Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #2

Chapter 2 

Technomancer in MCU 

New York City

–Tony Stark–


“Jarvis, what’s the situation?”I yell as I blast off another one of those Chitauri rider boat things.

“The energy surrounding the cube is impenetrable by conventional means, sir.”He replied.

“We already knew that. Damn it! Where are the others?”I questioned.

“Captain America along with the Black Widow and Hawkeye were last seen downtown exiting a crashed jet, helping start rescue operations.” Replied my trusty AI.

“Any sign of Banner yet?”

“No sir.”

“Keep me informed.”

“Affirmative, sir.”

Going by the numbers I am seeing, even the entire team won’t be enough. We’ll need heavy support from the army and even then the casualty count will be too high, civilian and military alike.

Just as I was about to order Jarvis to connect me to the closest military base, something slammed into me.

Completely blindsided, I ask “Jarvis, what the hell?”

“I’m sorry sir, the projectile completely escaped all senses right up until it slammed into you.”

The HUD was showing all kinds of Vacky readings that didn’t make any sense. The energy readings alone made my current Arc Reactor look like an AA battery.

“Jarvis, any updates on the situa—What the hell is this?”

“Sir, it seems to be a semi-liquid material completely enveloping the armour.”

“What is it, Jarvis?”

“I believe that the projectile that attacked us was a nanite package, it has completely mended to the Mark VII armour and has a superior power source along with numerous other features that have only been theorised before.”

“I’ll say, the processing prowess along with advanced weapons alone makes this a walking tank.”

“Alright let’s see what this—-”

“Sir, I think you should see this.” Interrupted Jarvis.

The RADAR or whatever advanced version of it this suit was using was somehow telling him that reinforcements were here.

They did not seem to be from the US military but probably from whoever built this suit.

Squinting slightly, I saw what appeared to be multiple jets coming towards me at speeds exceeding Mach 3.


“On it, sir”

“What the hell?” I replied, incredulously.

Everywhere I could see, these bots of some sort launched themselves at any and all buildings in sight.

They looked more like arachnids to be honest. Multiple legs for support and also for offensive purposes, as evidenced by the unfortunate Chitauri soldier who was just bisected in two by a suspiciously familiar thin beam from one of its legs.

“Jarvis, are they using my tech?”

“..Scans suggest a version with significantly higher throughput, sir.”

“Damn!”, I replied, seeing the numbers, not at all jealous.

“...Unusually synchronous buildup of energy sensed”

“What are they doing, Jarvis?”

Just as I was about to head towards one, for closer inspection, there was a faint whining noise and a huge wave of blue light erupted from all the bots near me.

That wave was joining with other waves emerging from other parts of the city.

“Well I’ll be damned,” I said, grinning.

There were now multiple domes of pure blue light, almost like the cube, surrounding the major areas of the city.

It excluded the Stark tower so it was still going to be a bitch and a half to repair.

I did not pout, no matter what Jarvis tells you.

“Mr.Stark, The Captain has been spotted wearing similar armour to yours on the streets.”

“Well, let’s go say hi then. Jarvis, let’s see what this bad boy can do.”

With nary a sound, the repulsors came active and I rocketed away.


“Jarvis, what % are we on the repulsion systems?”

“Just under 1%, sir.”

I whistled. Damn, I hope whoever gave me this lets me keep it after this.

Just ahead, I could see Captain lifting a literal block of concrete from the street like it was a pebble and using it to smash an entire horde of aliens.

It seems he isn’t using the weapons systems or does he not have one?

“Jarvis, target all Chitauri riders. Eliminate with extreme prejudice.”

“Gladly, sir.”

With the command given, Jarvis just, somehow? Emitted lasers from all parts of the armour and sliced through the aliens like a hot knife through butter.

Landing on the ground, I gave the good Captain a nod, “Captain”

“Mr.Stark” he nodded back.

”Are those shields yours?”, he asks, looking up.

I do the same, replying, ”No, but damn am I glad that they are there. Otherwise, who knows what the casualty rate would have been.”

Hearing the sound of thunder rumbling, I smiled, ”Look alive, Captain, Point Break is here”.

With the sound of Thunder, Thor arrived where we were standing.

Wait, how did he get through the shields?

As if reading my mind, he replied “The shields are somehow selective, they let me pass through but the Chitauri can’t seem to enter and they are now trying to go beyond the barriers.”

“What about Loki?”The captain asked.

“With the power of his sceptre, he can slice through the barrier but it heals right up so he can only allow limited entry.”

As if given some sort of signal, we could clearly see Loki getting into the barriers on one of the nightmare fuels-whale things.

Hearing the sound of an engine closeby, I turned around only to..

“Well, Doctor Banner, better late than never.”

“Uh-huh” replied our resident anger management doctor.

We could clearly see the whale thing floating towards us.

“We could use a little bit of giant angry muscle here, Doc.”

“Yeah, I know,” he replied

With a sigh, he removed his glasses and walked forward, probably to do a reenactment of the whole crush a tank with his bare hands at the Culver University.

“Doctor Banner?", asked Steve


“Now might be a real good time to be angry.”

Like a badass, Bruce replied, ”That's the secret, Cap. I’m always angry.”

Then, he turned around, hulking up and stopping the damn lizard thing in a single punch.

Damn! That was cool.

Wait, where was Loki?

“Uh…Jarvis, any sign of Loki?”


There was a high-pitched noise of some sort.

As I turned around to look for it, there was a bright flash of light near the portal.


“..Activating filters..”

As the light cleared up, the scene that greeted me made my jaw drop slightly.

There was a straight path cleaved through the hordes of aliens near the Portal.

I could clearly see partially cleaved parts of the huge space whales.

Tracking the trajectory, I searched for the culprit of that attack and I immediately did a double-take.

“Fury?” I mumbled, seeing a near replica of Fury’s secret carrier.

“No” I shook my head. The design was similar but they actually had repulsor tech incorporated to keep the boat afloat.

“..Incoming call…”

I mumbled, “Let's see what our mystery benefactor has to say to us. Patch us through, Jarvis.”

“...Connection Established…”

“Greetings, Avengers…..”


Word Count - 1164

Next Chapter - Natasha POV

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