Tanya Degurechaff’s Hogwarts Adventure

I’m glad it’s your birthday! Happy birthday to you!

Harry Potter

Harry was having a good summer. His family did not know he could not use magic over the summer, so he could spook them when he wanted with nonsense words, his friends were sending him letters, though he had much more limited capacity to reply due to his Uncle refusing to allow him to let Hedwig out of her cage, and the Weasleys were coming to pick him up on his birthday.

And to top it all off, while his Uncle had some important meeting coming up that could apparently land him a big commission or something, his Uncle couldn't even properly get excited over his plans of getting a vacation home in Majorca. Tanya, one of Harry's best friends, had gone off to vacation in Majorca along with Lily and Lily's family and was sending postcards that showed the beautiful beaches and talked about some of the things they got up to. That there were 'freaks', as his Uncle liked to say, going to Majorca really soured Uncle Vernon's opinion on that matter.

That didn't stop his Uncle from putting on a brave face and making sure his family was all set for his guests to arrive. They were all dressed up and going over the plan as Harry came down with his few things that weren't locked up in the cupboard under the stairs packed up.

"Good, good. And Dudley?" The large man, neckless with a large black mustache, sitting at the dining said. Harry's Uncle Vernon was turning to his nearly as large son, Dudley.

Dudley was best described as looking like a pig learned to walk on its hind legs and was wearing a blonde toupe. "I'll be waiting to open the door," Harry's cousin said as he put on a simpering smile. "May I take your coats, Mr. and Mrs. Mason?"

"They'll love him," Aunt Petunia, a thin horse faced woman, gushed over her son.

"Excuse me Uncle," Harry said, interrupting from the doorway as he held up Hedwig's, Harry's pet snowy owl, cage. "Mind taking the padlock off of Hedwig's cage and opening up the cupboard? The Weasley's should be here shortly and I would like to get out of here as soon as they arrive."

Vernon's face turned even more purple as he turned towards Harry. The man had locked up Hedwig as soon as they arrived back home along with putting all of Harry's school stuff in the cupboard under the stairs, attempting to hide away anything he viewed as freakish.

For all that Vernon did not like his nephew though, the man was reasonable enough to see that by just doing as asked he would be rid of the burden he viewed Harry as soon enough for the rest of the summer vacation.

"Fine fine," Vernon said, lifting his bulk out of the chair and opening up the cupboard and tossing Harry the key to the padlock so that Harry could unlock the cage himself.

As much as Harry wanted to have a bit of breakfast, he would much rather be out of the house. So he just grabbed his trunk and, checking the time, saw that his best friend should be arriving in a few minutes to pick him up. With that in mind, Harry dragged his trunk outside and began to wait.

"Don't worry Hedwig, you'll be out of that cage soon enough," Harry cooed to his bird, gently stroking her feathers.

It wasn't long before a turquoise car drove up the street, driven by a red headed man with a red headed boy in the passenger seat.

The boy stuck his head out of the window and waved at Harry, "Harry! Good to see you, mate."

Harry had a huge grin as he waved back at his best friend. "Good to see you too, Ron!" Harry called back.

Mr. Weasley stopped the car in front of Number 4 Privet Drive and got out of the car. "Good to see you, Harry," the kindly, slightly balding man said as he reached out to shake Harry's hand. "Happy to have you staying with us."

"Thank you for having me, Mr. Weasley."

"Call me Arthur."

The three climbed into the car, Harry and Ron both getting into the back seat and beginning to chat, catching up after a month of being away from each other. Harry got a feeling that Ron was hiding something from him, but didn't want to bring it up as he was just happy to see his friend again. It was nearing one in the afternoon by they time they turned down a road and Harry got a good view of a house that could only be described as magical.

It looked like an old stone pigpen that had rooms added and stacked on top of it crookedly that only magic could explain how they stayed up, something Harry had to briefly remind himself was entirely possible, about five chimneys perched on the red roof. As they drove up, Harry's mouth was open in a wide eyed grin, passing by a wood sign declaring that the house was 'THE BURROW'.

They went into the yard and around to a little tumbledown garage.

"Here we are!" Mr. Weasley said, starting to get out of the car. "Ron, mind helping me put away the car? Harry, why don't you head on in and say hello? I'm sure everyone is excited to see you."

"Sure Dad," Ron said.

"You sure Mr. Weasley?"

"Oh yes, I'm sure," Mr. Weasley said, patting Harry on the shoulder before nudging him on the shoulder. "Just head on in."

"Ok," Harry said, getting a feeling something was going on. Looking over at Ron, Harry saw his friend just motioned for him to go on in.

Shrugging, Harry headed to the house. He politely knocked and waited. He heard nothing coming from the house. Slowly, he grabbed the doorknob and opened the door, peaking into a dark room.

"H-hello?" He asked as he stepped into the room.

"'Surprise!'" A chorus of voices shouted out as the lights came on. "'Happy Birthday!'"

"W-what?" Harry gasped as he looked around at all the smiling faces. Most of them had red hair, but Harry also saw a bushy head of hair belonging to Hermione along with who must be her parents standing near her along with Dean and his family. Lavender was here with her mom and Hagrid was standing behind them.

"Happy birthday, Harry," Ron said with a grin from behind him.

