Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #13

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 13

Technomancer in MCU

Central Park

–Jemma Simmons–

When I came to know about the New York Invasion, I was horrified to witness the grotesque aliens coming from the portal and open firing on the civilians below, causing death and destruction at a level never seen before in the heart of the United States’ Financial Capital.

I was also interested as a biochemist about the exoskeletons and the general overall physique of the aliens.

Watching the new entity put up shields surpassing anything S.H.I.E.L.D. had even come up with was shocking. 

It was cathartic to watch some of the science boys nearly have a stroke after they did some rough calculations regarding that shield equipment.

I nearly did a double-take when I saw those yellow healing lights.

That technology was revolutionary!

It was able to heal cuts, bruises, and even broken bones with nothing but a light shining on that area, a complete non-contact healing technique.

Not only that but it also had a rejuvenating effect even on the ones who didn’t seem to be injured.

I was so excited for that!

Seeing that the invasion was pretty much under the control of the Captain and his team, I headed to my personal lab.

I couldn’t wait to put in a request to examine both the aliens and that revolutionary healing technology.

I had no doubt in my mind that S.H.I.E.L.D. would eventually acquire both. 

No sooner had I entered my lab, I got a text from my supervisor to report to her immediately.

I raced to her office, as her summoning me at this moment would indicate only one thing.

“Agent Simmons, Reporting.”, I saluted her after entering her office.

“At ease.”

“Agent Simmons, you are to head to the New York City Central Park site ASAP. You are under orders to examine the patients that are being healed there.”

“Examine the technology employed there and if possible, acquire a piece of it but do not recklessly jeopardize your safety for that. I can see your excitement for that from miles away”

“Am I clear?”, she stressed out.

She nodded heavily.

“Great, dispatch is in 15 minutes. All your necessary gear has been sent ahead.”

“Take your essentials and meet Commander Grey in Hangar 3. He will personally escort you there in one of the Quinjets.”

I smothered a gasp at that.

It would seem that the matter was very urgent.

I had never traveled in a quinjet before. That was reserved for the most urgent matters only.

I tried not to run through the hallways to get my stuff from the dorms.

Within 10 minutes, I was in Hangar 3.

The commander greeted me and we entered the quinjet.

I strapped myself in and watched as the quinjet took off and the S.H.I.E.L.D. academy became a mere dot in the distance.

With nary a whisper, the quinjet landed on one of the agency’s helipads hidden in plain sight.

When I exited the jet, an agent was waiting for me with a black SUV.

He gave me a tablet, debriefing me on the current situation and the staggering amount of people who have already been evacuated from the city, processed at the Central Park complex for any injuries, and held in makeshift shelters across the city.

The number of doctors I could see that were present in that complex was huge.

“How did they get so many doctors together in such a short period of time?”, I asked agent Ken.

He grumbled, “That’s one of the questions the higher-ups have been asking again and again. There was a conference going on nearby, and a ton of doctors, especially specialists, attended from around the world. They kidnapped all of them and presumably, forced them to work here.”

“We have looked into the conference and have yet to find a clear trail towards the sponsor. The higher-ups suspect that they could have had a hand in the conference.”

I gasped at that, “Which would mean that—”

“Yes, they had prior knowledge of the time and location of the invasion and didn’t tell anyone.”, he continued.

Sighing from the weight of these revelations, I said,” Just take me to the camp. I trust all my stuff has already reached there.”

He nodded at me.

I decided to rest my eyes for a while, “Tell me when we reach the site.”

When the vehicle came to a stop, I woke up.

Shaking off the dizzying feeling, I took a sip of my coffee and stepped out of the car.

The scene that awaited me took my breath away.

A huge multi-story building was floating on top of Central Park.

It was very wide as well.

I could see armed agents posted near the rockets which seemed to hold the entire complex afloat.

A huge number of people already waiting in a line to be filled into a bus and sent out to the number of shelters across the city.

With a determined nod, I entered the complex.

The insides were very much a whirlwind of activity.

A cacophony of doctors giving orders to nurses.

Nurses administering medicines to the patients.

But the conspicuously absent sound was the sound of pain and misery that was common when you entered a hospital that was taking in patients from war-torn areas.

Resolving to find out more, I headed towards what was apparently a receptionist area.

Upon finding no one there, I was about to turn around when a hologram projection appeared in front of me.

It was a man wearing a three-piece suit.

This must be the A.I. that ran this place, I thought.

“How may I be of help, Agent Simmons?”, he bowed.

I raised an eyebrow at that. It would seem that the other party had extensive knowledge about their agency. 

They would need to check for any hacks in their databases.

