Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 60: Friends or Foe?

The myriad of beasts were tossed from that rived rift. On the mountain, Akash was seeing scenery he had never seen before.

"That's definitely not a normal rift, the beasts are clearly being thrown in against their will here."

Akash whispered to himself. There were around 12,000 beasts of various bloodlines. Ivory Ocean Owl pointed at a falling wyvern while the rest were still falling and beginning to fill the lands below.

"Hey, princess, this is your new home. I thought you would've given a good fight to Black Dragon, but alas, he is already dead."

The wyvern roared in anger.

"Cut the crap and just kill us already!"

"Oh no, death would be letting you off too easily for your treachery. How could measly beings like yourself dare to rebel against our sovereign? You wanted power and dominance, right? Claim it here, these lands are filled with inane fools like you."

The wyvern gritted her teeth and coerced her voice as the owl continued.

"Do you see those beasts at the front? Kill them and rule this land as its new leader."

"I don't want to. I was never a leader."

"But you have one, oops... I meant you had one before he got killed, hehe."

Owl giggled as she mocked the wyvern, who in turn, looked behind at all of her fellow companions and their exhausted selves.

"We will not fight anyone even if you kill us."

The owl floated near the reptile's head and whispered.

"This land has one rule and that's kill or be killed, save your people and fight."

Wyvern looked at her with a side-eye.

"My answer remains the same."

Ivory Ocean Owl scoffed and looked at the rest of the army of beasts, they were not in the mood to fight a battle to the death they weren't even prepared for.

"Tsk, you guys are no fun. I wish I could kill all of you here and now but my authority is limited here."

Owl said as she flew towards the chasm.

"Bubye, boring people!"

The owl went into the chasm and it closed with a creepy sound, unpleasant to the ear. Akash asked the System something and it replied.


[The representative of the Primordial Beast is gone.]

"System, was that a rift used to throw in rebellious beasts?"

[Yes, they must've revolted in their home cosmos and were punished by being thrown in here by that Primordial Beast representative.]

Akash had remembered that this planet was a prison made for beasts who could not be controlled by Primordial Beasts. After the owl had left, He reequipped his cloak and the rest followed suit as he approached the wyvern. Akash looked over all the new beasts and saw that they were all gravely wounded, none in a condition for actual battle.

The wyvern was a silver, 80-meter-tall beast with two giant grey horns on top of her head. Her wings and claws were grey as well. Akash opened her profile.

[ Species: Grey Horned Wyvern (Beast)

Realm: 2nd Moon, Star General

Bloodline: Star King nobility rank

Learn Laws: Ice Law, Divine Law

Inborn Laws: Wind Law (Awakened), Time Law (Awakened)]

Akash folded his arms and asked the Wyvern.

"Can I ask why you were sent here?"

Wyvern retorted.

"Piss off, before I kill you!"

Akash replied rather calmly.

"That's literally impossible."

Akash smirked before giving a call.

"Haji, do it now."

Haji nodded and uttered.


A flash engulfed the blasted Shine Moose and within a few blinks of the eyes, the dead beast was alive and healthy again.

From the moment, the new threat came, Akash had planned this all in a scintilla of time. He had asked the System to block the cultivation of Shine Moose as he predicted the owl would grasp that something was fishy if she found out about the actual killer of Black Dragon. Thus, he quickly pointed to Shine Moose, so that her suspicion could be diverted to him.

In the worst-case scenario, all she could do was torture and kill Moose, who could be later revived as he was still under the contract of Haji Tea. None of the other native beasts could be revived besides Moose and his cultivation was high enough to make it believable that he was the killer.

The Grey Horned Wyvern's eyes expanded as she saw them reviving a dead beast, the rest of the beasts behind were baffled as well.

"What did you do? Are you a top-class Life Law user?

"Something like that."

Akash vaguely replied as the wyvern pointed at the beasts behind her before requesting.

"Please heal them, some are so injured, they might die!"

"Sure, but first tell me why you were sent here to this prison?"

Akash wanted to find out the reason first.

"We don't know either. All we know is that our entire planet was destroyed. Millions of beasts and tamers died and only we survived, whose cultivation was lower than the Star Prince realm, as we were spared and sent here."

Akash pondered.

