Tamed A Blackened Slave Man

Chapter 39: My Sister Will Be With Me Forever

Because Damian had collapsed, it was somewhat natural for the banquet to be canceled.

“It wouldn’t be right for me to continue the banquet when the Grand Duke of the empire collapsed. Unfortunately, it seems that the banquet will have to end here.”

That was what Crown Prince Leon said to the people after commanding the knights to aid the unconscious Damian.

Although the banquet had been cut short, there wasn’t anyone who complained about it.

As for the nobles, who needed some more gossip to spread amongst themselves, the events of today’s banquet had been one large gift basket full of gossip.

The nobles exchanged glances amongst themselves and started to empty the banquet hall. I was also heading out when the Crown Prince suddenly called me.

“Wait, Lady Serkia.”


“You stay here.”

When I cocked my head in confusion, the Crown Prince added,

“I have something to discuss with you about.”

As soon as they left the banquet hall, the ladies opened their mouths to mention the gossip they found entertaining.

They fanned their faces with each of their fans, but it wasn’t enough to hide the excitement blooming within them, as the ladies’ faces were all bright red.

“Did everyone see it? I still can’t believe what happened.”

“The Grand Duke had collapsed. I thought he was healthy with how he always won the annual swordsmanship competition, but this is shocking.”

“He was grasping his heart when he collapsed. Do you think he has a heart condition?”

Just when the noblewomen had been enthusiastically talking amongst themselves, they all stopped walking and talking after seeing the man in front of their eyes.

“My goodness.”

“Sir Cassadin!”

Cassadin didn’t give as much as a glance to the people who greeted him. He only continued to stare at the door to the banquet hall.

Leaning against the wall in his white uniform, it was natural for Cassadin to attract the attention of the others whether he wanted to or not.

Ively, who had left the banquet hall, smiled widely as she approached Cassadin.

“Sir Cassadin, have you been waiting for me?”

Cassadin looked down indifferently at the woman attached to his arm as he replied.

“Yes. I have something that I must tell you.”

“If possible, can you tell me at a private location with just the two of us?”

Ively’s body twisted around like licorice.

“I don’t know how you still don’t understand. I believe I have already told you earlier.”

Cassadin’s deep voice sounded like it was coming from the bottom of the deep sea. It also felt like the temperature of the air surrounding them was also dropping just from his voice.

“Hadn’t I already told you that I have someone I like?”


Ively bit her lower lip.

She knew it. She knew it in her head, but her heart couldn’t bear to accept it. It was her first time living not like a jewel but as a person.

Cassadin’s purple eyes were more beautiful than the amethyst she had seen, and his silver hair shone brighter than silver–no, gold.

Not to mention his face. His face, which could make one in awe just looking at it, possessed a perfect harmony of beauty even compared to statues.

His wide shoulders and back seemed as though they would make her feel like she had everything in the world just by being in his embrace.

Ively’s body trembled. She was so envious of this woman who was receiving this perfect man’s love. Mustering up a smile, Ively asked him,

“Who is this person that you like?”

“It isn’t you, at least.”

Cassadin announced it coldly. She felt her heart drop from his adamant response, but Ively was a stubborn woman who never gave up on whatever she wished to have.

“Tell me who it is.”

“An angelic woman who cannot even be compared to an evil being who ruins the reputation of others by spreading false rumors to obtain a single jewel.”

The evil being he was referring to was her. And Ively heard herself swallow hard.

“They’re on a different spectrum compared to a woman who gained wealth through a crystal mine that sacrifices slaves for its production. It feels rather sinful for me to mention their name at this moment.”


“It seems like most of the people have left the hall, but I don’t see my sister, so I must go back in now. Goodbye.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he elegantly walked back into the banquet hall. Ively bit her lip as she stared at Cassadin’s back with a numb expression.

Taking the back entrance of the banquet hall, there was a rose garden right in front of it.

Not only were there red roses, but blue, purple, and even silver ones, just like Cassadin’s hair, was blooming beautifully in the garden.

I felt my heart reach tranquility just by seeing the various colors of roses scattered across the garden.

“What do you think? Do you like it?”

The Crown Prince, the one who had brought me here, asked as he smiled.

“Yes. It is nice.”

“I’m glad that you like it.”

“But what was this thing you had to talk to me about?”

The Crown Prince burst into laughter at my question. With his bright laughter, it felt like the roses in the garden were laughing with him as they danced in the wind.

“Straight to the point, as expected from Milady.”

“But Your Highness said there was something you wanted to talk about…”

“Why don’t we do that later? Look at this garden. Just enjoy this view. The rose garden is supposed to be off limits to those other than the ones associated with the palace.”

Seeming to look happy for some reason, the Crown Prince smiled as he continued to blabber on.

“My brother will be waiting for me.”

“Now, now, let’s think about that strange younger brother later. Did you know, Milady? That the reason I opened the banquet today was because of you?”


