Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 56: V-Valley Dukedom

The question confused both beasts and One-Eyed Wolf asked for clarification.

"What do you mean? Were you not going to take the position yourself?"

"No, I won't be here forever."

Akash replied.

"If that's the case, then I will take the seat in your stead and will act as your focal person."

Mamba didn't hesitate in nominating himself.

"I will not follow this wolf even as your focal person though. Either I'll follow you directly or I'll go back to Duke Gold Panther."

Akash knew the time difference between both of the planets, a few months on Earth would be many years on Carnage Prison. That was the reason he didn't want to take on Black Dragon' position.

The System read his mind and explained.


[The King should not worry, time here will run exactly the same as on Earth, once the King goes back to the headquarters.]

Akash raised one eyebrow.

"System, what do you mean?"

[The time of the training grounds is only affected when force members are present in them. If all of your subordinates leave it, then time will remain unchanged.]

"I see, it's basically speeding up the time of the planets we go into. Is Ancestor Turtle doing all of this or has he given you the power to do this?"

[The latter.]

Akash understood and looked at the beasts.

"How can I become the duke of this land? Do I have to perform some ceremony or participate in some ritual?"

Red Mamba laughed.

"Haha, you already became the duke the moment you killed Black Dragon. One can claim a dukedom by simply defeating the current duke and their army."

"So, they follow the law of the jungle here."

Akash thought before asking.

"Interesting, does that include kingdoms and empires as well?"

Red Mamba replied.

"Yes, there are no exceptions if you have enough power to defeat them."

"By the way, what is the name of this dukedom?"

Akash questioned.

"Every duke picks a new name for their conquered territory, you can simply name it after yourself, Akash Tagar Dukedom."

"Haha, no way, let me think of a more suitable name."

Akash said before he pondered.

"How about V-Valley Dukedom, based on V-Valley, where we fought against the army of Black Dragon?"

Akash proposed.

"It doesn't matter what name you choose. What's important is whether we can defend it or not."

Red Mamba said before continuing.

"Every other dukedom will have their eyes on us now, since we are currently weakened and tired after winning this war, a perfect chance for them to attack us and take advantage. Little do they know, they'll just suffer defeat all the same, heh."

"Are you sure we can win against anyone, in our current state especially?"

One-Eyed Wolf retorted to the boasting Mamba.

"I am one hundred percent sure that no dukedom will be able to annihilate us, except some of the big ones who are secretly aided by the kingdoms and empires."

Red Mamba replied.

Akash thought of something and asked.

"Do you know which dukedom belong to which kingdom or empire?"

Both shook their heads before the snake stated.

"It's a big secret to them, even an empire wouldn't know what would be the next move of the opposing sovereigns."

Akash raised his eyebrows.

"Then why did you speak of these big dukedoms as vassals of these higher sovereigns when it's unknown who is affiliated with who?"

"It's an assumption, they are too big and grow too rapidly. The only possible explanation is that they have some sort of backing."

Red Mamba replied.

Akash grinned and smiled.

"We will do the same then."

"Same what?"

One-Eyes Wolf asked

After which Akash explained.

"We will strike while the iron is hot. After announcing our new dukedom and its duke tomorrow, we will start preparing for another war.

If we maintain such a fast pace of conquering, others will surely assume that we have some backing by the empires and won't attack us for the time being.

We will use that opportunity and conquer the other dukedoms one by one until we reach the kingdoms and are strong enough to face them."

"And you believe that the big dukedoms are stupid enough to silently watch and wait for their turn?"

The wolf retorted rudely.

He was irritated by the crazy ideas of Akash, who, in turn, stared back at him.

"I'd advise you to remember 2 things. Firstly, I do not like being talked to in that tone. I am the new duke here, not you, so better watch that tone. Secondly, when I plan something. I make sure to do it perfectly. No one will force you to fight for us, so if you are finding it difficult to accept our plans, then you can take your men and leave to live a peaceful life elsewhere."

Wolf lowered his head in guilt.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

Akash Tagar looked back at Red Mamba.

"Mamba, what is the weakest dukedom in our vicinity?"

Mamba hissed.

"Currently, I'd say the Golden Panther Dukedom, where I came from."

Akash laughed after hearing the name.

"Haha, you seem to have some issues with them or their duke."

Red Mamba laughed back.

"Haha, no, instead I respect the duke. However, he is a peace lover, the exact opposite of m..."


Akash glared at the snake with ferocious eyes.

"Are you messing with me? You said yourself that you were sent here by that panther to conquer this land and now you are telling me he hates wars? Let me warn you, you better drop any ulterior motives you have towards me as none of them will be of use against me.

Red Mamba calmly replied.

"Duke Akash, please don't jump to conclusions. Let me explain further."

Akash nodded.

"Continue then."

The former carried on.

"It was me who forced him to send the order to attack, both of us were from different dukedoms, we gathered ambitious beasts and conquered our own dukedom. He was stronger than me and more suitable as a ruler, as such he became the duke and I, his general.

His army consisted of 20 000 beasts, 10,000 of which were my people that I had brought here. You asked for the weakest dukedom, not the dukedom we should attack first. Golden Panther has the weakest dukedom currently with only 10,000 troops. However, there won't be any need to go to war with them for I will convince him myself to join us."

Akash commented.

"Hmm, did you know you are quite good with words?"

Mamba smiled.

"Yes, I hear that a lot."

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