Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 204: Collaboration

After making sure all the equipment used to create gene solutions was of good quality, Villin took out his old first-grade enchanting book and had a look at the recipes within. He had to admit he was looking forward to gaining more gene solutions even though he wasn't sure if he wanted to be the one to make them. He had been, and would be, so busy with his work as a runemaster that finding time to become an expert gene solution creator would be tough. 

He was hoping for Amelia to continue her work in the subject, he knew her well enough to know she didn't have any reason to poison him so it should be fine. Later, other core members, after an extensive interview, would also be exposed to this secret of himself and Amelia and possibly be brought into it.

After a bit, he was standing with Amelia inside of an empty storage room in this core tower. Villin took off the spacial bag in the form of a backpack and turned it upside down. As soon as he did this, a number of objects and books fell to the ground. Amelia looked at Villin with a curious expression and he began explaining.

"There are the majority of my gains of the mission I went on to Atlantis. The majority are books, these include basic history books depicting the events that have happened there, but they also include various techniques and even a couple of spell blueprints, even though they aren't classified in the same way as ours are.

"These five are basic techniques that were promised to everyone who completed the mission. They will allow you to move much faster underwater compared to regular people and your sight underwater will be nearly the same compared to above water.

"These five are spell blueprints, each of them have ten uses. They are also all used for movement, the most notable is 'Water Bullet'. It is named as such due to the speed you would be moving at. It takes some time to cast but once you do you'll soon be out of sight. I got these due to the status I acquired in the city.

"Then there are a few enchanting and runebooks, they show the majority of runes and enchantments Atlantians used, lastly, you can see a few sets of Atlantian Armor and some of the metal they are made of, the core members can study these to get a better idea of the Atlantian runic alphabet and its main abilities."

When Villin finished up, Amelia let out a breath she had been holding in. This was a lot. Even though she wasn't really an enchanter anymore, she knew how valuable a few hundred new runes were, as well as nearly a hundred enchantments using these runes simply waiting to be improved.

Yet, Villin didn't stop. He took out a coin pouch inside of his jacket, it was the second spatial bag he had taken with him. It quickly became larger until it was a duffel bag, the largest it could become.

When Villin turned this back around, nothing came out. He had to insert his arm and pull and the item barely made it through the opening of the spatial bad. They were two severed tentacles, each was about five meters long, they were also enchanted for the purpose of preservation.

"What?" with a look of pure confusion, this was all Amelia could say.

Villin responded, "These are the last remnants of a once-legendary creature. It should now be extinct and since all Kraken are its children, Kraken should now also be on the path to extinction. I suggest that if you at any point see resources of a Kraken for sale you buy them since they are going to become a lot rarer in the following years."

Even though Amelia hadn't heard of the Ottoia, she still nodded as she understood the gist of what happened.

"One of these tentacles should not be touched for the next period of time, but you can use parts of one to experiment with gene solutions if the situation calls for it," Villin noted as Amelia nodded.

"Anything else you gained?" Amelia asked curiously as she was already extremely stunned at Villin's achievements.

"Yeah, a section of the Atlantian army has chosen to follow me as well as a number of enchanters, two of whom have the talents to become a runemaster," he said, deciding not to mention the ability to bend water for the time being.

"A section? How much is a section?" Amelia questioned as she wasn't sure what to expect anymore.

"About two-hundred soldiers and two-dozen enchanters. Whenever we leave The Academy we can go get them. I got the coordinates of Atlantis so it won't be a problem to create a teleportation array. It would be ideal if I could get two of the enchanters into The Academy though, they have skills similar to Rein and they will be a great help to our development." Villin said as he thought of how to get them in.

After thinking for a bit, Amelia responded, "Well, during the summer a bunch of guilds send people here to defend while a large amount of the students are gone right? There should be more exceptions to the rule that only students and teachers are allowed to enter. Since you are a runemaster, you are allowed to take a number of disciples, perhaps those would be allowed to enter?"

"Yes that might work, I'll request an audience with the headmaster, perhaps he'll see me." Villin decided before finishing the conversation, "But now, I have to go see fang, he should still be near the magic array that led me to Atlantis."

Amelia nodded and soon they parted ways. Villin first teleported from the core tower to the main tower over in A1, then he moved to the center of the square and teleported towards the safe zone where he left Fang.

When Villin arrived he looked around and he was soon rather surprised by what he saw. He saw Fang, but he wasn't alone. He was lying next to Ruby's pet, Ember, it seemed that they had slept together.

When Villin coughed, they both instantly jumped up and went on full alert, but when Fang noticed Villin he quickly sprinted over and licked his face.

"Alright then Fang, calm down," Villin said as he petted the ice wolf, before turning to Ember. "And here I thought you two would fight every day. Since Ruby hadn't come to pick you up yet, how about I bring you to her?" Villin asked. The tiger seemed to be intelligent enough to understand him and nodded, soon, the three were back on their way to A1.


"I see, I am glad you managed to get away unharmed," Ruby noted expressionlessly after hearing a short version of what Villin went through after waking up.

Seeing his fellow runemasters neutral expression, Villin decided to ask something he had wanted to do long ago but never had due to the unlikelihood of success.

"Ruby," he asked, "The black swans are a great guild with great strengths, but they also have clear and great weaknesses. We have been working together closely for some time now, what would you think of joining Athena's Forge and make the Black Swans an elite squad of the guild used for information gathering. You would of course be the main person in charge of them."

Ruby's eyebrows raised as he looked at Villin in the eyes, "Even if I wanted to become a subsidiary of Athena's Forge, my core members wouldn't agree. They rather like only being under me."

In response, Villin nodded, "If Atlantis taught me one thing it is that strength is one of the main catalysts of loyalty. If we show them what Athena's Forge has and how powerful we truly are, I am sure they will change their minds."

Ruby's lips arched upwards slowly, "You are saying this as if you're sure I would agree to go under you. Why are you so confident?"

In response, Villin's lips arched upwards an equal amount, "Because we are one in a way. I know you better than anyone, I know your past and who you are and you know the same about me. We have a connection that goes beyond that of friends. Additionally, I am sure you know that the black swans will grow faster under the umbrella that is Athena's Forge. And I know that you know that I will change this world, and you will be capable of changing the world alongside me."

After saying this, he outstretched a hand, and with the same soft smile on her face, Ruby took it. He was right, even though they could no longer see each other's thoughts, they both knew they were connected deeply and as for 'Athena's Forge' becoming a subsidiary of 'The Black Swans', neither entertained that idea.

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