Stunned, I stared at the Crown Prince’s face. When our eyes met, the golden irises curled into a crescent shape.

“Did you just call my younger brother strange?”

“Wait, Aren. Is that what you’re paying attention to?”

The Crown Prince burst out in laughter once again. On the contrary, I continued with a serious tone.

“My younger brother is not strange. Does Your Highness know just how surprised I was when you mentioned in front of everyone that the way he looked at me was not that of a sibling?”

“Well, I just said the truth, didn’t I?”

He smiled mischievously. I was thankful for the Crown Prince a moment ago when he saved me from Damian, but now I’m a little mad.

Because he just reminded me of the serpent’s eyes that had threatened to suffocate me.

‘And I had forgotten about it too.’

Just thinking of the eyes that Cassadin had shown me once made my breath unsteady.

When I grimaced, the Crown Prince no longer mentioned the matter.

“Why did the Grand Duke suddenly collapse, though?”

“I’m not sure either, Your Highness.”

I said, as if I were clueless, since the Crown Prince might think it would be strange if I knew about Damian’s heart disease.

“Seeing as how he collapsed while grasping his chest, it must have something to do with his heart.”

With a small ‘hm,’ the Crown Prince rested his chin on his hand and fell into deep thought.

“The Grand Duke is quite an odd one. Has he been hiding the fact that his heart is unwell all this time? There would be no way that such a prideful man would intentionally collapse in front of everyone. And why did he ask for his butler, not the doctor? What do you think, Milady?”

How should I respond to the Crown Prince?

In my past life, I had completely healed Damian’s heart disease without asking for anything in return, as I was blinded by love.

Unlike then, I now had no intention of healing his heart disease, and didn’t want to interfere much on that topic.

How would Damian react if he learned that I restored Tuule’s tongue? Would that arrogant man try to appeal to me in order to heal his heart?

I planned to wait and see how he was going to come out for now. But however he acted this time, I wasn’t going to be used like a puppet, as I was in the past.

“The Grand Duke had said to call his butler, correct?”

“Yes, he has.”

It was Kindel, Damian’s closest aide, and butler in the duchy. There was definitely a reason why he asked for Kindel.

‘If I had heard correctly, then he said that he needed more blood.’

I recalled what Tuule had said to me before. Maybe I would be able to understand what he meant once Kindel arrived.

“Maybe we will be able to answer Your Highness’s questions once the butler comes.”

“Why do you think so?”

“Because there’s likely a reason why the Grand Duke asked for his butler instead of a doctor.”

The heart disease that Damian had hidden was now going to be revealed to the entire empire. A half-baked excuse was not going to work now.

“I’ve been thinking about this since before, but you’re quite smart.”

“Thank you.”

“I truly do envy that talent.”

After saying that, the Crown Prince wrapped his arm around my shoulder. When I stared at him with a hardened expression at his sudden physical contact, he just smirked.

“Do you not like me wrapping my arm around you?”

When I was debating between my answer of yes or no, which both sounded weird, I saw someone walking towards us from the back door.

The silhouette of the man that could be seen through the faint remains of the sunset could have been easily confused with a living statue.

Silver locks of hair fluttered in the night breeze. There was bloodlust in his glowing purple eyes.

Cassadin approached us close enough that I can clearly see him now. He pulled off the Crown Prince’s arm that had been on my shoulders and growled.

“Do not touch her.”

The Crown Prince let out an exasperated laugh as he opened his mouth to speak.

“What do you mean touch? I didn’t do anything.”

“Your Highness has just touched my sister, have you not?”

“Did you really dislike me placing my arm on Milady’s shoulders? One may think you two are lovers, not siblings.”

Cassadin was unable to say anything in response to the Crown Prince’s taunts. Instead, he gently grabbed my hand and stood in front of me, as if he were protecting me from the Crown Prince.

“Do you know what happens to those that aren’t associated with the imperial family when they enter this rose garden?”

“I’ve merely come to look for my sister because she was taking so long.”

“How affectionate you are for your sister.”

The Crown Prince huffed in annoyance, then continued to egg Cassadin on.

“Will you continue to act like this even after your sister becomes the spouse of another?”

Cassadin’s wide back flinched.

“No such thing is going to happen.”

“How are you so sure?”

“Because my sister will be with me forever.”

Cassadin turned around and met my eyes. As he looked down at me, his lips turned into a gentle curve, but his eyes were not smiling at all.

“So there will never be a situation where my sister becomes the spouse of another man.”


“Isn’t that right, Sister?”

I was at a loss for words as I looked at Cassadin, who was urging me to give my answer.

That face, those eyes. I knew them.

The madness dwelling between those purple whirlpools.

The look that made me feel like I was sinking to the bottom of the ocean, stuck in a swamp that prevented any sort of movement.

Eyes that entangled my entire body and made my breath stop.

There was a familiar madness inside Cassadin’s eyes right now.

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