Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #121

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Chapter 121

Technomancer in MCU

The fight had begun with Hela’s forces and yet, none of the heavy hitters of the allied forces had moved because they were aware that the foot soldiers reanimated by Hela’s magic were not worth their time. Normal Asgardian soldiers would have been more than enough to deal with, albeit with a few casualties. The casualties part was removed from the equation because the armour that everybody was wearing was more than capable of deflecting the death energy that permeated every single one of those skeletal soldiers. Sure, they would never have enough armour to stop Hela’s death energy if she got serious but the death energy that every single skeletal soldier had was minuscule so it was fine for the foot soldiers to duke it out with the bulk of Hela’s forces. In fact, due to the augmentation granted by the armours to their wearers, they would need to exert very little force to create the same effect as their natural strength as the Arc Reactors in their suit would compensate for their energy, allowing them to go on fighting for a long period of time. The longer the fight went on with the petty soldiers, the more advantageous it would be for the allied forces.

The heavy hitters were waiting for either Hela herself to make a move or for her to summon someone much stronger than mere skeletal soldiers. Granted, those soldiers were made from the corpses of the Berserkers and the host of animals that had died in the waters surrounding Asgard, which were dangerous for the normal civilian Asgardian but for a trained Asgardian, they were little more than fish waiting to be fished.\

The spike that had gone through the platform that everyone was standing on had since disintegrated into nothing as Hela had stopped providing it with magic. Instead, she was just standing there, waiting for something. The commanders of the army were monitoring the condition of the battles going below and aside from surprise attacks from the ancient aquatic predators, there was nothing of concern going on. So far, not a single skeletal soldier had made it past the huge line of Asgardian soldiers just waiting for their turn to fight for their homeland and die in glory. 

Asgardians were weird like that.

It was actually Loki who had first noticed the change. “Look,” He had pointed to Hela, causing Frank to project a hologram in front of them which was using the long-range cameras installed on the ships floating above them. It showed Hela who looked noticeably more human than she had first shown up on Asgard. Daisy then flicked her arm, causing another picture to appear on the side of the video feed. The difference was like day and night. When Hela first appeared on Asgard, her face had sunken in with bones showing on her body along with her attire being completely tattered.

Now? Now, her face was gaining regal authority with her attire changing to a green and black battle suit.

“So, it is true then. She grows stronger the more we wait,” Loki surmised.

“Yeah, but aren’t we doing the same?” Stark questioned. He was right in that regard and yet, they could not wait for Hela to take action simply because keeping Hela disoriented for long enough for Alfred to complete the ritual was also one of their tasks. Giving her more time will also increase the range of her senses and she will most definitely sense the absence of Frigga and the strong energy signatures in the place where the ritual room was. She would also most probably soon sense the absence of even a single Asgardian civilian on the planet. That would rouse her suspicion and they could not let her divert her attention from the huge and fancy army that was gathered in front of her.

Thus, they had resolved to take action by firing the first shot before there was a cracking noise right below the water, resulting in a particularly large wave of water that washed over a couple hundred of Hela’s skeletal soldiers.

“Guys, something is coming from the waters below. Something big,” The words of the team on the ship above were heard by everybody standing on the platform. All of them looked at Hela only to see her smirk directly at the platform as if she could see their panic. All of them wore grim looks as a loud howl was heard all over Asgard, darkening Asgard’s skies. 

Hela slowly spread her arms apart and uttered a single word that released such a potent wave of death energy that all the skeletal soldiers began hacking away at the Asgardian soldiers with even more fervor.


With the utterance of that single word, a gigantic green wolf jumped out from below the waters and landed straight on the bridge, in front of Hela, slightly cratering the bridge, something that should have been impossible considering the rigidity of that bridge. 

“Awoo!” Fenrir howled as multiple smaller but still larger than normal wolves jumped out of the waters and started running straight to the allied army. Meanwhile, Hela smirked as she petted Fenrir as she stared at the heavy-hitting line and smirked smugly at them, taunting them as her army continued to fight with the soldiers and failed. 

Despite her failure, Hela was perfectly happy with continuing this charade with as long as the people in front of her, most likely her step-siblings, wanted to. The longer she waited, the deeper her connection to Asgard would be, making her stronger until eventually, she would be able to swat out the annoying beings in front of her with laughable ease. As she was now, Hela realised she would be hard-pressed to defeat them if even two of them fought her at the same time. She could sense multiple non-Asgardians among the roster there as well. There was one who smelled like overwhelming rage and yet his appearance was completely harmless. She could also smell thunder and Mjolnir as well, probably, one of her brothers. One was an illusory presence who felt more like a Frost Giant but that would not be possible. Unless Odin had actually done the impossible and bent the minds of the stubborn Asgardians to make them accept Frost Giants of their own will.