“I am here to act as a liaison for S.H.I.E.L.D. as well as help in any way I can.”

He looked me in the eye for a moment and then nodded.

He then gestured towards a tablet that was sitting on the table.

Hesitantly, I picked it up and saw that it was an overlay of the entire complex.

The number of patients going in and out, the wards designed for specific purposes.

Astonishingly, not a single casualty was reported inside the hospital.

The next few hours were a whirlwind of activity.

I went from ward to ward, noting the technology employed here.

None of the doctors seemed to be having a problem using any of it as it was almost supernaturally intuitive.

In some cases, it was literally operated by brainwaves.

I mentally noted all the new technology she was seeing here, utterly fascinated by it, to put it in her report.

It was going to be a long one.

More than a few times, I tried to take one of the miniature healing light emitters that resembled common torches but always, always without fail, Alfred would pop up somewhere in her vision and shake his head disappointingly at her.

Ashamed to admit it but I was kind of scared as to what he would do if I took it anyway.

After a while, the invasion had ended, and barring a few patients, the entire complex had become empty.

The doctors too had taken a break.

They were sitting in one of the lounges, where Alfred had provided the full set for all of us.

High-quality alcohol was available.

I looked longingly at the litany of high-class brands but I had a job to do and couldn’t afford to be drunk on it.

As she was mentally adding matter fabrication to the rather astonishing list of abilities that Alfred had on command, one of the agents stationed outside came running inside.

He stiffened when he saw Alfred, but continued otherwise when he didn’t do anything.

“There must be some story there”, I thought in my mind.

He came up to me and said, “Mam, you are required someplace else. The Widow and Hawkeye need medical attention and you are the highest placed medical staff of our agency on site.”

Understanding his urgency, I nodded to him and started preparing my stuff.

Alfred chose that moment to slide into my vision and a slit opened up on top of my table and one of those healing emitters was raised from it.

Raising an eyebrow, I looked at Alfred and then the healing emitter and then again back at him with a questioning gaze.

“Take it. For your reference, it’s called a CHI light”, he said.

I was surprised that he outright gave me the stuff. He must know that this means S.H.I.E.L.D. could start researching this.

Not questioning his change of heart lest he change it back, I promptly stuffed it into my bag and walked out of the complex without a glance back.

Entering the SUV, we drove off and soon, entered the black site S.H.I.E.L.D. had set up to receive Widow and Hawkeye.

I entered the wards, to see a veritable army of doctors hovering around the prone forms of Widow and Hawkeye.

The lead doctor spotted me and his utterly exhausted-looking face looked relieved to see me.

He came up to me and pleaded in a weary voice, “Please! No matter what I do, they simply won’t listen to me. I have told them that their bodies are utterly exhausted.”

“They simply tell me that they are the top agents and just a few hours of high-intensity combat won’t land them in a coma.”

“I am at my wit’s end. I have seen cases like these.”

“Cases where the human body is pushed to its utmost limits. Normally it has its limits but in life-threatening situations, we can push that limit.”

“Given the situation, both of them were in, it is perfectly reasonable for this to happen but they want them awake for they possess important information.”

She placed a calming hand on the doctor’s forearm.

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it.”

“Why don’t you take a break? You clearly need it.”

He nodded at me and he shuffled out of the room.

After diagnosing them, I came to the same conclusion.

Just the one thing that confused me was how they overdrew their bodies so much.

The reports suggest extended periods of artificially increased synapse speed.

That would have resulted in enhanced reflexes and reaction speeds but the question was how did they do it.

All this thinking had exhausted me.

I took my water bottle out of my bag and coincidentally, my gaze fell on the CHI light that Alfred had given me.

My eyes lit up immediately.

It all made sense when I thought of it that way.

After careful consideration, I decided to use the lights on them.

It worked immediately.

Their faces gained colour and their bodies showed increased activity, a sure sign that they were going to wake up soon.

After about a minute, she turned off the light as she had learned in her brief time at the Central Park complex that an overdose could be fatal.

Informing one of the nearby nurses to inform her when they woke up, she went to the temporary office they had set up for her use.

She was so invested in studying the effects of CHI on various life forms that she didn’t realise how much time had passed and one of the nurses had come running into her office, informing her that Widow had woken up.

“Inform Special Agent Hill about Widow waking up.”, I order her.

I then go ahead to take a look at their conditions.

I was very curious about what they knew too.


Word Count - 1999 (Lol)

Next Chapter - Shocking Debrief

A/N : Once again, my longest chapter yet. Almost 2k words.

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I already have 8 chapters ahead uploaded there.


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