Tanya Degurechaff’s Hogwarts Adventure

Undetected, unexpected. Wings of glory. Tell their story.

Tanya Degurechaff

Professor Snape arranged swiftly the first meeting of the theater club in an otherwise unused classroom in the basement, not far from the Potion's Classroom where the Weasley Twins helped him give a wonderfully dramatic welcoming speech about bewitching the mind, perfecting mimicry, melting cold hearts, and how we would, for a brief moment, turn fantasy into reality. Snape must have seen the natural talent the two had for the stage and when he saw they had signed up he tapped them for help making this club a success.

After the welcome speech, Snape told us it would be our responsibility, with his approval of course, to select a production we would like to put on in front of the rest of the school. A few of the other students had suggestions for plays or musicals they would like to do. I was asked for my opinion and I had to admit that I did not have much knowledge about any of this and had no preference.

Everyone seems to be confused about why I want to be in the Theater Club if I did not already have a love of stage productions. I have to tell them only part of the truth because the full truth includes some elements even the magi of this world would likely find fantastic. It is true that I had never gone into acting and that I thought doing so within this school setting would be an enjoyable way to spend my time.

The full truth was that I am old. Really old. Physically, I may be eleven, but spiritually I have lived over a hundred years of life. I made it to a point in my life that I was able to look back on my history and I realized that I had focused too much on financial stability that I was not able to enjoy life while my body was able to. The thrill rides at amusement parks would be too risky for my old heart, most games were the realm of the youth, and I allowed the chance of a life partner slip me by. I let myself grow old before I allowed myself to enjoy life and I did not want to repeat that mistake.

As I was nearing the end of my life, a popular film genre was of high school aged children engaging in drama and theater classes and clubs. I would not normally have watched such films, my preference having always been for historical and military pieces instead, but one was on the television during a stay in the hospital. The energy and joy the actors were showing during the performance on the screen felt so real, so visceral that I cried realizing I had chosen to write such frivolousness off as unproductive. That I had skipped out on having fun just for the sake of having fun.

I am far too embarrassed to ever acknowledge, even to myself, how many times I watched those movies in my final days before I slipped the mortal coil of that life and entered into this life.


After that first meeting, I remembered I had not discussed with Ron his behavior towards his fellow Gryffindor. Pulling him aside for the discussion was a rather simple affair, using the words that always seem to make men nervous.

"Ron, we need to have a talk."

Harry vacated Ron's side swiftly at that and Ron himself looked nervous. Good. His behavior was inexcusable.

"What about?" His voice wavered as he looked around the Common Room and unable to see whatever it was he was looking for.

"Your behavior. You said several things that hurt Hermione's feelings severely and nearly got her killed."

"I didn-"

"I know. You had no way to know she was being put into danger and that is exactly the problem. All of our actions have consequences and if I wasn't there, she very well could be dead now."

"I'm sorry."

I gave a less than kind huff. "I am not the one who nearly died. You will beg Hermione for her forgiveness after I am done with you. What I want to know is what were you thinking? Why would you say something like that, especially in a public place where anyone could hear you?"

Ron started to look down.

"Eyes on me," I reflectively ordered. Decades later and when I am dressing someone down I still expect them to maintain eye contact. It is basic respect.

Ron looked back at me and flinched. "I was upset. She is such a bossy know it all and I was just talking."

"You were upset? You often get upset?"

"Uh, well."

"Do you often get upset?" The desire to call Ron a soldier was stamped down ruthlessly as I gave Ron no room to wiggle out of answering me.

"Yes! Sometimes maybe." Ron took a step back as he answered me.

I took a step towards him and looked him directly in the face. "You are going to apologize to Ms. Granger. You will then be joining me regularly for lessons on controlling your emotions. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes," Ron squeaked, his eyes wide open.

"Then go!" I watched as Ron hurried off to apologize before grabbing my bag to see if the library had any copies of the plays mentioned at the Theater Club to develop an opinion on the options.


November began the quidditch season properly with the first game being Gryffindor versus Slytherin. When it came to the matter of sports, this was evidently the primary rivalry in the school. To a degree, there was rivalry between all the houses in order to extract the best performance out of the students, but the rivalry between Slytherin and Gryffindor was the fiercest on the quidditch pitch.

