Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 92: Icon Tower

After a few moments, Sohrab poured some water on the investigator's face. He quivered and woke up. This time, the trio of beastmen went away and three human-looking people surrounded him.

"Don't be afraid, O' brave investigator. Whatever it was that ye saw was but a figment of imagination. Best to live in reality than cling to your deepest fantasies and desires, I say."

Riassuba said with a smile, holding a flower between his teeth.

"Huh! Wha…?"

The investigator was trembling. Haji Tea tsked and pushed Riassuba away.

"Cut the bullshit, will you?"

He looked at the investigator and told him.

"The things you saw inside the container were the ones I wanted to sell, two beastmen and an orc."

"I've never seen such tall and powerful slaves, I thought they were going to kill me…"

"Haha, no way, I told you they are well mannered. Anyways, If you're good now, we should probably go."

"Ahh yes, sorry for the trouble. Please don't report it to the mayor once he visits you."

The investigator pleaded. Haji Tea, on the other hand, thought about why mayor would meet him when he was thought to be dead.

"Alright, I won't, but be careful next time."

Sohrab told Sacra.

"Did you hear that? They called us things."

"Really! I didn't catch that."

Sacra replied.

"Are you deaf? They clearly said that loud and clear."

Sohrab retorted, somewhat irritated.

"I don't know man. Old Daan, did you hear that too?"

Sacra asked Daan.

"Ehm, yes I did, but it was not directed towards me. I heard one lionman and 2 things."

Daan cleared his throat and boldly said.

"No, it was like one orc, one lionman and a thing. That's the original."

Sacra stated while picking his teeth. Meanwhile, Sohrab Khan stayed silent, his mind was in havoc as he kept wondering.

"Did they call me a thing? Why just me…"

Sohrab was in the middle of thinking when Haji declared.

"Let's go!"

All this while, Akash Tagar stayed quiet. He wanted to keep his profile as low as he possible. They entered a strange building, overwhelmingly protected. As they were about to go in, someone in military uniform asked the investigator.

"Who are they?"

"They are one of the VIPs, the Tea family."

Investigator explained.

"Oh, let me check the list."

The man in uniform then checked the list, finding the Tea family at the very top of the list, surprising him.

"Ahem, apologies for the hold up. Please take this golden key. It's for the top three VIPs."

Akash was getting curious, first an assassination attempt and now this hospitality.

"This mayor Chand Gandraf is quite the dangerous schemer."

Hearing the words of the guard, the investigator grinned ear to ear.

"A golden key holder!"

He murmured and quickly grabbed the key. Then, they all entered a hidden passage behind the curtains, using the golden key to unlock the door. Inside was a strange magnetic floor, emitting silver-hued energy. Akash's eyes widened.

"How is this possible?"

Akash couldn't believe what he was seeing, this was a teleportation room. Not a normal one but of a high level of technology.

"How could humans get such a thing?"

The moment everyone entered, the ground glowed silver and engulfed them with a flash, blinding them momentarily. When they opened their eyes, they were no longer in that room but in a luxury apartment. The extravagance of the room awed everyone except Akash as he had seen better before. Before long, the investigator spoke.

"This is the 2nd highest floor of the Icon tower, a 200-story building at the center of Slave City, exclusive to VIP guests. Please enjoy your stay. Some maids will soon come here to help you with whatever you need. I'll be taking my leave now. My name is Mismar Bosht, please tell the mayor my name when he visits."

Mismar grinned and left. After which, Akash inspected everything and couldn't find anything suspicious before Haji Tea asked.

"My Liege..."

Riassuba suddenly laughed loudly.

"Mr. Haji, thou are hilarious, calling this weak man Your Liege, hahaha."

Everyone was startled. How could he call His Majesty weak? Daan Godlyn was enraged before they suddenly heard the System's sound.


[There are hidden mics all over the apartment, don't do anything suspicious.]

Riassuba informed everyone via the System. Everyone present was shocked including Akash. He wondered why he couldn't sense them.

[They are hidden by an expert in the Divine and Darkness Laws. I just discovered them.]

Haji Tea understood and quickly adjusted.

"Haha, I was just motivating him for the upcoming matches. After all, he is our only hope."

"Haha, indeed, master. I wish this lowly slave could fight for you."

Daan Godlyn went with the flow as well. Meanwhile, Akash checked the balcony as he furrowed his brows. The entire city was a slave market with many traders spread throughout the streets They were all shouting and promoting their slaves for sale. To the side were two giant buildings covering an entire zone. One was like a big mall and the other was a huge stadium, both took up nearly half of the zone by themselves.

Soon after, the door was opened and 10 beautiful maidens entered the room, wearing revealing silk dresses. All around 20 years old, filling the room with their fragrance.

"Greetings, dear guests, we have come here to entertain you all."

One of the girls announced before the rest were shocked to see the three beast-looking people as soon as they noticed them, praying to not be selected by them. After that, everyone looked at Akash Tagar, who simply coughed to alarm them.

"I think I'll have to pass."

Haji Tea said.

"My fire was extinguished with the death of my wife."

Daan Godlyn spoke whereas Sacra didn't say anything and just laid down on the bed to have some sweet sleep. On other hand, Riassuba Rosehip took the rose he had and gave it to the woman before expanding his arms and declaring.

"This gentleman will please you all!"

The girls were happy to see the handsome man, but the person they wanted the most was Akash Tagar. His beauty melted their hearts as their heartbeats sped up. To their misfortune, Akash didn't even look at them. Then, Sohrab coughed and stepped forward.

"Umm... I guess I might as well do it too."

Daan held his shoulder.

"Stop, you are just a kid."

"Ehh, I am a century old. I saw your grandkids."

Sohrab said with a gloomy face.

"So what? I carried you in my arms and played with you when you were but a child. I cannot let you spoil your strength, save it for your wife."

"But, old Daan..."


As Sohrab and Daan were in a heated discussion, Sacra sighed and commented.

"Poor virgin."

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