Tang San’s Twin Sister

Chapter 13

Tang Yin had trouble sleeping. Actually, she spent half of the night staring out of the window. It was strange, a proper bed, no one next to her.

And so her eyes burned like fire from lack of sleep the following day when the first light rose, and the birds started chirping. Not a single speck of proper sleep, and today they had their first class.

Talk about a good first impression if she fell asleep the first day.
Deciding it was useless, she decided to get changed and try that Orb. A spirit-testing orb, they said, and it certainly was not subtle, standing smack in the middle on top of a small table. There were a lot of things, a scary amount of items. Tang San, she was sure, would have a field day here with happy eyes.
She stared at the Orb; since she never tested her spirit power, maybe it was worth a shit touching it. So she put spirit power into it, laying her hand on it and summoning her blue-silver grass.

A faint silvery white shine erupted. It spread outwards and illuminated her surroundings.

"So you were speaking the truth." She heard Gale speak behind her, and she smiled.

He, indeed, was a bit different. Grey hair and quicksilver eyes, something about him, just something different, different even from the others.

"What did you think?" she asked him, smiling. But, heavens, he was ten, and she was now almost thirty in her mind, and for all that was holy, he was clever.

"Nothing, I thought nothing, Tang Yin." He said.

"Yin, call me Yin."

"I assume you will come along at our spirit ring heist?" Gale asked, and Tang Yin agreed with him. To become a spiritual master and truly gain strength to protect, she would need one.

"I'm in, assuming you have a plan?"

"This afternoon, since we have one more person, we must change our arrangements. Ah, watch it when Damian says to keep your distance and not trust. Listen to him." Gala said, leaving her behind, "he is better than any Lie detector."
There were plans to forge, rings to gain, lessons to survive, and brothers to annoy.

Changing into her uniform and reading herself in the knowledge that Tang San would already be awake, she left her dorm, heading to dorm seven, where he was staying.

Arriving there, she saw Tang San standing at the front door together with a girl dressed in a working student uniform and pink.

"Who are you?" She asked the rabbit-like girl with a long braid swaying behind her.

"I am Xiao Wu." She introduced herself.

"Tang Yin." Xiao Wu, that rang a big bell inside her, even more, significant than the grandmasters did yesterday.

"Have we met somewhere before?" She asked Xiao Wu under the surprised gaze of her brother.

"No, don't think so, but Tang San told me about you yesterday." Xiao Wu said, and something slightly annoyed her at the sight. Somehow this little girl ticked her off, and she didn't know why.

"Well, I consider that an honor." She hissed and stared at Xiao Wu, who apparently got the challenge and made a humph.

"Then we deal with this by dorm seven rules, we fight, and the stronger one is right, okay?" Xiao Wu asked.

"Okay, I want to fight you now, and I don't know why." Tang Yin smiled sweetly and received an equally sweet smile from Xiao Wu.

Tang Yin bent backward as Xiao Wu kicked and grabbed her leg aiming at her knee with her fists, but Xiao Wu catapulted herself up and wrenched the leg out of Tang Yin's hold.

"You are good." Tang Yin admitted and grinned, receiving another smile from Xiao Wu.

"Better be ready, then." She said, and a flurry of fists and kicks appeared.

Tang Yin tried to stay close and made her lack of reach up by dancing around her, constantly avoiding Xiao Wu's kicks and tricks who attempted to use her range.

Xiao Wu jumped backward, raising her leg for a vicious kick when Tang Yin stormed forward, keeping left of the leg. Xiao Wu used a strong sidekick while Tang Yin leveraged up the leg and used her legs to put Xiao Wu into a stranglehold pressing, pressing them against her neck.

"It's over." She whispered, but then she noticed a bit of hair on her neck and closed her eyes. Xiao Wu had warped her braid around Tang Yin's neck and held one end in her hand as Tang Yin had her legs around Xiao Wu so that she only needed a bit of pressure to strangle her.

"A Draw then." Tang Yin decided, and Xiao Wu nodded, "a draw."

"What is your soul weapon?" Tang Yin asked, releasing her and stepping back.

"Soft-boned rabbit, your brother is the better fighter, but you react faster. What is your spirit?"

"Same as my brother, and thank you, I believe we will be fine hanging around each other. I should introduce myself properly. I am Tang San's twin sister Tang Yin."

"Xiao Wu.", she introduced herself on the floor, "Boss of dorm seven."

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