"They waged a preemptive war, quite schemeful."

Akash raised his hand and beckoned his force with his finger, the Tea family understood what to do and quickly healed them. Akash also called for any other beasts with healing abilities from his new dukedom. One-Eyed Wolf was still there as he kept looking at the new beasts in awe. It was his first time seeing something like this as not all beasts were thrown in here from the outside. Some of were simply born in this Carnage Prison Planet, he was one of them.

The wyvern then looked at Akash curiously as she asked.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Akash Tagar."

"No, I mean you are only at the 1st Star yet all these strong ones are following your orders. I don't understand."

Akash replied with a raised brow.

"Not all things are understandable."

"I'm not in the mood for a riddle. So please, enlighten me."

Akash gave a loud sigh and told her.

"Check my cultivation again."

"I already checked. You were at the 1st..."

The wyvern's voice was halted by the surprise she took. She couldn't check the cultivation level of Akash now.

"See, not all things are understandable. You just saw the first example; the second one is that I am the one who killed the previous duke called Black Dragon. You did, however, guess it right. I am indeed at 1st Star and he was at the Star Prince realm. And yet. I won."

Wyvern was speechless. After a bit of hesitation, she asked again.

"What do you want from us?"

Wyvern was scared, she had just faced the annihilation of her planet and was forcefully transferred here, only to see something even more unbelievable.

"I want you to answer me something."

Wyvern gave a puzzled look.

"What do you plan to do now?"

Akash asked the beast before continuing.

"I'm the duke here, so I'm asking whether you want to live and serve me here or will you go somewhere else with your people?"

Wyvern replied in a weak voice.

"I... I'm not in the position to make decisions, I'm not their leader."

Akash squinted his eyes.

"Then why did that owl give you more attention than anyone else?"

Wyvern lowered her head while replying.

"Because I cussed at her the whole way through. That's the only thing I could do to ease my burning heart but... that only amused her as she responded with laughter and ridicule of our dead planet."

Akash didn't see that reason coming, he coughed and inquired again.

"Then who is the leader?"

"There is none, all of them were killed. We don't even know each other, it's just that we were all from the planet."

"Will you follow me then?"

Akash asked. However, the wyvern didn't answer.

"Silence is not the answer I seek."

"We have no will to live now..."

"Not even for revenge?"

This sentence shocked the crushed wyvern, her defeated heart was ignited. She looked at Akash and asked loudly.

"Can you help me take my revenge?"

The cry caught the attention of the other mauled beasts as they all focused to listen to the next words of Akash.

"Coincidently, we both share the same enemies as a good number of us were thrown in here as well while the rest were born here or had come here willingly to prepare ourselves to face enemies like her."

This shocked all the inhabitants of this planet, even many of the older beasts were unaware as they were born and raised here.

"I am building an army here."

"I'll join you!"

A big green gorilla announced as he stepped forward with the height of 40 meters, his one arm was lost and one eye was damaged as well. He was heavily wounded and barely standing as another beast came after him.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

It was a unicorn.

"I will join this man's army for vengeance. I cannot just sit down twiddling my thumbs and forget everything like you!"

The gorilla replied.

"No one has forgotten anything."

The unicorn said as it came closer to the gorilla and continued in a dim voice.

"But how can you trust this unknown tamer?"

The gorilla was panting in agony.

"I would rather choose an unknown hope than certain despair."

Akash checked the profile of the gorilla.

[Species: Rampage Gorilla

Realm: 3rd Moon, Star Captain

Bloodline: Star Emperor nobility rank

Learnt Laws: Fire Law, Thunder Law

Inborn Laws: Martial Law (Awakened), Star Law (Yet to Awaken)]

Akash was surprised to see how all of this gorilla's laws were of the destructive sort. After checking the profile, he called for Daan Godlyn, who came right away.

"Daan, make a blood contract with this gorilla and heal him."

Daan nodded and started, Gorilla didn't resist and co-operated. Soon, the contract was made and by the wish of Daan, his new beast was healed. Rampage Gorilla's arm grew back, eye restored and all the injuries vanished.

Akash then announced.

"I will not force anyone to join me, just chose your decision wisely."

Akash smiled and started to walk back as he murmured.

"Haha, this prison of theirs will be the cause of their demise."

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