Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 98: The Result of Bet

Chand Gandraf was in a tough position and Akash felt that. Because of this, he sent everyone a message to be prepared for every possibility. The mayor was still in thought when the female in green spoke.

"What's your grade in the Rune Mountain Sect?"

She asked Zach.

"I am a 5th grade rune master."

The old black man replied proudly, prompting the woman to smirk.

"Then you must be aware of the seniority system, correct?"

"Yes, I am well aware of it. I am an inner disciple of the sect."

He replied.

In the Rune Mountain Sect, those from the 1st to the 3rd grade were outer disciples while the ones from the 4th to the 6th grade were inner disciples. The following 7th and 8th grades were core disciples. Above them were the elders who achieved the 9th grade and finally came the 10th grades. There were only 4 people who were masters of the 10th grade. 3 of them were peak masters and the last one was the sect master of the whole Rune Mountain Sect.

There was a total of 10 grades of mastery in rune imprints. Rune masters had to pass a test to level up and with each of them, their standing, respect and influence grew. A high grade rune master could kick out a lower standing sect member without even the need of informing the higher ups. Outer disciples were at the bottom of the food chain with the inner disciples standing above them. And that's not even mentioning the ones in even higher positions. The peak disciples, in particular, had nearly unlimited power in the sect.

Whereas an alchemist had 9 grades with their 1st grade being harder to attain than a rune master's 4th, both of which were respected more than even a 10th Star tamer.

"Oh, that's very good."

She replied and then the lady in green looked at Chand before speaking.

"Don't worry about him, you shouldn't violate your rules. As for the Rune Mountain sect, I'll take responsibility."

Chand was confused, this lady was not a newcomer. However, her information was secretly hidden, and Chand couldn't find anything about her background. Meanwhile, Zach Invictus was huffy as he retorted.

"Know your place and don't poke your nose where it doesn't belong. You may not like the outcome."

The lady hummed and signaled a person from behind, who rushed towards Zach. This individual's whole body was covered, not revealing anything at all. The Prime Paladins opened his profile and everyone were shocked, including Akash. They turned their eyes on the woman in awe and puzzlement.

The person who reached Zach showed him something. He then started to tremble before falling on his knees.

"I'm... I am... sorry. I couldn't... recognize you."

She waved her hand again and Zach sealed his lips, she looked at him and asked.

"Do you still want to oppose the rules of Slave City?"

"No, ma'am. I will behave... according to the rules."

Zach uttered in a shivering voice and then the lady spoke to the referee.

"Referee, do your work and announce the result."

"Give us few minutes, ma'am."

The referee replied and a group of people gathered. They were the management who calculated the bets of both sides and after they were finished, they announced the result.

"According to the bet, everything under the possession of the defeated party along with his companions within Slave City will be owned by the winning party. That includes the slaves, treasures and colleagues who came together with the defeated party.

In summation, Riassuba Rosehip has won 6 spatial rings, 53 slaves and 1 Rune Master named Zach Invictus who is now a slave as well. The winning party will be provided with free slave contracts for all of them."

Envy raided the hearts of every slave trader and tamer who wanted to have a Rune Master. There was one of the 5th grade in front of their eyes, but no one dared to challenge Akash Tagar's side.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you just witnessed the power of Abran city. I hope you will support and bet on us in the tournament as well, hahaha."

Haji Tea exclaimed loudly.

They brought a stretcher for Riassuba and Akash Tagar went out along with the others back to their apartment, Rukh Haseen followed after them. After all of this, two golden rooms were emptied, leaving the mysterious lady alone. She waited around for a bit but left soon after as well due to no one else interesting her. Chand vanished similarly as well after floating in midair for a short while.

A man was watching Riassuba from far, his red eyes were twitching. A vein bulged on his forehead as he was controlling his rage. All the Prime Paladins felt that and Akash quickly sent a message via the System.

[Your brother is safe. You are an earl of Death Gate, so act like it and don't lose your composure.]

That man was the younger brother of Riassuba, Neon Rosehip.

