Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 72: Generals of Death Gate

Sacra Emilat was checking the riverside, 6 people had come out from Haji Tea's restaurant. A purple-robed assassin was holding a sword, dipped in blood. He looked at Sacra in awe.

"What are you?"

Sacra Emilat calmly looked at him and asked as well.

"Are you one of the Death Gate generals?"

The man removed his robe, exposing his young and handsome face in addition to fully displaying his 1.8-meter-tall stature. He took out a tissue paper from his pocket and cleaned his sword. It was an upper-high grade weapon, a weapon coveted by many on this tiny planet. After he was done cleaning, he threw the bloodied tissue away and replied.

"Yes, I'm the 5th General of Death Gate, Zunair Kisko."

He looked at tall Sacra from head to toe, again and again before he finally inquired again.

"What kind of beast are you? Who is your master?"

Sacra equipped his cloak, bewildering his opponent, and replied.

"I am a tamer of this city, high orc."

"An orc!"

Zunair's shock grew, he never thought Abran was a city worthy of attention


"How could the Tea family recruit an evolved orc here?"

He pondered as Sacra's Earl Cloak also caught his attention.

"Where did you get that cloak?"

Sacra chuckled.

"Do you want it? I can give you the same one."

The general smirked.

"No thanks, a cloak is useless for me."

He held his sword in one hand and held the other behind his back, parading the sword's pertness.

"I am at the 2nd Moon of the Star Captain realm. It would be inappropriate for me to fight you myself."

Zunair said as his Star Dwelling opened. An 8-meter-tall dark-blue mantis came out. Its abdomen was black and its wings were yellow while its two front legs had long sharp tibial spines that could easily slice through any bones in its way.

Zunair continued.

"This is Blue Black Mantis. He is at the 10th Star realm like you. Beat my pet, I want to see your skills first. If you are worthy, then I will spare you and take you under my wing."

Sacra Emilat made a poker face.

"Me, under your wing? Are you dreaming?"

The former squinted his eyes and added.

"Do you even know who I am? I am one of the top 15 swordsmen in this province."

Sacra mocked.

"Top 15? Haha, not so impressive. My King could easily slay any of the top 3."

"Who is your King?"

"Pass a test and if you are worthy, I will tell you everything or I could even recommend you to My Liege."

Sacra retorted.

"I don't serve people."

Zunair declined.

"Oh, will you say the same after seeing this?"

Sacra wielded his Coronela Subedar from his inventory and unsheathed her. She gave a gust of wind, emitting a bright green light. Zunair's eyes widened as he dropped his sword in awe.


"This... this sword, how did you get such a treasure?"

Sacra smiled.

"My King gave me this."


Zunair was flabbergasted.

"Only a fool could give away such a weapon!"

"So, will you attempt the test for such a weapon?"

The Earl asked as he waved his sword irregularly.


The general replied as he picked up his sword.

"I will kill you and just take it."

"Earl Sacra, stay alert."

The Tea family soldiers warned Sacra.

"Don't worry."

Sacra giggled as opened his own Star Dwelling and a 10-meter-tall, four-armed white demon came out.

Zunair and his pet gasped.

"A Star Captain beast under the contract of a 10th Star!"

Doom Demon looked at the mantis and his master before asking.

"Boss, who are these small fries?"

"It can talk!"

Even more shock assaulted Zunair's mind.

"It must be a high bloodline beast."

He assumed.

"They claim that they are the top swordsmen in this world."

Sacra said.

"Take care of that human, I will cut down the mantis."


Doom Demon replied.

Meanwhile, Sohrab also encountered a general, an ugly faced fat man. He had already removed his robe like the others before Sohrab had even appeared. He had the robe wrapped around his shoulder, with a mace in hand.

"Damn, this costume is just too hot, I'm sweating like a pig here!"

He was talking to his subordinates in white robes when he saw Sohrab and his team approaching. He stared at Sohrab.

"An ox beast who can run on two feet!"

Drool escaped through both sides of his mouth as he gave a salacious smile before stating his sudden desire.

"Hehehe, I'll roast it and mix it with a variety of spices."

He gulped loudly, disgusting even his own people as saliva covered his whole double chin.

"Yummy beef."

"General, I think that's a minotaur."

A member of Death Gate corrected the fat general, causing the obese man to look at him with a side-eye before grabbing him by his head. Then, he pulled him up easily and bit his neck, tearing off a whole chunk of meat. Blood sprayed from the neck and painted the general's face red. The man in white swerved in pain but couldn't get a grip on the roly-poly person while the former continued to chew before spitting it out.

"Too sour *thoo thoo*."

He looked at the dead body in his hand and shouted.

"Don't ever pass any comments on my food!"

Sohrab was looking at him before a person from the Tea family recognized the fat bastard.

"Earl Sohrab, please run! He is not someone we can take on. Let Elder Baghi or Elder Zaheer handle him."

"Why? Is he that powerful?"

Sohrab asked.

"Yes, by his visage and demeanor, he is definitely Lobo Daurius, a masochistic glutton. He fancies pain and food. You cannot defeat him, Earl. At least let Earl Sacra or Earl Daan face them."

Sohrab tsked.

"Stop your nagging. Old Daan or that stupid Sacra! Are you serious? They are both below my realm level."

"I know, Earl, but they have better martial techniques."

Sohrab's face scowled.

"Enough, it's an order! Keep the other people in check while I face this fatty."


Akash Tagar was looking at the green-clad figure and by the voice, he figured that it was female.

"I see, so you are one of the 7 generals of Death Gate. Let's not waste time any more time and fight then."

She didn't remove her entire robe but just uncovered her hood, showing her beautiful face. Her expressions changed when she saw Akash, she had never seen someone so handsome.

"I've made up my mind, I won't kill you. We will marry after this."

She ordered her people.

"Go and tie him up, he is only at the 1st Star."

All of the people in white robes rushed towards Akash while Bilawal and Hasnain were standing not too far behind him. The former smiled while Hasnain chuckled as he uttered.



The man at the 8th Star realm came first and was sent back by Akash's slap. He flew and smashed against a pillar, crumbling it. His cheek was swollen, teeth broken and jaw completely cracked.

The woman saw this and asked in anger.

"Who are you, you are not at the 1st Star realm? Tell me before I kill you!"

Akash glared at the lady and replied.

"I'm King Akash Tagar and I, unfortunately, cannot marry you. My doctor has strictly advised me against intermingling with thots."

Akash's team mates burst into laughter while the woman raged as her face turned red.

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