were created on his suit’s shoulder, forearm, and knee area. 

Spreading his arms apart, he awaited the arrival of the extra parts needed to make his battle suit “battle” worthy.

After seeing that nothing was happening even after 30 seconds, he awkwardly put his hands back down. He gritted his teeth after he heard the faint laughing sound of Daisy coming from the comms.

A laughing Daisy who had tears in her eyes came on his HUD and with her hands on her stomach, said, “Sorry! I’m so sorry. It’s just that it was so funny watching you splay like an eagle. I could literally hear the cartoonish chirping sounds. I apologize, the parts should reach you now.”

Unfortunately for him, the first wave of a part that attached to his body came a bit faster than usual and just slammed onto his chest. He was certain it was Daisy doing it on purpose, taking revenge for all the punishment he gave her in the guise of extra training.

He could now see Daisy dying of laughter as an “oomph” sound left his lips.

Frustrated, he shut down the feed and activated all the micro missiles he had access to.

Diving right after Wilson, he deliberately whizzed past Wilson as he was busy buzzing around the helicarrier like a bee, making way towards the last three carriers as they had begun to target everybody flying in the air.

As he flew by the carriers one after the other, the missiles in his shoulder pods launched themselves at all the external weaponry on board and as he did a three-point landing in the hangar where the carriers were being kept, the missiles exploded in a glorious shower of sparks.

All around him, people screamed as they ran around like headless chickens and some people began shooting indiscriminately towards him, heedless of multiple untrained civvies running about.

He gave the command for all the medbots to flood the building and activated instant kill mode for all known H.Y.D.R.A. affiliated agents inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

While he was clearing the rabble inside, he saw that the shell of a suit masquerading as him was already done with installing the chips on board the carrier.

Soon, he arrived at the basement floors, where the vault of the Triskelion was.

One of the hatches from the suit opened up, revealing a vial of Pym particles.

He really hoped all the items inside the vault were worth it since he was holding one of the last batches of Pym particles. They couldn’t acquire more since Hank Pym had gone underground for the past couple of months for some reason.

A small drone detached from his back plate and ingested the Pym particle vial and entered the vault after creating a hole through it with its adamantium drill.

As soon as the vault door was breached, the doors of the room closed in and the vents began to suck all air inside the hallway.

He ignored the security measures installed as he witnessed the bot shrinking the vault from the inside and returning to rest in his back plate.

His work done, he set his thrusters to maximum and broke through sixteen layers of concrete to blast out of the building.


Word Count - 1847

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