Tang San’s Twin Sister

Chapter 20

"Well, for now, I need to know about your spiritual weapons. All of them, and your levels." The Grandmaster empathized the last sentence as a warning, and again silence reigned. If they told him it was proof of trust, they needed to show some faith even if they felt uncomfortable. Then, knowing someone had to make the first step, Tang Yin left her place and walked up to the front.

"Tang Yin, six years old, first-grade literary department, member of Tang Sect, spirit weapon...", She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Full innate spirit power, level something above ten, no ring spirit master, weapons blue silver grass and..." she looked at her glove and stopped. She had promised to keep it secret, which she would do.

The Grandmaster's eyes widened at a hearing, "So you are…?" he could not finish his phrase as Ning Feng rose from her place.

"N-Ning Feng, eight y-years old, t-third grade literary d-department, seven t-treasured g-glass, spirit p-power born s-seven, now t-ten, w-weapon s-seven treasured p-pagoda, no r-ring." She called out louder than her usual quietness and surprised everyone.

"Damian, the firstborn son of a trading union, not a spirit master, ten years old, fifth-grade literary department, soul weapon, soul seeing monocle, innate ability judgment."

"Gale, no spirit master, spirit engineer second rank, nine years old, fifth-grade literary department, spirit weapon bone pen, the clan of the fleeting winds."

All eyes went to Yu Hua, who was left standing and sheeting in silence, finally giving in with a sigh. "Alright, but he is going to sign that damn paper, a Gale family original. So he keeps his mouth shut."

"Yu Hua, nine years old, literary department fourth grade, born spirit power level three, currently level ten..." he visibly fought inside as he opened his hand, "... Spirit weapon blossom petals, no rings, clan blue lightning tyrant dragon."

The Grandmaster stood as still as a statue and did not move as he watched us.

"Tang San, six years old, first-grade spirit combat department, no ring spirit master, full innate spirit power soul weapon, blue silver grass." A voice said from the door, and Tang Yin jumped for joy, hugging him tight.


"Mhh, attention please.", the Grandmaster said, "I honestly am surprised how all of you ended up he..."

"Easy.", Yu Hua interrupted, "this was the most obscure place they could find. Now quit yapping; you are supposed to be a teacher. Behave like one what kind of spirit beasts are suitable for the four of us. And do not find yourself hindered from applying that theorem of yours. We are very much aware of it and in intention to put it into practice regardless of the risks."

"I see." The Grandmaster closed his eyes and looked at the children before him. These kids he needed to treat as equals.

"I will speak with each of you individually, and we will discuss whatever needed to discuss you want without anyone knowing what you might prefer to keep secret." He said, and Yu Hua stepped forward.

"This young Noble will start." The Grandmaster pointed him to
Follow, and Tang Yin looked after them.

A few minutes later, the two of them were back, and Yu Hua walked away with his head held high and a ramrod straight back.
"I will go next.", Tang Yin said and followed the Grandmaster into the side room.

The door opened and closed with a bang behind them. Tang Yin closed her eyes. Her brother trusted this man, even if she had doubts. "I assume you already know I have a second spirit weapon?" She asked him, and he nodded in agreement. He knew, guessed from her brother's actions.

"Tang San refused to tell me, but I can guess from your condition, which is very powerful. Powerful enough to harm you."

He looked at her glove, and she slowly pulled her hand out, showing him the marred by cracked fingers.

"Betray my brothers and my trust, and I will slaughter you. Brother is your discipline; you are his master, but we are not. I am not restricted by those bounds." She whispered and closed her eyes, having the two thin blades appear.

"My second spirit is called twin moon flower blades. It is so powerful that it pushes my spirit power beyond what my body can handle..." She stopped, and he continued, "...slowly killing you."


"Life is not the only thing that vanishes..." he closed his eyes, "...the case itself is a rare one, and there is a secondary condition...one that is even rarer."

"What do you mean?" she asked, feeling terrible.

"Memories sometimes get lost, vanish, become hazy when spirit power accumulates to that point. The longer it lasts, the constant pressure, the worse it gets." He explained, "There have been three cases similar to you in recorded history, none of them being double souls; the one who survived the longest died on his fifteenth birthday."

Memories. Memories, memories maybe even of her former life?

"What kind of memories?" She asked, balling her hands into fists, "What kind of memories!?" Her voice rose with each word repeating herself.

"Everything, random." The Grandmaster answered, "I am sorry."

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