Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 64: Palace in V-Valley

Haji Tea shivered as he felt like small needles were piercing his dwelling. As per Akash's instructions, he kept his focus and successfully carried out the entire process. Akash and Haji were in a grotto near the end of the mountain, the previous meeting was also held here.

~2 months later~

Haji Tea opened his eyes and felt a tremendous power surging throughout his body as Akash stood behind him.

"It's a success."

Akash said to Haji as he opened the latter's profile.

[Name: Haji Tea

Realm: 3rd Moon, Star Captain

Aptitude: Upper-Legendary Grade

Learn Laws: Martial Law, Divine Law

Inborn Laws: Poison Law (Awakened), Life Law (Awakened), Forest Law (Yet to Awaken)]

"Congratulations, Earl Haji Tea. Now you only need to do one more thing to reach the Lord position."

Akash said.

"What is it, My Liege?"

Haji curiously asked.

"Your fifth law, which you have yet to awaken. A Lord must have a legendary aptitude and control five laws."

Akash revealed.

"How can I awake it?"

Asked Haji.

"Your new beast, Shine Moose, has the Forest Law. Practice with him until you learn it. You'll be free from all other obligations until you learn this Mythical Grade Law."

"Understood, My Liege."

Haji Tea replied. Afterwards, both came out of the grotto and everyone looked at Haji. He now had a different vibe around him as all the watchers observed that. There were some Tea family members too. They rushed to congratulate Haji for his breakthrough.

Meanwhile, Akash looked to the front, where a big palace was under construction. He was amazed by the design of this building as he went forward to inspect it closer. During this, the first one to greet him was Old Dragon.

"Welcome back, Duke Akash. How was your cultivation?"

"It wasn't mine, I helped Haji breakthrough."

Akash replied.

"Oh, I can see it was quite successful then."

The dragon, a Star General, turned his head back from Haji and spoke.

"Duke, look at this. We are building this palace for you as you asked, it will be the center of operations for all your dukedoms."

Akash turned his sight towards the building, still under construction, and asked.

"Not dukedoms, it's a single dukedom at the moment. And yes, I do like it. Who designed this, by the way?"

Old Dragon laughed loudly before it changed into a cackling cough. He spoke once the coughs stopped.

"Apologies, duke, old age is a troublesome thing."

The dragon said as Akash looked at him annoyed with both his index fingers plugging his ears. Then, the dragon continued.

"Your domain now consists of two dukedoms, not just one."

Akash nodded with a smile before asking.

"Red Mamba is back?"

"Indeed, and he brought Golden Panther with him as well. He has agreed to serve you but he has a few conditions. This design was made by him as a welcome gift for you."

Old Dragon explained.

"Where are they?"

"They are managing the zones for the other beasts currently."

"What zones?"

Akash asked.

"We decided in your absence to divide the dukedoms into zones and select a mayor for each, to keep them in check. It's just a plan, of course, the last call will be yours to make as always."

"This is definitely Baghi's idea."

"Haha, the duke's guess is indeed correct."

Old dragon answered and asked.

"Should I call them all to gather at the grotto again?"

Akash stretched his arms and his back, making cracking sounds.

"Ahh, no. No more grotto meetings, it's too suffocating inside. Gather them at the palace."

"But, Duke, it's not fully constructed yet."

The dragon replied.

"So what? Just do as I say."

"As you wish."

The reptile complied before flying to call them. On the other hand, Akash's feet moved as well, directed towards the palace. Around five thousand beasts were working on this humongous palace day and night.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!"

The unicorn greeted his duke, who recognized him. He was one of those who were opposed to serving Akash but later accepted it when they were left with no other option.

"What are you doing here?"

"I am in the charge of these workers, Duke Akash."

Unicorn replied.

"I thought you didn't want to serve me?"


Akash smirked as he inquired.

"I didn't want to, but... I do now. We didn't have anywhere else to turn to. Not to mention, we have been treated very well here for these past 2 months. So, I don't have any remaining doubts about serving you."


Akash replied before moving forward. The entrance was tall and wide, even a behemoth could easily fit. The walls were thick, with different beasts images carved into them.

"Did they used their nails to draw this? Didn't expect them to be so interested in art."

