Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 54: Victory

"Gra... grandfather!"

Baghi muttered, trying to hold in his sobs.

"My precious child, we left a huge burden on your shoulders, I hope you can forgive your grandfather."

This old man was the infamous tamer of the Tea family, a Star King tamer before he died, protecting Abran.

"No, no... don't say that grandfather. I... I'm just happy to see you again!"

Baghi said as he covered his face with his hand while weeping before another figure appeared and pinched Baghi's ear. Baghi flinched and turned in that direction to check who it was, only to realize it was his father, wearing a grey suit, and beside him stood a woman.

"Father... mother!"

"You lazy kid, still running away from your responsibilities?"

Baghi's father asked while his mother came closer and pushed away his father.

"Stop it, can't you see how weak our son has become. Come here Baghi, give your mother a hug."

She hugged Baghi, making him feel as if all his burdens and tiredness over the years had simply vanished. Soon, more people arrived from behind him, Baghi remembered everyone. They were his friends, relatives and residents of Abran who had died in the calamity.

An old bald man stepped in and asked.

"Baghi, is my son doing well?"

Baghi wipped his tears and replied

"Yes, uncle, Zaheer was with me. We were fighting together a while ago."

"Please take care of him, he acts cocky but in reality, he is quite meek. You are the only childhood friend he has."

"Don't worry, uncle, I will."

All these people Baghi was seeing had already died a long time ago, they were mere hallucinations now. He always had this regret that he couldn't bid farewell to all his loved ones and as time passed, this sorrow had inhibited his progress in cultivation.

After meeting them once again, Baghi felt a surge of power erupt in his body, restoring his original aptitude. Meanwhile, Baghi's grandfather kissed his forehead and spoke.

"It's time to go back and help those young ones, we have all sacrificed our lives to save the next generations. You must do the same. They need you now, go."

Then, one by one, all these figures turned into light before fading away. His grandfather and parents were the last to fade.

"Farewell, Baghi."

The turbulence finally calmed down as Baghi Tea opened his eyes and involuntarily released a huge wave of cosmic powers.

He had successfully broken through to the Star Prince realm. After this, Zaheer went to Baghi.

"Haha, old fool, you made me worry."

Baghi looked at him and spoke.

"I saw my parents and grandfather, they helped me... I met your father too, he said you act cocky when really, you are meek inside."

Zaheer Seth was shocked, hearing about his father after so long made his eyes watery but he controlled himself. His twin sons came from both sides.

"Oye pops, what are you doing? Don't embarrass us in front of everyone."

Hasnaid said.

"He is right, father, you are our strength now. Don't show them your meekness."

Bilawal supported his brother.

"*Ahem* I'm not meek, so shut up both of you and focus on the matter at hand, that black lizard is still lively."

The entire Tea Family was overjoyed as they congratulated Baghi Tea, but his own son, Momi Tea, was standing to the side. As Baghi approached him, he quickly wiped his tears.

"Are you not happy?"

Baghi asked.

"I am, father, I am very happy."

"Then why were you crying?"

Momi hesitated at first before replying.

"I was afraid…"

"Afraid of what?"

"Afraid... of losing you, father."

Baghi smiled and hugged him, as tears began to run down his cheeks again which he quickly wiped away.

"My foolish son, you have your own grown sons now. It is embarrassing to babysit you in front of them."

Zaheer Seth teased.

"Says the one who was the same in his youth."

"Shut your mouth, you meek fart!"

"Don't call me that, old fool!"

Akash Tagar was also looking at Baghi Tea while smiling.

"Well done, Baghi, you have finally overcome your regrets and let your past be."

Black Dragon was terrified.

"They... they can revive as well and one even broke through! How is this possible?"

He looked at Red Mamba and understood why he had switched sides so easily. Akash quickly flew to him and proposed.

"Let's end this now."

Black Dragon replied with his actions, as his claw started to glow with lightning and he flew towards Akash before attacking him with another 'Strike of Lightning'. Akash faced it head on, with the big rectangular sword and his evolved form, using his 'Slash The Heavens' technique.

With a seamless salvo, Akash was thrown backwards by the impact but this time, he controlled the fall and saved himself from severe injuries, while the dragon's entire arm was cut off.

"Impossible, it's impossible!"

The dragon went crazy.

"I can't accept this, I won't! He is just at the 1st Star and I'm at the Star Prince realm!"

He unleashed an explosive roar, stronger than all the previous one. Immediately after, he was engulfed by fire and lightning before his body started to change, Black Dragon was evolving.

After a short moment, his body was released from the fire and lightning, he had grown from 100 to 130 meters. Three large horns were now visible on his body and a reddish colour now permeated his black scales. He looked at his body and exclaimed.

"Hahaha, you people are not the only one who can evolve during fights!"

One-Eyed Wolf and Red Mamba watched the evolution of Black Dragon, Wolf stayed silent while Mamba spoke.

"He is one of the most dangerous beasts I've seen in my life"

Mamba looked at the calm Akash Tagar and said

"But Alas! He is facing his nemesis"

Akash was silently looking at him as the dragon bared his claw once again and, this time, it was emitting a significantly more powerful amalgamation of fire and lightning.

The dragon snickered and asked Akash.

"Would you like to have a best of three?"

"With pleasure."

Akash replied and dashed forward. In turn, the beast roared and swung his huge arm while Akash held his sword two-handed, instead of slashing it he parried the blow with "Parry The Heavens". Dragon quickly opened his mouth to release another beam.

"That's what I wanted you to do!"

Akash said as he flew inside the mouth of the dragon who raised his head high and let out a fire beam, turning Akash into a crisp inside his mouth.

Akash revived quickly but he saw that another beam was already coming, thus he dug his claws inaide the dragon's throat and uttered.

"Blood Feast!"

The blood of the dragon was absorbed into the pores of Akash's hand as the beam dimmed and its owner cried out in pain.

"Get out of my mouth, aarghhh!"

The beast continued to cry out and roared continuously, his body shrinked as the blood was siphoned away. Before long, the huge dragon fell to the ground as life left his withered body.

Everyone present saw the painful demise of Black Dragon as the fear of Akash was further instilled in their hearts.


Akash punched away the canine tooth of the dragon and emerged from the mouth in his original form. Everyone's gaze was stuck to him. Quickly enough, Akash addressed the beasts in a booming voice.

"Black Dragon is dead, no one will have to suffer his atrocities any longer."

After a brief silence, all the beasts bellowed and howled in happiness.

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