Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #53

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Chapter 53

Technomancer in MCU

Previously (Chapter #52)

“Ah, that's the stuff. So, Frank, what brings you to our little slice of spy agency work? I thought you vowed never to work for us after that psyops went sideways.” He asked Frank, curious and a bit wary of their motives.

Frank smiled a cold smile, “Well, we are here to help you of course.”

Not even a nine-year-old would believe that obvious lie.


–Frank Castle–

For the sake of the mission, it was necessary to maintain this ruse.

He could admit that Fury was way better than him when it came to reading men. He had done the same during their last mission together when he specifically warned me about my so-called teammates but he was so sure of his trust in them that he ignored the advice of the Director of the premier spy agency in the world.

God, he was so stupid back then. 

Fury couldn’t be allowed to get even a whiff of their true plans. He must be assured that they were here to utterly destroy the carriers and with it, any chances of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s comeback. It was a good thing that they were not alone in their endeavour, he thought while glancing at Romanoff and Rogers.

Wilson was a non-issue as according to the profile they had on him, he was more than likely to follow Rogers in whatever choice he made.

That was why when Fury asked him about their objective here, he smiled a cruel smile, ”Well, we are here to help you of course.”

From the grimace visible on Fury’s face, he could say that his objective was successful but with Fury, you never know.

The man had secrets for his secrets. Not even the people closest to him could tell what he was thinking.

Honestly, he was the most pain-in-the-ass type of person to deal with. If it wasn’t a critical stage of their plans, he probably would have waited till all the carriers were airborne and come crashing down on them with the heavy hammer that was their very own superclass carrier. That would have been glorious to witness.

He had seen the specs of their new generation carriers and he was disappointed, to say the least. Their regular carriers could take out all six of them if they wanted to.

But alas, with the chaos up there, he had to be here to make sure that things didn’t stray off the script that Alfred and Ed had written up.

“Well, the creepiness factor aside. Honestly man, your smile should be a crime, I think we take their help. If they are anything like what I’ve heard of them, they could be instrumental in taking down the carriers once and for all.” Wilson said.

It would seem he was wrong. Wilson did have a spine to speak of.

He could see the way Fury’s face took a surprised expression as the implication of Wilson’s words began to sink in. Fury’s brows creased as he spoke, “What do you mean once and for all? We are not here to discuss their destruction, we have to retrieve them and–”

“And then what? Just wait for this to happen all over again? No. This stops now. Everything goes. The carriers, the secrets, S.H.I.E.L.D., everything goes.” Rogers spoke out, clearly frustrated.

He could sympathize with that. The man had been declared rogue and ousted from the very organisation that he served, thinking that all the work he had been doing was all for a good cause. And now, he has to destroy the very organisation that the love of his life helped build. 

Yeah, he would not want to be in that position right now.

It was amusing watching Fury cycle through everybody’s expressions and then slumping in on himself when realised that everybody agreed with Rogers’ sentiments.

“Good. This was going to backfire spectacularly anyway. I mean, what were you guys smoking when you greenlit this plan? Sure, let’s put a series of boats in the air with guns so advanced they could target anybody from thousands of feet in the air and strategically tear apart any person without them even realising who killed them. That would make the average Joe feel safe? And for what? We would have destroyed them anyway. No way Ed or Alfred would allow this travesty of freedom to occur.” Eric chose this moment to speak out his thoughts.

“And who are you supposed to be, new guy?” Fury asked Eric.

“I am the captain of the—” 

“Who he is has no relevance to this conversation. What we should be doing right now is planning on how to take down those carriers without hundreds of people dying in the process.” Thankfully, Rogers interrupted Eric before he could give out any information regarding the superclass carrier to Fury.

Fury alone was a non-issue but the problem was his association with Danvers.

That woman, wherever she was, was not in the right mindset. The damage the Supreme Intelligence did to her mind was not healed completely, resulting in her warped view of the world.