The morning of the match promised to be a chilly affair with the windows frosted around the edges. The atmosphere around the Great Hall seemed particularly energetic as the student body waited in anticipation for the match. Harry, however, seemed to be rather nervous, refusing to eat and claiming he was not hungry.

Not wanting my teammate suffering from a lack of energy on the field, I took it upon myself to ensure he ate by preparing him a plate of toast and the less greasy looking sections of eggs and set the plate in front of him. The fatty meats of the sausages would only further upset his stomach if the nerves were getting to him, but he needed energy.

"Eat this. I don't want to see you flying on an empty stomach. Have some pumpkin juice as well."

Looking him in the eyes, I could see Harry made the decision to follow my instructions with no further complaints.

"And relax, I will be there to ensure nothing too bad happens to you."

After breakfast, the team met in the locker room and put on the team uniforms, a surprisingly warm robe in red with our names on the back. Well, they would have had our names on them, if someone had not decided to put nicknames on them instead. Beat the nicknames and call signs I had in my last life, so I was not going to complain.


Lee Jordan

"Hello Hogwarts! Welcome to the first game of the year between Slytherin and Gryffindor. It should be a spectacular game today. And here comes the teams. Slithering out in green we have Captain Flint playing chaser along with Pucey and Montague followed by keeper Bletchley. After him we have beaters Bole and Derrick and dragging in the rear is the seeker Higgs.

"And coming out on the other side in scarlet, we have Captain Wood playing keeper followed by the bevy of beautiful babes-"


"Sorry Professor. Following Wood is the chasers; Johnson, Spinnet, and Bell. Then we have the troublesome twins, Fred and George Weasleys as beaters. Following them is the boy-who-lived, Potter, as Seeker. And bringing up the read we have the reserve member, Troll Crusher!"


"What? It is what her uniform says."

"It does no- whoever did this has lost their house 20 points."

"You hear that audience, best make sure no one finds out who changed the Gryffindor's reserve member's uniform to say Troll Crusher, even if she was the one to crush that troll last week."


"Sorry Professor. Just adding some light commentary as the players get in position. And Madam Hooch has released the balls. The game has begun and Johnson has taken control of the quaffle first. Pass to Bell, back to Johnson, over to Spinnet, and oh it has been stolen by Flint who is rocketing back, flying like an eagle. He is going to sc- excellent save by Wood who sends the quaffle to Johnson. Pass to Bell who dives around Flint. Heading down field and - ouch. Bludger to the back of the head and Bell is down. Troll Crusher-"

"Jordan, her name is Degurechaff."

"That is not what her uniform says."

"Regardless of what her uniform says, you will call her by her name and not some silly nickname."

"Yes Professor. Back to the action Slytherin had control of the ball, but it is back in Johnson's control. Clear field ahead of her as she heads down field flanked by her fellow chasers. In comes a bludger and it… is kicked… by Degurechaff? Well, I think we can see how she was able to beat the troll."


"Sorry Professor. Anyways, Johnson shoots. Bletchley dives. Misses! Gryffindor Scores! First point of season! Pucey gains control of the quaffle and is traveling down field, but here comes Degurechaff! A rolling steal out from under Pucey's arm. Nicely done! And we have a double bludger strike at Degurechaff. A flip to avoid the first. And slaps the second one to the ground. Remind me to never get on her bad side.

"Pass to Spinnet. Over to Johnson. Johnson shoots! Gryffindor Scores! Kick by Degurechaff! Double point Gryffindor! Flint takes control of the quaffle, but it is not looking good for the snakes, already down three goals. Flint passes to Pucey. Pucey dodges two bludgers from the Weasley Twins and is speeding towards- was that the snitch? Yes! And the seekers are off. Potter in the lead. Watch it folks, the game might be- oh! And Hooch has called a foul on Flint for purposely moving to block a seeker chasing a snitch.

"After that obvious and disgusting bit of cheating-"


"I mean after that open and revolting foul-"

"Jordan, I'm warning you."

"All right, all right. Flint nearly kills the Gryffindor Seeker, which could happen to anyone, I'm sure, so a penalty to Gryffindor, taken by Spinnet, who puts it away, no trouble, and we continue play, Gryffindor still in possession. Wood motions for Spinnet and the now recovered Bell to switch places. Johnson drop passes the quaffle to Degurechaff who hands off to Bell. Looks like the snakes saw this coming and have placed Bell in a pincher maneuver. Montague takes the quaffle and eats a bludger to the face for his troubles. Hope that broke his nose. Kidding Professor. And Slytherin scores. Oh no.