[My Liege, who did this to my brother?]

Neon asked using the System as well.

[A guest from a different province. Don't worry, he was killed by Riassuba.]

[I know that, My Liege. No one has ever survived after facing my brother, but I wanted to mutilate his body to ease my anger.]

[You should focus on your task. No need to partake in meaningless diversions.]

Neon turned silent but replied after a short moment.

[As you wish, My Liege. Please take care of my brother.]

[Be at ease, my friend. Your brother is as precious to me as he is to you.]

After hearing that, his anger vanished away. Neon had also signed a blood subordinate contract, thus hearing his king call him friend strangely calmed him and made him feel closer. After which, he smiled and replied.

[Thank you, My Liege. I shall return to my duties then.].

Akash didn't reply and went ahead. He had ordered the members of Death Gate to spread everywhere and gather crucial pieces of information. The soldiers and earls of the House of Espionage scattered throughout Slave City with enough money to fill their stomachs as well.

They all soon reached the Icon Tower and received great treatment due to holding a golden key. A medic soon arrived at their apartment and started treating Riassuba, who had lost a lot of blood. Even though the axe had penetrated only a centimeter deep, it was still embedded with the power of the Light Law and by a Star Prince who had a higher stage, no less. Sol Invictus was powerful enough to become a lord in the Ancestor Law Enforcement, but his fate chose something different for him.

After Mismar and the medic left, Akash asked Riassuba.

"How do you feel now?"

"As vigorous as ever, Thy Majesty."

He replied.

"Oh yeah, I can see that."

Sohrab teased the injured assassin.


Someone knocked on the door, Akash went to open the door and saw the beautiful Madam of Cosmiwood at the door.

"What do you need?"

Akash harshly asked.

"Hehe, I need you."

She giggled before her bold declaration.


Akash shut the door instantly.


She knocked on the door again, Akash didn't bother and instead Haji Tea went this time. He opened the door and saw the famous actress, The Smoking Spear was shocked but he didn't lose his composure as he respectfully asked.

"How may I help you, madam?"

"Won't you invite me inside, Mr. Haji Tea?"

She said with a smile, making him blush a little. He scratched his head and laughed.

"Haha, sure, sure. Why not, come in."

Akash gave a glare to Haji Tea, who smirked in response. Riassuba sat up quickly when he saw her as if he was not injured at all.

"If I hath known, that such a goddess would visit one such as I after such a minikin scratch, I would've hath handicapped my lowly self long ago."

The poet said.

"Hehe, that's sweet. Alas, I am not here for you."

Rukh swiftly blocked his advances.

"If that's thy wish, then I'll excuse myself."

Riassuba said his piece before laying back on the bed. Meanwhile, as Sohrab was looking at the acting of Riassuba Rosehip, he made a disgusting face in response. Sacra laughed while Daan was expressionless as if Rukh was nothing special.

"What made you visit us, madam?"

Haji Tea asked.

"Isn't that obvious, I am here for Akash Tagar."

She replied and Haji Tea became worried before asking.

"How do you know his name? We haven't registered ourselves in the tournament yet."

"It's not difficult for me to search for anyone on this planet. His name is Akash Tagar, 15 years old and at the 1st Moon of the 1st Star realm. A graced tamer with well-endowed looks."

She quickly explained as if reading off a list. This troubled Haji Tea and Akash Tagar, a tamer's profile was their huge secret. This only proved the extensiveness of her information network.

"But there are two suspicious things about him."

She stated before Haji inquired.


"A 15-year-old tamer has the title of a Sage Scholar. To anyone else, it may just seem normal and hardly worth paying attention to, however, to me, it's quite fishy. A title is given to someone for their merits. May I ask what this boy has done to earn such a title? Then, the second thing is, he doesn't look like a 15 years old no matter what angle you look from."

She explained

Rukh Haseen was right on every point, Akash's body was transformed into an adult after absorbing the Primordial Beasts' blood and the 22 years of training thereafter. After hearing all of this, Akash squinted his eyes.

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