According to the records they had on her, she saw the world in white and black. There was no place for a shade of grey in her worldview. According to her, you were either good or evil and she was supposed to be the hammer of justice that came crashing down on the evildoers.

If Fury decided to involve her in panic or desperation, they would be in for an ugly fight, especially with two of their heavy hitters down and their third strongest member imprisoned somewhere near the sun.

Because no matter what Ed says, he knows that Toby is the one who was locked up in the sun prison. That was the only reason he could think of why Ed would not give him access to that particular prison facility.

“Steve’s right. We need a solid plan of attack because as far as I know, those carriers were designed from the ground up to be unbreachable.” Romanoff said while glancing at them, implying that they were the reason for the beefed-up security of those carriers.

He scoffed internally at the foolish notion that anything these people could add to help safeguard their carriers would even slow down their forces at all. At best, they could be a minor inconvenience. Nothing more and nothing less.

Fury nodded tiredly and gestured to a suitcase that was sitting inconspicuously near his bed, “The answer to your questions is in that suitcase.”

Romanoff put it on a nearby table and opened it up, revealing six rectangular cards with minuscule chips at the centre of them. It looked quite a bit more advanced than the tech S.H.I.E.L.D. normally had access to.

Romanoff went to grab one of them which revealed a similar forcefield like theirs around the six chips, “What are these?”

His eyes narrowed at that. As far as he knew, there were only a handful of places on Earth that Fury could have gotten that shield tech from and he knew that none of them sold it. 

It would seem that Fury’s old Skrull buddies are quite generous when providing him with technology. They would have to keep a closer watch on their activities from now on.

After all, it was one of the mandates from Ed that Fury is not to leave the planet without company, especially with the Skrulls.

“Those, Romanoff, are six of the only chips in existence that can deactivate the carriers. Upon the successful launch of the carriers, they were supposed to be stored in isolated locations of the world, ensuring their safety but as you can see, the convoy currently carrying them are holding fakes.” Fury replied.

“It's always secrets within secrets with you,” Rogers said.

He went near the suitcase and as he walked, his suit turned into liquid and was absorbed back into his body where it was stored in the bone lattices. He then extended his hand towards one of the chips but this time, there was no visible reaction as his onboard suit hacked and disabled the forcefield in time, “And how are we supposed to do that?”

Fury looked visibly irate at the failure of his failsafes and he could almost see a vein popping on his forehead as he gnashed his teeth.

That couldn’t have been good for his prolonged health but he was sure that whatever damage he ended up inflicting on Fury, the micro CHI injections he was receiving free of cost would heal that right up.

“Those chips are to be inserted at the central hub of each carrier. Without these, the carriers would lift off but the weapons system would not activate. I bet that Pierce is hoping that in the long term, they figure that out or find the chips, whichever happens first.”

He nodded, “I see. And I assume there’s a catch there since nothing is this simple with you.”

Fury nodded back, “You would be correct. There are in total 3 hubs on each carrier. That chip that you are holding can be split into 3 parts. On all six carriers, you would need to insert the 18 pieces within 60 seconds of each other which means you only have 60 seconds of window between the first chip install and the last chip being installed.”

“And how the hell are we supposed to do that since the last time I checked, we barely have 5 combat-ready people here.” Wilson interrupted.

“Wrong.” came a familiar voice from the door. He smiled upon hearing that voice.

He turned around as he saw Romanoff and Fury pointing a gun toward Sharon Carter, decked out in her custom suit that he had seen Peggy approve of a while back.

“Agent 13,” he heard Fury mumble her codename in the agency.

Slowly, everybody lowered their guns. Then he said, “So? I guess, problem solved?”

Oh, how he loved seeing Fury’s confused face. He was going to savor it. After all, the chances of Fury not being informed about something are very low on their planet, except when it comes to Ed or Alfred but those two are abominations when it comes to secrecy anyway.

“Who the fuck is the white lady?” His enhanced hearing picked up on Wilson asking Rogers that question.


Word Count - 1759

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