"Forty to ten, Gryffindor's favor. And Bell- wait. Something is going on with the Gryffindor Seeker. It looks as though his broom is out of control. And the players have noticed. Degurechaff coming in hot, and pulls Potter off his broom. Flint is telling something at Hooch as Degurechaff sets Harry onto the ground, Spinnet joining the rise into the air. Degurechaff has switched to seeker position as she goes to searching altitude.

"Johnson has the quaffle. Toss to Spinnet who moves into scoring range. Higgs has begun a chase with Degurechaff hot on his heels. I can see the snitch. Degurechaff takes the lead. Flint takes a shot at the goal, blocked by Wood. Degurechaff catches the snitch! Gryffindor Wins! One ninety to ten! And absolute smashing success.

"Looks like Flint is arguing with Hooch. Hooch has announced the official results. Gryffindor Wins! Fair and square! Woo!"


Albus Dumbledore

Dumbledore had watched a large number of quidditch matches over his many years at all levels of play. In all that time, he has never seen, to use a Muggle phrase, a person tank a bludger as well as Degurechaff managed to. To kick a bludger into going the opposite direction required an intense amount of force.

Flints accusations of possible cheating had to be investigated to uncover if any out of match potions were being used or other underhanded tactics. Meeting with Hooch on the field, Dumbledore looked down at the small girl. So tiny, yet something about the way she was looking around at those around her gave Dumbledore the impression that she was only physically the smallest person there.

"Ms. Degurechaff, would you mind explaining how you managed to kick that bludger?" Dumbledore asked as kindly as he could. Tanya turned to look at him and gave a nod.

"Strengthening and reinforcement spells."

"See, she cheated!" Flint yelled. "You can't cast spells like that during a game!"

"Wanded spells are prohibited as are equipment charmed in a manner that gives an unfair advantage. I did neither."

Dumbledore believed her. The confidence that she did nothing wrong and her surface thoughts showing she believed what she said fully was enough.

And yet… "If not equipment or a wanded spell, are you saying that you performed wandless magic then," Dumbledore asked.

"I suppose one could say that, but to do so implies I was using a proper spell which provides a specific effect on the target. What I was doing was more of a constantly in flux event where I am infusing my muscles and bones with mana in a manner meant to protect said structures from damage which has the secondary effect of increasing the safe level of expressed strength I am capable of providing."

Dumbledore smiled at the explanation. It has been so long since he was able to talk about advanced spell work in such a manner with someone.

"Mana is not a term often used in describing magical effects," Dumbledore commented.

"I am sorry sir, but it was the only term I had available for the magical energy that produces spell effects."

"Oh it is quite alright. I understood what you meant. Though I am curious how one would go about recreating such an effect."

"Is the results of the match getting over turned or what?" Flint asked. Dumbledore looked around and realized most that only he, Snape, and McGonagall had been able to follow what Degurechaff had said well enough to know the results of the match for sure.

"Oh no. What Ms. Degurechaff did was not against the rules of quidditch, though it is a rather advanced technique. Five points to Gryffindor, Ms. Degurechaff. Most impressive. We should setup a time to discuss this more, perhaps over some tea? I'll be sure the elves have some coffee prepared for you."

"Thank you sir. I think I would enjoy that."

"Excellent. Now if you all don't mind me, I do believe I have a few forms on my desk needing my eyes on them."


Tanya Degurechaff

The victory from the first game was well celebrated in the Common Room that evening. After a few hours for my house mates to get the joy out of their systems, I was able to locate Ron and begin his lessons on emotional control. Moving to a somewhat quieter area of the Common Room, I had him join me in sitting down on the floor.

"Hands on knees. And close your eyes."

"Why am-"

"Silence. You will do as I say. Now close your eyes. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. In, two, three, four. Out, two, three, four. In, two, three, four. Out, two, three, four. Good. Now clear your mind. Focus only on your breathing. In, two, three, four. Out, two, three, four. The first step in controlling your emotions is being able to identify them. In, two, three, four. Out, two, three, four. To identify your emotions, you must…"

Ron fell over, his breathing deep and even. Tanya have the sleeping boy a glare.

"We will need to work on that."

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