Then there was that giant suit of armour, reminiscent of the Destroyer and yet she could feel two wills inside that thing. One a mortal mind and the other something else, something much faster than it should be possible. Hela had to admit that it was an impressive showing they had gathered for someone like her. Looking at the huge ships floating in space from which she sensed danger even now, she would freely admit that she would have died had they gone all out from the second she stepped foot on Asgard and yet, she was not worried. After all, it was not as if she would die…completely. They must know that as well, otherwise they would have just been done with her. The more they waited, the stronger she would become but if they had just killed her, she would come back stronger way faster than just waiting for the connection to slot in. Once she was killed, her instincts and divinity would take over, making sure that she would not die the same way ever again and for that, her body would siphon off every single source of energy, including the energy that was her birthright. So, the people in front of her were in a pinch. The only way to kill her was to actually kill her and destroy Asgard at the same time. Doing so would undoubtedly not serve any purpose so she was actually interested in what solution they had in their mind regarding her glorious power..

Hela’s neck snapped to the Royal Palace, the golden abomination, as she sensed something going on in the basement, specifically, the floor that housed the Yggdrasil ritual room. Her connection to Asgard had finally grown to the point she could sense almost all of Asgard and she could find no one. To her anger, she found nobody on Asgard other than the small army gathered in front of her. She snarled in rage at that insult only to freeze as she finally recognised the energy traces in the ritual room. 

Her eyes widened as she took a step forward, finally recognising the signature of two Infinity Stones that she had encountered in her lifetime. She was about to order Fenrir to charge through but before she could get a word in, she had to raise her hands in front of her, raising two huge shields made of necromantic energy. There was a loud gong that reverberated throughout the battlefield as Hela looked wide-eyed at the remains of her hastily built shield that had been obliterated in the attack. Even Fenrir had his entire torso shredded before the attack could be stopped. She locked on to the person who had attacked her with something that was more in line with something that could be expected from someone like the All-Father and not some puny mortal as the person on the platform who was lowering her arms was.

Fenrir was panting as he was recovering from the attack that had cleaved straight through her shields. She glared at the armoured figure who was responsible for harming her precious and waved her arms, causing multiple huge spikes to emerge from the ocean below and stab straight to the place where the figure was floating on some sort of platform. She expected them to dodge, not for that person to once again raise her arms, causing some weird metal contraptions to emerge from behind her and then just wave her arms, releasing a tidal wave of destruction that just eviscerated her spikes and then the entire arm that was standing on the bridge. She had to brace for the attack even after cocooning herself in her strongest shield. 

She clenched her fist as she looked at the aftermath of that attack. The entire battlefield had silenced as all of her skeletal soldiers had fallen into a pile of ash and bones, including her wolves. The good news was that Fenrir had fully healed himself in that time and yet, he was not actually with her yet. She would need the Eternal Flames for Fenrir to actually come back to life and luckily, she had just the way to do that. Clenching her fists, she smiled upon seeing her magic working. She had gotten a little rusty but combined with her innate control over Asgard that was expanding, she was able to summon the Eternal Flames from the vault which was suspiciously empty of everything except the Eternal Flames and a couple of other things. She would have to get to the bottom of that after this but for now, she would love to have her precious boy back in his entirety.


Her entire being screamed at her to duck as a razor-thin wave of something passed over her, shredding even the first protective layer of the observatory and only being stopped by the layer of Uru that coated the entire observatory, creating a loud gonging noise. She was getting tired of just defending so she just flicked her arms, causing some of the Eternal Flame to latch on to Fenrir’s tail, causing him to twitch and convulse as his body regained the life it had before he was struck down by the leader of the Valkyries, right before she killed her for that transgression.

She felt her body regain more energy before she swiped her arms, suffusing even more of her energy into her foot soldiers as Fenrir howled and jumped straight to the very dangerous person floating there. Her head would have been sliced had she not ducked at the right moment. Whoever that person was, they were extremely dangerous and needed to be taken down as priority.

She was just rewarded with another wave of vibrations, she noticed at that moment. Her opponent was releasing hyper-dense waves of vibrations, creating a wave that would dismantle most materials as soon as it came into contact with high-energy vibrations. She grinned as she sent another spike straight to the person and this time, she held onto it and continued to pour her energy into the spike, increasing its strength. She could feel the spike being continuously shredded but over time, her magic adapted to that as well and the spike finally went straight through where the person was standing, finally causing all of the strongest members of the army in front of her to move from their position. She smirked in satisfaction at that even as Fenrir was being pushed straight into the ground by the same person but her precious boy was no less stronger than he was. With his connection to her, it was only a matter of time before he adapted to her powers and killed her with his claws. That person may be dangerous but she had not yet won the honor of being called the Butcher of Asgard by being bogged down whenever someone stronger than her appeared in front of her.


Word Count - 2228

Next chapter - Hela is defeated after a long battle.


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