Harry felt his smile was so wide and a tear was forming in his eyes. He had thought last year was the best birthday ever learning he was a wizard and was going to get away from the Dursleys, but here, surrounded by friends, he couldn't imagine how he could have a better birthday.


Lily Moon

Lily was having a great time! Tanya was able to come with her and Mommy and Daddy to the beachy place! Mom your can! It was so amazing! The sun was always shining and the water was so blue and clear! She could see all the things in the water like the little fishies and the plants that Tanya called kelp and Daddy called seaweed. Lily thought calling it seaweed was a bit rude because weeds were not wanted plants. Lily learned about that in Herb class from Professor Sprout! Lily didn't see how the plants were unwanted considering they looked so pretty waving in the water and the fishies needed something to eat, so they must graze on the water plants like mini cows!

Currently Lily was building a castle out of sand like she saw some of the other kids doing and Tanya was helping! Tanya was so smart in how to get the walls to stay up and to make it look all castley. When Lily asked how Tanya knew all about making sand castles she got a rather boring answer involving history and how actual structures were built in various parts of the world and Lily felt like she was back at school in class. School was a lot of fun, exploring the castle, but classes were BORING!

"Girls! Lunch time," Mommy said.

"Yay!" Lily shouted as she got up and rushed over to where Mommy and Daddy were packing away the towels and umbrellas. Well, Daddy was using his magic to pack them away.

Tanya is much calmer than Lily in getting up from where they were building the castle, dusting herself off and emptying out the bucket they were using of the wet sand. "Where are we eating, Mrs. Moon?" Tanya asked.

"There is an adorable little stall I saw on the pier yesterday that I was hoping to try," Mommy said with a smile as she took Lily's hand and the four began heading along the beach towards a wooden structure jutting out into water with various shops and stalls built on it.

The beach they had visited was a magicals beach hidden in ways Lily didn't know about. She just knew that Mommy had to hold onto one of their hands to get to the beach, though not to leave the beach. Tanya started a conversation with Daddy about his books. Lily hummed to herself as she already knew all about the books he wrote that she was allowed to read or be read to. She was still too young to read some of his books and even if she was allowed to read them, some of them sounded really boring to her.

Who wanted to read a story about a magical lawyer living in a small village and dealing with magical legal issues?

The stall they went to was a tapas stall. Which Lily had learned basically was just a fancy way of saying it is a place that serves a bunch of little dishes so you can taste a lot of different things instead of just one normal meal. Tapas was so much fun! It was almost like being at a Hogwarts feast, but even better because the food was so different!

They spent a lazy hour sitting around an umbrella covered table, slowly eating the tapas that seemed to mostly be different cold cuts, cheese, and bread, but there were also some other veggie plates they snacked on.

"We should probably work on some of the homework later," Tanya said, looking at Lily before taking a bite of crusty bread topped with some of the oily tomatoes.

Lily groaned in disappointment. "But it's summer!"

"Scrambling at the last minute will mean none of the information will stay with you."

Daddy rubbed Lily's back. "Your friend is right. If you finish up all the homework before we head back to England, we will celebrate by getting a Battenberg cake."

Lily perked up. "Really?"

Daddy smiled and nodded.

"Let's do it!" Lily declared, looking at Tanya who just chuckled and shook her head.


Lucius Malfoy

Lucius was not having a good week. He had gotten notice of a coming inspection of his manor for dark artifacts and any item that could be found to be in violation of that damnable Wesley's muggle baiting law.

As annoying as that might have been, Lucius had time to deal with that before the search was to happen. No, adding onto his headaches was his latest update from his asset watching the Degurechaff child. The stupid muggle was losing control of Degurechaff if he did nothing.

After properly expressing his annoyance with the muggle filth, Lucius deigned to allow it to explain itself. The muggles were doing away with orphanages for parentless children for some new method that would see Degurechaff lost in the shuffle of child caring facilities.

Normally, the Ministry of Magic would be able to swoop in to take care of any magical children in such a situation, but Lucius would lose a close eye on the girl.

He had contemplated just adopting the child himself in order to further shore up the brewing alliance with a future Dark Lady. Unfortunately, he has political considerations to make. Adopting her would be far too public of a declaration far too soon, especially without solid proof of her Pure Blood.

Waiting for her to grow into her power and aligning with her would allow for any… inconsistencies in her heritage to be overlooked more readily. Lucius needed her in a position he could monitor easily, but not in a position where it would be looked unfavorably upon his own person until the time was right.

There was a way to solve both issues, though Lucius was loathed to do it. He was going to sell off his artifacts aggressively and then covertly convert galleons into muggle cash for his asset to use to keep the orphanage running until the Degurechaff child was an adult.

This has found Lucius going through his manor, a crate floating behind him as he grabbed various poisons, objects, artifacts, and miscellaneous things to be sold in Knockturn Alley. Picking up a little black book, and old worn diary, Lucius recalled something his former master had informed him of prior to handing it to him.

It was important that it be kept safe, and that it could open Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets at Hogwarts through some means that was not disclosed. Lucius snarled and tossed the book into the box. If that fool of a former master could not even defeat a baby, then there was no reason to keep his junk safe. No, far better to hitch the Malfoy horse to a new individual that would be better able to handle the duties of being a Master of the Dark Arts.

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