Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #29

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 29

Technomancer in MCU


Snapping my neck towards it, I found myself looking at a silver cocoon with what seemed like Shuri’s pained voice coming through it.

Mine and T’Challa’s eyes met and the next thing I knew, he was leaping towards me with absolute murder in his eyes and a deadly vibranium-tipped spear in his hands.



“STOP!:, shouted the Queen but T’Challa was far too gone in the haze of revenge to listen to her.

In his mind, I must have hurt his sister for absolutely nothing.

The mask did come out of my pocket so that was fair thinking on his side.

But how was I supposed to know what the mask would do to her?

And didn’t the bald lady say that it would choose its owner, the future of Wakanda?

Was Shuri that person?

Then why was the mask hurting her?

All these questions ran through my head as I stared at the incoming spear slowly.

Man, even enhanced people like T’Challa couldn’t exactly give me a challenge.

I could see the Dora Milaje recovering slowly from the flashbang and if I didn’t end this quickly, I might find myself dogpilled by the most elite warriors of Wakanda.

By that point, it would be difficult to disarm them without fatal injuries.

I let T’Challa come ever so slightly closer to me and leaned out of the spear’s way at the last moment.

I could see his eyes widen in slow motion at my maneuver.

It was pretty funny when you think about it.

He must not have expected me to outspeed him with him having already ingested the heart-shaped herb.

I took hold of the handle of his spear and kicked him in the chest.

I could see the exact moment he knew he f*cked up as all the air exited his lungs.

All of this happened very fast as the Dora Milaje had no time to recover.

One of the first things they must have seen was me attacking their Crown Prince and him being sent flying towards the furniture away from the Queen and Shuri.

Next thing I know they all start charging towards me with a battle cry.

Just as I was about to turn tail and run, the Queen shouted, “Stop!”

All of them halted in their tracks, right in the middle of their charge towards me, and collectively turned their necks to the Queen.

It looked pretty funny to me.

“Enough! I know what is happening and the Shuri’s pain is a by-product of it. Leave us.”, she ordered the Dora Milaje.

They didn’t protest it and after collectively throwing me a nasty glare, they left the hall and closed the door behind them.

She then went to help T’Challa get up as he still looked at me holding his spear with a wide unblinking gaze.

Getting up, T’Challa asked me, “How did you do that? There is no way you should have been able to react like that. You hit even harder than Baba does and he is the..”

I could see the realisation set in his eyes.

He asked me in a stunned voice, “Who are you?”

“I would like to know the answer to that question as well, Prince N’Jadaka,” Queen Ramonda asked in a stern voice.

“It’s not often that T’Challa is trounced in combat and especially now that he had ingested the heart-shaped herb, he has few contemporaries in his age. You, without having the power of the Black Panther were able to defeat him is an astonishing feat and we will be having words about it but just not now.”

“We will talk after the mask is done evolving Shuri,” she said and walked towards the cocoon.

The pained voices of Shuri had stopped coming from it.

T’Challa ran after her and asked, “Mother, do you know what that is?”

She nodded and said, “Yes but be patient, all will be revealed soon.”

I rolled my eyes at that.

Old people and their cryptic bullshit.

Then we waited for the cocoon to open up.

Within the first 5 minutes of just staring at its silver surface, I gave up and sat down on the sofa, drinking my tea and eating the leftover snacks.

The Queen and T’Challa gave me strange looks.

“What? I was hungry,” I defended myself.

The Queen shook her head and went back to staring at the cocoon.

While I was eating, my mind went back to my encounter with the Sorcerer Supreme.

She had told me that the mask would choose the person who would save Wakanda and even humanity and even outright ordered me to make sure that said person reached their full potential.

Was that person Shuri?

It would make sense.

After all, according to Alfred’s reports, she would go on to become the most intelligent person Wakanda had ever produced in terms of technology.

But it din’t mention anything about her needing the mask to achieve that.

She was already smart and borderline genius without it.

Glancing at the cocoon, my thoughts went wild.

What is happening to her inside?

The screams from earlier sounded really painful.

The Queen said something about evolution before.

So is that what that mask did, it evolved people?

Just as these thoughts were running wild inside my head, I heard a sharp gasp.


I looked towards them only to see Queen Ramonda with her hands on her mouth staring at the crack that was slowly extending on the Cocoon.

I leaped towards them.

The cracks started getting bigger and bigger and eventually, the cocoon burst apart in motes of dust.

Out of that cocoon, came the airborne form of Princess Shuri.

An energy barrier, not unlike the one surrounding this city, enveloped her body.

She had her eyes closed but she was slowly floating down, right into the arms of Queen Ramonda.

The Queen looked very emotional and happy regarding this development.

She carefully handed over Shuri to T’Challa and told him to take her somewhere.

T’Challa looked extremely confused but nodded nonetheless, following her orders.

She wiped her tears as she watched them walk off and then she turned towards me.

She sat on one of the sofas and gestured for me to take a seat.

“You must be very confused, right?” she asked me.

Damn right, I was!

I nodded slowly at that question.

“That mask that you were in possession of is one of the most sacred possessions of Wakanda. It was prophesied to change the future of Wakanda,” she said

“The prophecy didn’t state how or why but it just gave the importance of that mask, so our ancestors stored it in our sacred vault, hoping that someone in the future could use it,” she said

“There was another prophecy that stated that should a silver cocoon envelop a child from a black mass, they would go on to become the most adept mystic of their generation,” she said

“They were just prophecies to us. After decades of them not coming true, they became mere words to us. Nobody even looks in the mystic section of the archive anymore, not even the oldest of the shamans. Only I go there sometimes to satisfy my idle curiosity.” she said

Then she glanced towards me.

“And today it finally happened. My Shuri has the blessings of the ancestors,” she exclaimed.

“Excuse me, but shouldn’t you be going after Shuri, making sure she is okay?” I asked her hesitantly.

She shook her head, “No need. It would just needlessly alert the council to some nonexistent threat to the Royal Family. After the meeting is done, my husband and I will take her to the Royal Shaman of our clan. He will know what to do.”

Not knowing what to say, I just nodded.

Man, today has been a day of just surprises after surprises.

I couldn’t wait for it to be done.

Perhaps noticing my tired state, Queen Ramonda said, “You should go rest. You have a long day tomorrow. The council will want to meet you so be prepared for that.”

I groaned at the mention of that stupid council meeting.

Alfred had warned me that they were particularly stubborn regarding any change and I intended to bring about the biggest changes this country had ever seen.

They would either join me in bringing about that change or they would perish, I thought ruthlessly.

No two ways about it.


Word Count - 1428

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