Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 80: Debt List

Everyone stared at Akash for a few seconds before coming back to their senses and subsequently lowering their heads down in shame for the weakness they showed in front of him. Only Sacra and Sohrab were unaffected by that name, simply because they were unaware of the man called Chand Gandraf. Baghi Tea was the first one to calm himself.

"I apologize, Your Majesty. So what? Even if he is a mayor of an influential city, that doesn't give him the right to step on our throats!"

"Yes, Earl Baghi is right!"

"We are not afraid of him!"

The soldiers of Ancestor Law Enforcement started to yell out one by one, their decayed morale was beginning to ripen again. Then, Akash raised his hand and everyone stopped.

"That woman said her uncle will come to avenge her once he's informed of her death."

Akash slowly walked around while holding his hands behind his waist, looking at every major figure present.

"Do any of you know how long it will take him to get here?"

Zaheer Seth answered.

"As far as I remember, that old geezer has a violent temper. He will march here as soon as he hears of this, like a wild and angry boar.

Everyone was giving their theories and guesses when suddenly Shehneel spoke.

"I can buy you time."

Everyone present looked at Shehneel while he looked at Baghi Tea as he continued.

"As long as I get what I want from you."

Akash looked at him and asked.

"What do you want?"

"The secret behind your power."

Shehneel said with a serious face while Akash narrowed his eyes, wondering what power he was referring to. The only uncommon power they had was the power of revival, but it only worked in the Training Grounds. Akash questioned once again.

"What power you are talking about?"

"I want to know how you were able to gather a number of geniuses. I saw Baghi receiving multiple physic messages during our fight. That means you have gathered a force of extraordinary beings including someone with a Psychic Law."

Shehneel explained before pointing towards Sacra and Sohrab.

"These two and that injured beastman are solid proof. I want to ask where you got them. Especially that Psychic Law expert who was sending messages throughout the whole fight."

Everyone was puzzled by his words. Akash was wondering when did he get someone with a Psychic Law before realizing he could've meant the System's notifications and as soon as he thought of that, Baghi explained it as well.

"He is talking about the System notifications."

Hearing that, a wave of hilarity erupted, replacing the previously tense atmosphere. Akash himself let out a smirk as well before covering his mouth. Shehneel had lightened everyone's mood without even realizing it. They knew that the only way to get such a power was to serve the King, Akash Tagar, who then replied.

"Alright, all you have to do is follow me. Then, I'll give you the secret."

Akash went towards the headquarters and Shehneel followed whereas Sacra hit Zunair with his elbow and suggesting.

"You should go too. My King is quite generous, he'll give you something you desire. Oh, and don't forget to visit the Ancestor Store as well."

Zunair twitched his brows as he didn't know what store he was talking about but he followed behind the duo regardless.

Soon after, everyone reached the headquarters, including all the injured. They brought three stretchers, one for Zoki Tea and two for Daan Godlyn as he was too big for just one.

When Baghi and the rest entered, they saw Shehneel Shodo and Zunair Kisko wearing silver-coloured cloaks with gems embedded on their wolven collars, symbolling their positions as Earls.

Both had good enough aptitudes and sufficiently strong laws to become Earls. In addition, around 7 more people were wearing red cloaks of the Soldier Rank. They were the surviving members of Death Gate, good enough to become Soldiers.

When all of the enforcers arrived at the hall, Akash signaled Shehneel to speak.

"I have discussed our next steps with His Majesty and will inform the contractor about our failure myself. However, I will mix in some lies in this report. I will write that Baghi Tea, Momi Tea and Haji Tea died in the report."

At first, Shehneel was opposed to announcing this plan to everybody, but then he was informed by the System that no one could betray Akash after signing the blood subordinate contract. Only death awaited those who would. And outside of themselves, no one could actually infiltrate their headquarters. After saying that, Shehneel continued.

"I'll go at once. The rest will be explained by His Majesty."

The 1st General of Death Gate vanished right after, leaving Akash to continue.

"Our opponent is a tamer of the Star King realm, he is an entity on a completely different level."

The faces of the masses were turning grim before Akash continued with more vigor and conviction.

"BUT... we have the power of the beasts!"

Those who understood widened their eyes in realization and those who couldn't, squinted their eyes in puzzlement.