Further in, Akash saw a huge colosseum. There was also a throne made of tusks, bones and horns of beasts. Embellished with golden ornaments and jewels while behind it was the picture of Akash fighting Black Dragon, both in their evolved forms. While observing all of this, he murmured.

"Hmm, they may be a bit too fascinated by me. This might expose that I was the one to kill Black Dragon instead of Shine Moose if that owl ever returns.

Akash took in the surroundings, there were many big blocks placed throughout as seats in this roofless colosseum. He went and sat on the throne. It was made with him in mind. As he sat, he felt something pointy poking his buttocks, causing him to quickly stand up.

"This is a majestic and tyrannous throne, expressing power and regality."

Akash saw a thorn on the seat.

"Did they do it on purpose"

Akash squinted his eyes and pondered, he removed the thorn. As Akash was sitting, the workers caught sight of it, thus they all slowly came and bowed, greeting their new sovereign. Old Dragon arrived as well, with the lords, earls and other chosen beasts. Among them was Red Mamba and beside him stood a panther.

Its entire 45-meter-long body was golden, with tawny rosettes spread throughout it, resembling a jaguar's fur, but with a panther's body structure. He had striking green eyes with a dusky-brown mane in the shape of a broad line spread from the crown of his head to the middle of his spine.

Akash quickly opened his profile.

[Species: Golden Panther (Tamer)

Realm: 2nd Moon, Star Prince

Aptitude: Medium-Legendary Grade

Learn Laws: Wind Law, Earth Law, Divine Law, Evil Law

Inborn Laws: Martial Law (Awakened), Time Law (Awakened), Psychic Law (Yet to Awaken)]

After reading his profile, Akash's Interest rose to new heights.

"My Liege, I've brought my friend Golden Panther."

Red Mamba announced.

"Greetings, Duke Akash. Mamba has told me all about you. If even a tenth of what he said is true, then you are the most fascinating person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting."

Golden Panther cordially greeted him.

"Thank you for your king words, Duke Panther. I have also heard some good things about you."

Akash replied in kind.

"I'm not a duke anymore, I have given my people and land to you. I'm just one of your subjects now."

Akash raised his eyebrow, looked at Old Dragon with a side-eye and replied to Golden Panther.

"But I heard you have certain conditions."

"I do, but they are personal requests rather than something for my dukedom. If you want me to serve you, then you have to fulfil those conditions."

"Sure, I can do that."

Akash stated before asking the System something which had been bothering him since he read the panther's profile.

"System, this Golden Panther has all the qualities of a Lord. Can I make him a Lord on just this planet alone?"


[The King cannot make subordinates on other planets before he completely conquers the first planet he has been tasked with, Earth.]

Akash took a deep breath, maintaining an expresionless face.

"My hunch hit the mark, I guess."

"How many zones have you made in the V-Valley dukedom?"

Akash asked, looking at everyone.

"My Liege, we have made around 23 zones. Combining both dukedoms, our troops have now expanded into quite the gigantic army, a total of 39,000 beasts."

Daan Godlyn replied, shocking Akash who kept a poker face on the outside.

"Thirty-nine thousand, I see. That's a decent number of troops, but the number of zones is too small."

Akash looked at Baghi and asked.

"Have you increased the size of the zones?"

"Yes, My Liege. Compared to our planet, a single zone here is as big as 10 zones there. They are all of an appropriate size considering the two dukedoms. Now, only choosing their respective mayors remains."

Baghi replied. After which, Red-Mamba spoke.

"My Liege, please change the title of mayor to something else, as it is an eccentric word to us beasts. Our enemies will laugh at this strange name."

Akash pondered.

"How about the word guardian? Is that acceptable?"

"Yes, Duke, it is much better than mayor."

Old Dragon replied as Akash raised his brow and looked at him.

"So, you also had a problem with the word, huh... Anyways, as far as the guardians go, I will leave that matter to Old Dragon and Red Mamba. Show me the candidates and I will check them out."

"As you wish, duke."

Both replied respectfully and Akash followed up with another question for Red Mamba.

"What is the difference between a Dukedom and Kingdom?"

Mamba replied right after.

"The power of the leader, size of the land, quantity and quality of the army."

"Can we beat the weakest kingdom around with our current power? Don't worry, I'm just trying to gauge how big of a gap exists between us currently."

Akash asked Red mamba and then tried to reassure everyone else. Red Mamba answered with only one word.


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