Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #39

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 39

Technomancer in MCU



I shielded my eyes in preparation for the absolute destruction that would follow when my husband uttered anything but found myself looking at Ed’s grinning face.

He wiggled his eyebrows up and down and said to a clearly surprised Black Bolt, “Told you!”

I was not going to like Ed, I was certain of that much.



Seeing their expressions was worth the specific R&D Alfred had to do in order to find out the perfect mixture of vibranium alloy that would nullify sound waves only above a certain wavelength.

While Black Bolt only had his mouth slightly ajar as an indication of his surprise, it was Queen Medusa who showed the most visible reaction. Her hair drooped down in surprise along with her eyes cartoonishly widening and her mouth agape.

I turned to look at Daisy with one of my eyebrows raised, “See? I told you it was a good idea.”

She huffed at me, her previous hero worship all gone as she said, “Nooo! I told you that we should take permission before invading what is clearly a different sovereign land and don’t even get me started on the process of bypassing the barrier. Couldn’t you have warned me before literally phasing me? I have never been in a phase-shift that coarse before.”

I shrugged at her sheepishly, “Sorry. I was not aware of your phase-shift virginity.”

She glared at me, red-faced.

“Ahem”, came the clearly irritated voice of Queen Medusa.

“State your purpose and leave as soon as you can, outsider. For you are not welc—”, Medusa was interrupted by Black Bolt putting a hand on his shoulder.

Clearly unused to talking normally with his voice, he said somewhat hoarsely, “I am immensely grateful for this gift. We would love to host you and your companion in Attilan. Please follow Karnak. He will take you to the court, where we’ll join you shortly.” He then gestured to Karnak.

Karnak, while confused as to why their King was being so courteous to me, was nothing short of immaculate as he greeted me with a bow and led me to their court.

Alfred, anticipating my commands, left out a few nanite clusters behind to eavesdrop on the royals' conversation.

As we followed Karnak, Daisy chose this moment to interrogate me.

Hoisting me by my hand, she pulled me down and said conspiratorially, “What are we doing here? Nothing was in the docs.”

She then looked around and said, “From the looks of it, a fight breaking out seems unlikely”

She then glared at me and then said, “If a certain somebody doesn’t do something, we might get out of this situation without a fight.”

I raised my hands in mock surrender at that and gave her a slight smirk.

She actually growled at me.

I pouted dramatically at her and said, “Where did the fangirl go? It seems just now you were so excited to meet me and go on a solo mission with me and look at you now, already criticising me.

Karnak chose this moment to interrupt me and said, “Please wait here. His Majesty the King will be here shortly.”

Then without listening to our reply, he bowed and left the room, closing the door behind him.


Daisy elected to ignore me in favour of using her tablet to do some work.

With nothing to do, I ordered Alfred to send the nanite spy footage to my retina HUD.

While I was looking around using the nanite spies, I found the location of Maximus and had Alfred stealthily inject a few of the bomber nanites in him, specifically near his brain.

That should do the trick, once I left.

Soon, Black Bolt and Medusa, both entered the courtroom.

It was quite large for a country whose population was just below 1500. 

Then again, human greed and arrogance are hardcoded in our genes. Even the Kree with their advanced genome manipulation technology wouldn't be able to remove that from our DNA.

Black Bolt took his seat on his throne and Medusa sat on a slightly smaller throne beside him.

Before they could speak though, I interrupted them and said, “I have an engineering team that can create different solutions for the problems faced by the inhumans that have been damaged or have gotten a bad hand after the terrigenesis.”

Black Bolt’s face became even more grim at that.

Before Black Bolt could say anything about it though, Medusa stood up and glared at me, “I sincerely hope what you are saying is true. It would not end well for you if you gave false hope to hundreds of troubled individuals.”

Before she could go on a tirade though, Black Bolt stopped her and said, “Do you speak the truth?”

I nodded at that, completely serious about the treatment.

He nodded back at me and said, “Very well. What is the treatment and what will it cost?”

Ah, I like a King who can come to the point easily.

I smiled at them, raised two of my fingers, and said, “The treatment is of two aspects.”

Seeing as I had their attention, I snapped my fingers and Alfred projected a hologram for them to see.

It showed a small lamp shining an orange light on an individual, in timelapse.

I gestured to the hologram and said, “The first step would be to get the individual continuous exposure to CHI. It is a near-miraculous substance that emits pure life energy. For best results, exposure before Terriginesis is recommended. It reduces chances of any defects by 95%.”