"All soldiers will have to move back to Carnage Prison. You will have to cancel your contracts with your current beasts and make new blood contracts with more powerful ones. Then, come back to the headquarters once you are done."

After finishing, he gestured everyone to leave and they did. The King also ordered them to carry Lord Daan there as well, so they could heal him there faster. All the soldiers including the new ones from Death Gate went with them.

The Earls remained in Abran together with King Akash Tagar, only Lord Daan Godlyn and the Soldier Enforcers went to the Training Grounds. Meanwhile, Zunair turned his back to see a door above which 'Ancestor Store' was written, Akash saw his interest and encouraged him.

"You can check the store and any other room here, except my chamber."

Earl Zunair bowed and went straight to the store, his eyes were glittering as he was looking at so many Lower-High Grade weapons.

On the other hand, Baghi and Zaheer were talking when the former noticed something. He went towards the Training Grounds door, staring at a slim and long slot. His eyes widened when he understood what it was, a list of the enforcers and the debt they had accrued to the System. The Tea Family had to pay a total of 87 billion cosmic coins, Razi Tea almost had a heart attack as he was the current head of the family. Rounding it off, each Tea family member had to pay 158 million of debt. While the Seth family had to pay 57 million in total as there were only three of them and they were able to save themselves on many occasions.

King Akash Tagar: 7 Million

Lord Daan Godlyn: 123 Million

Earl Haji Tea: 78 Million

Earl Baghi: 62 Million

Earl Razi Tea: 69 Million

Earl Momi Tea: 91 Million

Earl Meer Tea: 88 Million

Earl Sacra Emilat: 98 Million

Earl Sohrab Khan: 2 Million

These were the amounts of cosmic coins the enforcers had to pay for their and their beasts' revivals during the V-Valley war. From top to bottom, there were Lords then Earls and Soldiers, respectively. Akash Tagar and Sohrab Khan were the ones with the lowest debt, causing Sacra to growl at Sohrab.

"You stupid bull, how come your debt is lower than mine? You were the first one to revive, I saw that giant's spike pierce your butt."

Contrary to Sacra, Sohrab was grinning.

"I only died 3 times during the entire war. You were the idiot that went on multiple duels against a Star Captain demon beast, dying many times to him. Now you have to pay for your reckless actions, hehehe. You're not only ugly but dumb too."

Baghi Tea sighed.

"How can we pay such a large amount?"


[Every member of the force will be given 1 year to pay off their debts, otherwise, they will be punished severely.]

The System sent a notification to everyone as it read the thoughts of Baghi Tea. Meanwhile, Akash was sitting on a sofa, watching the scene calmly with a smile. Intrigued, Haji Tea went to him and inquired.

"My Liege. Do you happen to have a solution? None of us have such terrifying amounts of money."

Akash yawned as he said.

"Sorry, Earl Haji, the System does not like bargaining."

Haji knew Akash was messing with him, so he asked once again.

"Please, My Liege."

Akash saw the worried eyes of Haji before suggesting an idea.

"If you do not own such amounts of money, just make it."

Baghi Tea stepped towards Akash as well then.

"What do you mean, My King?"

"Did you forget that we had harvested the body parts of all those dragons and beasts?"

Their eyes expanded and glittered in realization.

"Oh, my goodness, we can earn way more than our debt!"

Zaheer Seth exclaimed.

"We will kill two birds with one stone. We will be able to pay off our debts by selling the looted goods and materials and have a lot leftover as well. Not to mention that we will also be overthrowing the long-lasting slave market of Chand Gandraf soon too. His slave trade is a huge part of his fame, power and clout. If we beat him and take it over, we'll become even more renowned and make ourselves known as one of the most powerful people on the continent."

Akash elaborated.

"Where do you want the market to be located then?"


[The Ancestor Law Enforcement also has the feature of the market. The King, Lords or Earls have to upgrade the headquarters to level 3. Then, the feature will be automatically unlocked.]

The System answered on its own, Akash smiled.

"You heard it."

With that, Baghi and Razi exchanged glances before the latter nodded. Zaheer took out a spatial ring from his inventory and tossed it to Baghi.

"There are 5 million cosmic coins inside."

~11 Days Later~

All the soldiers that had went inside the Training Grounds returned.

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