Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #11

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 11

Technomancer in MCU



“Don’t patronize me. Did you know about the invasion? About Loki? About the Nuke? About all this death and destruction occurring?”, I nearly shouted at him.

He made a humming noise in return.

I was going to strangle this motherf*cker.


–Nick Fury–

Just as my patience was about to reach its breaking point, he said, “No.”

The answer, while relieving, took the sails out of my wind completely.

My shoulders slumped slightly, and I relaxed slightly.

Even still, I asked him, “Then how did your forces reach here so quickly?”

"If you haven't already noticed, I am head and shoulders above most civilizations on the planet in terms of technology."

"I've had a fixation with transport technology for a long time and have improved upon existing tech and outright invented stuff to make my imagination come true."

I opened my mouth but he cut me off, "Before you ask, No. I will not be giving you any of my technology on a silver platter."

"Especially not to S.H.I.E.L.D. since your outfit just hoards it. Even civilian tech with no clear military applications is not taken out of your vaults."

"So don't preach to me about helping humanity by giving you stuff. It will just remain with you or conveniently get "Stolen" or "Misplaced"."

"I know how you operate, Fury."

I looked at him with a narrowed glare.

He looked back steadfastly.

Finally, after a while, I softened my glare.

"Fine. At Least then tell me what your intentions are."

"Because anybody who can amass this much power and wealth doesn't do it for just any reason."

He looked surprised, "You haven't had a chance to talk with Romanov, have you?"

I looked at him suspiciously.

"What is that supposed to mean?" 

He laughed it off, "Nothing Nothing. You'll know when you talk to them anyway.”

I made a mental note in my mind to talk with Romanoff and figure out what the hell happened when they gathered on that floating platform.

I had meant to debrief them before this meeting but ever since they arrived at the camp, they just collapsed.

The doctors told me that it was extreme exhaustion and they would recover in a few days’ time.

Upon questioning, all they received was gibberish from both of them so I made the call to let them sleep it off.

It seems I should have insisted.

At Least then I wouldn’t have just bumbled through this meeting.

The conversation fell silent after that.

Looking towards the city being nearly rebuilt completely.

An exact replica of the existing structures, even better, from Stark’s testimonies. 

The man was very bitter when he had to accept that his newcomer was better in terms of technology in every way possible.

I could see determination burning through his eyes whenever this “Ed” was mentioned.


I hope that fire burning below his ass finally makes him get his head in the game.

At least that way, anything he creates can reach our hands and we can start closing the seemingly huge gap between this new player and S.H.I.E.L.D.

“So, is it true?”, I questioned him, “What you told Stark? An exact replica of the city?”, gesturing to the city being built behind the huge barrier still active.

The analysts back at HQ were having strokes just thinking about the energy output of even one of those carriers, to be maintaining this large of a shield for hours at a time without needing any support.

Truly something those people in the army would kill for.

Why wouldn’t they? After all, this would ensure their global hegemony for decades or even centuries to come.

After a while, he replied, “Down to every last brick, Director. I don’t do shoddy work.”

“I’ll have Alfred send you the scans we have of the city and you can compare and tear up many places to see if we changed anything or placed some things where we shouldn’t have.”

About that.

“How can we trust that you won’t misuse that pet A.I. of yours. Stark himself says that it is far more advanced than his and even that has many of our members in congress fearing for their lives.”

“How can I reassure them that it won’t bring doomsday upon all of us, especially as it controls all your technology.”

He shrugged and then said bluntly, “You don’t”

At my incredulous look, he said, “Don’t give me that look.”

“Your people have done the same for years.”

“You guys had the bigger stick so you got everything.”

“No one questioned you about your BLACK BUDGET or your off-books clandestine operations.”

“Why? Simply because you always had the bigger stick.”

“Well, guess what? You don’t anymore.”


He sighed, “Look, this is getting exhausting.”

“All the patients that I could treat will be done getting treated in a few minutes.”

Gesturing in front of us, he said, “The city should be done around the same time anyway. You will just need to re-attach the utilities as the barriers have sliced clean through them.”

“The platform built in the Central Park will fall apart on its own after the patients are done getting treated.”

“Ah! And as a parting gift for you.”, he gestured behind me.

I looked behind me.

At first, there was nothing but after a faint glimmer, the cockpit of a ruined jet was visible along with an unconscious pilot, deposited on the ground.

How that got there without making any noise is beyond me.

With a faint suspicion in my mind, “Is that?”, I asked him.

“Yes, that is the pilot of the jet that fired a nuclear missile at a civilian population. I don’t need to remind you of the consequences of that, do I?”, he asked with a grave countenance. 

With a tight nod, I replied, “I will make sure that whoever was behind that gets the punishment they deserve. You have my word for it.”

He snorted and waved me off, “Bah! Starting to talk like a real politician there, Fury. I don’t need your empty reassurances. The Avengers or the public on the other hand might.”

“So, better get your case tight.”, he patted my shoulder and began to fly away.

“Is there any way I can contact you if shit hits the fan?”

“I’ll be on it before you know about it, Fury.”, the bastard said in the most condescending possible way.

He soon disappeared into his spaceship on top of the barrier.

“Director! Director!”, I heard a faint shouting voice.

I look for it only to see a frantic-looking Hill running towards me.

“What is it?”, I asked with urgency in my voice.

If she came running all the way here and broke my express orders not to disturb me, she must have a damn good reason to do so.

Panting for breath with her hands on her knees, she said, “It’s Secretary Pierce.”

As soon as I heard that, I cursed.

“He is here with the S.T.R.I.K.E. team.”, she continued.

“They want to take the Cube and the Sceptre along with Loki into their custody.”

I could already imagine Thor’s reaction to that.

“They had just tried to escort Dr.Banner out of the tent when I came here to inform you.”

I was already on a run when I heard her say Banner’s name.

I couldn’t understand what was going on in Pierce’s head.

Were they suicidal?


Word Count - 1273

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