Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #22

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 22

Technomancer in MCU

Birnin Zana, Wakanda


Despite having seen the same visuals on a screen for years, the real thing just took away my words.

“Magnificent, isn’t it?” Boss said, standing beside me.

I nodded robotically.


The Royal Guest House, Birnin Zana, Wakanda


I knew that they would pull out all the stops for me, as such this was unsurprising for me.

Still, the views more than made up for the ugly truth that lies beneath it.

The Structure was built into a mountain apparently. A perfect example of modern construction as it showcased modern buildings built in consort with nature rather than against it.

A waterfall falling from up above the mountain.

Exotic Flora surrounded the entire facility. Some of them were literally glowing.

Then again, it was not entirely impossible for new species to emerge after millenia of exposure to vibranium. 

That metal did have the tendency to mutate even the most mundane of lifeforms into exotic ones just by prolonged exposure.

The only visible way is through a raised platform that has an energy barrier around it.

The governments outside would cry in envy if they saw advanced barrier tech being used as a glorified umbrella.

I glanced at N’Jadaka from the corner of my eye, he was still gaping and looking around the scenery like a tourist.

It was understandable. After all, this has been his dream for many years.

To come to Wakanda.

To be welcomed as a guest rather than an invader.

To be able to see all these beautiful views and more importantly, belong somewhere.

He had been without a home ever since his father died. 

Constantly going from foster home to foster home, in search of a home.

This is what he was searching for and in the ‘original’ timeline, the fact that he was detested, unwelcome even here, the last place he expected to reject him must have hurt him really badly.

So, he snapped and declared the most asinine war known to mankind.

Clearing my throat, I gained his attention and said to him, “Come on. Stop gawking around like a tourist. They’re waiting for us.”

He followed my gaze and saw that Okoye was looking at us very much unimpressed.

He must have looked like a bumpkin to her, admiring things that seemed normal to the local populace.

Following her, we went inside and were shown to our rooms.

Both of us got a penthouse suite, it would seem.

It had gorgeous views of the entirety of their Capital city.

I could see the Royal Palace, the center of the City. It was built with advanced materials, infused with vibranium to make what is probably the most fortified palace of any king ever.

This thing made Fort Knox look like a wall safe with the access code ‘0000’ in comparison.

The only thing that could come close would be Namor’s palace but that was only due to its inherent geographical advantage coupled with their advanced vibranium-based technology.

Speaking of Namor, I should go meet him soon.

Should advise him against his vendetta regarding the surface world.

After some time, N’Jadaka entered my room, already ready for his tour.

“Excited?” I asked him as he stood beside me, enjoying the view of the city.

“Are you kidding? Hell yeah! This is the city my father used to gush so much about. Let’s see what’s so special about it.” he replied giddily.

“Very well. Somebody should be with us soon to show us the city. I’ve already told them I don't have much time and would prefer if I was out of Wakanda by the end of the day.” I said to him.

“They were extremely relieved that I was set on leaving and also mildly terrified that I was going to stay in their capital for an entire day with what was essentially an army staying just outside the city.”

“Alfred, what’s the situation outside?” I asked my buddy.

All I heard in return was a malicious chuckle.

That did not bode well for the Border tribe members guarding the fleet.


Outside Birnin Zana


As I stood outside the perimeter that encircled the entire fleet brought by the outsiders, my mind buzzed with a whirlwind of thoughts and conflicting emotions.

The decision to host those outsiders inside Birnin Zana was of paramount significance. That much was certain.

I find myself conflicted thinking about the implications of this visit and King T'Chaka’s reaction to this unannounced visit on Wakandas’s security, traditions, and even its very future.

It was clear that this Ed character had no respect for our traditions, or our privacy and security as he barged into Wakanda with an army of all things.

An army that was more than capable of causing catastrophic damage to Wakanda if the videos he had seen of their destructive might in New York were any indication.

I could see it in the eyes of the security forces stationed nearby.

They were nervous. 

Why wouldn’t they be? They too had seen the same footage I had seen. 

Being this close to machines capable of causing mass destruction would make anyone nervous.

I, myself, had I not been personally reassured by the King and Queen, would have fought tooth and nail to get these machines off Wakandan soil or annihilated.

Hearing another series of screams, I gritted my teeth and ran towards the source.

There, I found the same scene I had been finding for the past dozens of screams that sounded throughout the perimeter.

The damn aircraft carrier was so big and heavy that it only floated on the land, never truly touching down. It was a good thing as I was truly worried that it would just sink into the land, damaging it and its weapons systems.

The problem was the size of their fleet.

It was huge and the resulting perimeter that had to be established around the fleet stretched his entire team thin.

Then there was the other nuisance.

I was informed by the Queen that there were no people on board the fleet.

It was all run by an advanced A.I.

At the moment, it was hard to believe as according to recent reports, even Wakanda was at least a decade behind on creating actually sentient A.I. and there were even huge debates within the council regarding the creation of sentient digital lifeforms and the risks associated with them.

The A.I. was sentient and it formed the appearance of an old man but its actions were of a teenager hopped up on enormous quantities of sugar instead.

The main carrier ship must have some sort of hard light projection system.

The A.I. constantly used that to prank his soldiers.

Assuming different forms and appearing in front of the soldiers holding all sorts of weapons or firing beams of light reminiscent of the ones fired during the invasion.

This scared the soldiers so much only for them to later realise that it was just light and not an energy beam capable of vaporizing them without their vibranium shields.

He ordered the soldiers to get up and continue their patrolling shift.

Frustrated, he then shouted in the direction of the ship, “I know you are listening to me. Stop this at once.”

“This does not bode well for you as well as your creator.”

As soon as I did that, he appeared in front of me with a flash of white light.

Startled, I raised my shield and took a step back.

“What I do doesn’t concern my master, Mr.W’Kabi.” the AI replied, utterly serious.

“It does! You people are here on a diplomatic mission and the fact that you brought an army here doesn’t speak well of your intentions in the first place and then this.”

“Your harassment of my soldiers tells me you are not serious about the alliance because let me tell you, the Border tribe elder is on the council where the final decision regarding this alliance will ultimately be taken.”

“So I would advise you to behave lest you reduce the chances of this alliance taking any shape,” I warned him, breathing heavily.

He gave a very slow nod, “Very Well”

He then disappeared.

I was relieved and went to the outpost to tell the rest of the team about this.

They were very relieved, and many of them even thanked me profusely.

Still, I was going to send a complaint regarding this to the Queen as the King is not accepting the calls of any tribe elder for the moment and just telling them to continue things as they were.

He had already called off the evacuation notices issued to the entirety of the city and without any explanation as to why that decision took place, told the population of the city to just go about their days and not worry about any security issues.


Word Count - 1504

A/N : - Sorry for the huge gap between chapters. One of my brothers had to get hospitalised for a heatstroke and I couldn’t concentrate enough to write. BUT don’t worry, I will be releasing another chapter today, maybe about 4-5 hours later. It will be late I know but I will publish it.

Anyways, you know the Jazz - Extra chapters on Patreon

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