Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #24

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 24

Technomancer in MCU

Birnin Zana, Wakanda


Flashback No Jutsu

The King at first looked sheepish at first at my tirade but then he finally heard what I was saying and his face took a shocked expression.

With trepidation, he asked me, ‘“Wha–What do you mean by 3rd largest vibranium reserve?”

My only reply to that was a smirk aimed at him.

Jutsu End



Man, the expression on T’Challa’s face was hilarious.

I am pretty sure nobody had seen him make that face before.

I walked on ahead to the hovercraft.

The King walked behind me, bugging me about the vibranium reserves.

I could almost feel the holes Okoye was burning into me with her glare.

This must be so surreal for them.

Somebody was ignoring their King in his own city.

As much fun as it was, I stopped and finally replied, “What is it?”

Clearly surprised that I hadn’t heard a word of his tirade, he sighed and asked me again, “What did you mean by us having the third largest vibranium reserve? I thought the only Vibranium reserve on the planet was in Wakanda.”

I barely suppress a snort at that.

“You don’t know the half of it, King T’Chaka. The mountain that you have is only the third largest Vibranium deposit on the planet.”

“The only reason you can be considered lucky is that yours is the easiest to mine.”

“The rest are in inhospitable atmospheres for humans.”

“Both of them are fairly larger than yours but much harder to mine. So, be happy King T’Chaka.” I pat his shoulder and get seated on the hovercraft.

He hastily follows and gets seated right in front of me, N’Jadaka following him.

T’Chaka asked hesitatingly, “Is that where you got the Vibranium you use in your armies?”

Gulping, he continued, “Is your organisation in possession of an entire Vibranium deposit, one that is even larger than ours?”

Smirking, I replied, “Why? Afraid you will lose your monopoly on the miracle material and can no longer hoard it all?”

He just looked at me with wide unblinking eyes, desperate for some answers.

Sighing, I replied, “Yes. I am the only human that has come in contact with the largest vibranium deposit on the planet in a million years. Yes, I have used that vibranium to outfit my army and advanced my technology by decades using that material.”

“Hell, we are close to making artificial vibranium now.”

It was as if something physically struck T’Chaka.

He sat in his seat, completely slumped with his face ashen, thinking of the implications of the news I had just delivered to him.

I sat there, stone-faced.

The hovercraft began its journey silently, taking us to the city.

After a while, King T’Chaka robotically lifted his head and looked me straight in the eye, and said, “So you didn’t need Vibranium from us?”

I looked him right in the eye and replied, “No.”

Confused, he asked me, “Then why come here? Why do all of this?”

“If your end goal is not vibranium or even our technology, why come all the way here and waste your time?” he continued.

Before I could reply to that question, N’Jadaka did.

“We don’t need Wakanda for its vibranium. We need Wakanda to become a beacon.” he said.

T’Chaka looked at his nephew, stunned.

“A beacon for human advancement.” N’Jadaka continued.

“We need Wakanda to become a public power so that the ensuing competition will come out of with technology that will help people rather than just more destructive weapons,” he said.

“With the Ascendancy’s public reveal, the entire world will soon enter in a global arms race. Nobody can stop that. Everybody is scared.” he said.

“The civvies are scared of aliens showing up again and the suits are scared of Ed showing up again,” he said.

“They need some kind of effective weapon for them to sleep peacefully,” he said.

We want to avoid that outcome,” he gestured to both of us.

I nodded, confirming his words.

“Where does Wakanda come into all of this?” King T’Chaka asked hesitantly.

N’Jadaka looked at me and I nodded in confirmation.

He took a deep breath and then took out a small black coloured ring from his shirt pocket.

Tapping it once, he threw it into the air above us.

Instead of falling, it stayed up there, slowly revolving.

With that, the sounds around us slowly faded to zero.

T’Chaka looked around in astonishment and said, “Is that?” while gesturing to the ring.

N’Jadaka nodded and said, “Yes. It’s something Alfred cooked up. Total privacy curtain on the go. Your people can still see us but it will be fuzzy so no lipreading and no sound will get out of the barrier made by the ring.”

Understanding the severity of the situation, T’Chaka nodded.

N’Jadaka then continued, “We want Wakanda to become the face of the arms race.”

T’Chaka looked at him incredulously.

I hid my smile behind my bottle of water.

He was coming in nicely in his role.

N’Jadaka steamrolled over T’Chaka’s questioning looks, “We want you to assure the world that there is someone to keep us in check. That the world wouldn’t be completely defenseless should we someday go bonkers.”

“You only need to reveal the bare minimum of your advancements, strictly little to no vibranium use and maximum use of medical technology.”

“We have a list of technology that I know for a fact you possess so don’t bother denying it. You can start giving out medical cures and better healing procedures along with the advanced medical machines you have that don’t use vibranium, in phases to the outside world.”

“As for the risk to your country, don’t worry about it. With the threat of our organisation swooping in anytime, they will play nice with you. In fact, they will probably give you any concession you demand that you can use to further your political goals if you have any.” he said.

T'Chaka took a deep breath, clearly overwhelmed by all that we were telling him.

Before he could ask though, I answered it for him, “No. You can’t seek anybody's advice regarding this. You are King, act like one.” I said resolutely.

T’Chaka looked conflicted but eventually, he gave in.

Just in time too, as we were nearing our first stop of the tour.

N’Jadaka deactivated the ring and we stepped out of the hovercraft into a… museum?

I gave T’Chaka an amused look.

Why would he choose this as our first site?

He seemed to understand our confusion as some pallor returned to his face and he gave us a half-hearted chuckle and led us into the Royal Wakandan Museum.


Word Count - 1150

Short, I know but this seemed like a nice place to stop and I was all out of creative juice anyway. The next parts of this arc can fill out multiple chapters nicely but this one was fated to end here :)

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