Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #15

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 15

Technomancer in MCU


“With all that we have seen and his reaction to the events, is it safe to assume that we might have someone with precognitive abilities on our hands?”

My face rapidly paling, I looked at her disbelievingly.


S.H.I.E.L.D. Blacksite

–Nick Fury–


It was an ability that was only theorized by the boldest analysts at S.H.I.E.L.D. as it was often thought of in the world of science.

The boys in the labs could more often than not make some sort of sense in terms of science when we encounter enhanced individuals and put them in the Index list.

There had never been a precognitive enhanced encountered by any of our agents.

However, some at the agency have theorized that the more powerful someone’s precognitive ability was, the farther they could see, effectively warning them about our approach and making them flee.

The thought of anybody being a precognitive and using it for nefarious purposes was bad enough.

The fact that the person who could upend the world just with his words has that ability made the stuff of nightmares.

This could change everything, which is why I needed to confirm it.

Aghast at the revelations, I asked her, “Anything else you know that can support that.”

“You should know Romanoff that if it turns out to be true, we will have to take him far more seriously, even more so since he would know about credible threats to the planet.”

“An ability invaluable to any nation or agency on the planet.”

She shook her head, “Apart from all the weird coincidences of him being in the right place at the right time, having just the right tech for nuclear irradiations, and then even building an entire city from scratch.”

“He even had customized suits ready for each of the members of the team.”

“I wouldn’t pretend to understand them like Stark would but I could see that those were built to fight back against heavy odds in an urban environment.”

She took a breath, drank water from a nearby cup, and continued.

“You know what that would mean, Director.”

I nodded grimly.


“Once can be attributed to coincidence, maybe even twice but three times? I don’t think we should doubt that anymore.”

“I think he or at least someone in his faction is a potent precognitive. This raises the stakes even more.”

Barton interjected here, “Just don’t let that cloud your thinking when you meet him again. It could end disastrously for us.”

I nodded grimly, taking his words into account.

Remembering something, I asked them, “Did he give any of you a way to contact him? I don’t think any of the bugs you planted on any of his shit is going to work.”

They both shook their heads. “He didn’t give us anything. In his own words, he would be the one contacting us rather than us contacting him.”

The same thing he told me.

Sighing, I replied, “Fine. Take your required rest. I’ll go put out some more fires.”

“Ha! Not envying you right now, Boss.”, Barton snickered.

I gave him a flat stare.

I heard Hill’s comms crackle to life.

Putting a finger on them, she replied, “Yes, this is Hill speaking.”

She glanced at me and replied, “Yes, Director Fury is with me.”

Whatever she heard was shocking enough that her face lost all its color.

She then turned to me, “Si..Sir, the pilot we had in custody is dead.”

I abruptly stood up at that news.

I turned to her and thundered, “What the hell just happened?”

“I had specifically ordered to keep him under full containment, nobody going in or out without my say so.”

Not listening to her answer, I ordered, “Take me where he was kept.”

“How can somebody just die? It seems like one hell of a coincidence.”

I paced through the halls, Hill beside me.

The words of Ed rang in my head.

He had told me of things going conveniently missing.

Is this what he was warning me about?

Did he see this future as well?

So many questions and no real answers.

An entire squad was stationed at the entrance.

It was one of those purpose-built pods that S.H.I.E.L.D. had in case we wanted to contain someone in a portable prison.

Only one way In or Out.

In-built air filter system along with oxygen supply to last a single person weeks.

There should have been no point of entry and yet, as I came near, I saw two of the guards with their throats slit and the pilot with a hole in his head.

I cursed under my breath.

I rounded on the nearest agent, “Where’s the footage?”

“How long ago did you find the bodies?”

“Any sign of tampering.”

The agent stammered out, “Uh..Um, sir, the cameras were disabled before their death sir.”, he gestured to the clearly shot cameras.

“We found the bodies just a few minutes ago. We informed Special Agent Hill immediately.”

“The medics have yet to touch the pilot’s body as per your orders.”

I looked at him with wide unblinking eyes and snarled, “If my orders were actually followed, we wouldn't have 2 dead agents and our prime lead in figuring out the perpetrators behind the nuclear attacks.”

He looked terrified of me.

“Get the autopsy done ASAP.”, I ordered him.

Looking at the scene once again, I palm my face from the frustration of it all.

He was right, the organisation as it is now won’t be able to help humanity. 

Hell, we can’t even protect our agents right in the centre of a heavily fortified base.

On the way back to the chopper, my phone rang.

I took one look at the caller and my headache intensified tenfold.

I accepted the call.

“Hello, sir.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Yes, sir. I assure you that investigation is at the top of our priority lists.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll personally be there tomorrow, sir.”

“Just give me 24 hours, I’ll have it ready by then.”

“Thank you, sir. I won’t disappoint you.”

“Yes, sir. Have a good day.”

With a sigh that seemed to drained the life out of me, I said,” Hill, put a meeting with POTUS on my calendar tomorrow.”

“Have something ready for me to show him lest we both lose our jobs.”

“The agency is teetering on thin enough ice as it is.”

“Yes, sir.”, came the equally despondent reply.



–Alexander Pierce–

“Is it done?”, I ask Rumlow while nursing my drink.

“Good. We don’t need Fury sticking his nose in our business.”

“Especially since this Ed character is already going to be a pain in the ass to deal with.”

“Monitor the situation and give me regular updates on any steps Fury takes.”

I closed the cell phone and tossed it on the table, uncaring of its state.

That was one headache dealt with.

How did that Ed guy get a hold of our most secretive bases’ location is another one that we need to deal with immediately.

I had already put all bases on high alert, warning them of a possible attack.

The other heads will soon require an explanation from me for disrupting their work like that.

After not getting messages of any base being attacked, I concluded that the guy probably had no interest in them.

But he was dangerous.

More dangerous than any foe we had ever encountered.

The Captain right now is nothing more than a super-solider with a frisbee.

Stark, Banner, and everybody else can be dealt with Project: INSIGHT.

He was going to be the one who made or broke the situation.

The power he had at his fingertips, along with the information he likely possessed of the secrets of the world.

Too dangerous to engage right now without sufficient information.

We have to move most of our bases.

This would set us back years but we had no other choice.

Until we can find some sort of weakness in that guy, we have to lay low.

I initiated a meeting of the heads for that purpose.

Palming my face with a sigh, I prepared myself for another meeting of treachery and subterfuge.


Word Count - 1399

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