Both of them looked very much shocked at that tidbit of information. Then they looked at the hologram with an intense look of Greed and Envy.

I wouldn't blame them. CHI was in a way, the saving grace for their grace that was plagued with major issues like inbreeding for a long long time.

“Exposure post terrigenesis helps their body adapt to their newfound powers much faster and in ways that their body might not have had the bandwidth for as it was busy fighting its own defects.”

I then stopped and pinned them with a serious stare and said, “And you guys have got to stop the inbreeding. It is not helping your race.”

I then gestured to Medusa and Karnak who was stationed right behind me, in my perceived blind spot.

Nice training, though.

“Case in point. A couple of centuries ago, abilities like Medusa’s would have been commonplace but now? She is arguably the third strongest inhuman in Attilan.”

Medusa accepted that piece of information reluctantly.

“The second aspect of the treatment would be on a case-by-case basis. For example, the sound-absorbing ball given to Black Bolt. That thing would allow you to buy a small city on planet Earth.”

They gave intriguing looks to the ball that was held in Black Bolt’s hands at that.

“That’s how valuable that unassuming ball is. The engineering that went into making that is equally as expensive but that is not something you guys have to worry about. I will be taking care of it.”

Black Bolt gave me a look at that statement and said, “What is the price, then? Nothing is free, I know that much.”

I nodded at him and said, “And you would be correct, King Black Bolt. The price of this help would be an alliance.”

Both of them gave me an utterly confused look at that.

They then looked at each other, probably communicating telepathically, and then Medusa said, “Why would you need our help? Compared to the resources you have at hand, our powers would mean nothing to you.”

I chuckled at that and waved my hands, dismissing the hologram.

“You would be very much wrong, my dear Medusa.”

Her face tightened at my personal greeting and her hair started floating around her.

I raised my hands in mock surrender and said, “You are forgetting one thing. You guys are humans..

Her hair returned to normal at that statement.

I continued, “You guys may call yourselves Inhumans but you are merely humans with extra powers. You still belong to Humanity and as such, can become Humanity’s defenders when the time comes.”

Black Bolt interjected here and said, “So you want us to become what? An inhuman version of the Avengers team? Protect the planet, run around marching on your politicians’ tunes?”

I waved my hands frantically and said, “No no no! You are taking it wrong. In my ideal world, there would be no Avengers. All the subsets of Humanity would live together and the ones who would be lucky enough to get powers like yours would help protect Humanity from the outside dangers.”

I then slumped and said, “But that is all that is an ideal world. In reality, I have to take into account many things, and preserving the fighting force for Humanity is my number one priority.”

I waved my hands and the hologram began showing a floating island, reminiscent of Asgard and its floating city with the waterfall falling into the void.

Both of them leaned forward to look at the island, clearly interested.

“I propose a new home for Inhumans on Earth. How long will you keep hiding out here? With the way things are going, I give you a maximum a century before your genome completely collapses. You need fresh blood and that,” I gestured to the island and said, “is going to give you that.”

“What is it?” Black Bolt asked me.

“That, my friend, is a state-of-the-art floating island with all the amenities you can think of. It is built in such a way that the only ones who have my level of tech can even detect it, let alone attack it. Trust me, there aren't many people on this side of the universe who can match me in technology.”

They gave me acknowledging nods at that statement.

“I propose you move your entire city here and start a new civilization with a chance for new Inhumans to enter and gain citizenship.”

They both looked at each other, again communicating telepathically, and then with a determined gaze, Medusa said to me, “We like your idea but we would like to discuss it with our council before giving you an answer. A tour of this aforementioned island would be preferable.”

I nodded at that, completely agreeing with her.

“You are right, take all the time you need.”

I then tapped my wrist watch and the forms of Daisy and mine began to shimmer.

“I will be here in exactly 7 days to take you for your tour. I hope you make the right decision.”

And then we disappeared, appearing right next to their barrier.

I turned around when I heard a retching sound behind me.

Only to see Daisy puking her guts out on one of the nearby rocks.

I hurriedly rushed to her and asked, “Are you alright?”

She was still puking but had the energy to give me the middle finger.

I chuckled at that and contacted Alfred for a shuttle for our patient.

Looking back at the city, I’d like to think that this mission was a success.


Word Count - 1885

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A/N - [Sorry for the short chapter. Don’t worry, another one is coming right after this one with similar word count so you get the promised word counts.]

Next - Alfred Revelations (Ed’s cure)


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