Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 2.211

Inside a warm tavern, I sat on a armchair introducing the twins to the pleasures of drinking wine and blood together. Blood was honestly the only liquid keeping me upright as my brain hammered against my skull and sharp pain shot through my body occasionally.

But there was a flip side or everything as well. Luna was doing nice. Her soul was all but healed up and even if I could spot no signs of her soul turning into that of a goddess yet, it was only a matter of time for that to start.

But until then, I had to solve my issues, starting with the kneeling assassin to my feet. Luckily, the message Hannah sent had reached its destination.

“Milady, the king has apparently chosen to sacrifice the rest of the north to strengthen the defences in the rest of the country.” The thirty year old assassin explained while keeping his gaze glued to the ground.

“Can we kill him?” Clara asked, a bit giggly from her drinks while I held my head as her voice seemed impossibly loud all of a sudden.

“He does look like a bandit.” Clarice added and nodded several times to underline her point.

“We do not hurt those working for us without a reason.” I glared at them a little and then returned my gaze to the assassin. “What is the situation inside the capital?”

“They have burnt all their dead and the walls are manned to the maximum. The gates are closed for most of the time, making infiltration horrendously difficult.” Well, if one used the gates that was. We still had the underground network of tunnels to get around after all.

“And the heroes?” I asked, stirring the bloody contents of my mug with my index finger.

“They have tried to raise an army, but without your support they are basically on their own. Gregory Worchester seemed to be replaced by Louis Worchester as well, with the former participating in the power struggles of the palace more than ever before. The others are apparently awaiting your arrival.” So becoming king of a failing country was more important than saving it from its demise. Or did he think he could deal with us after crowning himself king?

“So I can expect them to face me on their own … thank you. You did well.” I told him and licked my finger clean while the assassin clad in a dark attire stood up slowly.

“Thank you.” He stood up slowly, bowed deeply and was then guided out of the tavern by a skeleton.

“Lucinda, can we kill anyone here? It’s getting boring.” Clara complained loudly and showed me her empty mug with a wide smile.

“You already had the tavern owner.” I told them a little bit annoyed, but didn’t mind nodding towards another skeleton who promptly dragged another villager who resisted inside.

“You are the best!” The both told me in unison, stood up from the chairs and pounced at that poor guy with vigour. While I looked deeply into my mug, I heard clothes ripping, weapons being discarded to the side and someone attempting to rob away from the twins. Looking over to the trio, I saw what happened to me in the past.

He got raped by someone living out their lust as they pleased, to the detriment of himself. But I lacked the empathy to feel anything as it happened right in front of my eyes.

Sometimes you fuck and sometimes you get fucked … that was the world I was living in.

Crossing my legs over each other, I was even a little bit amused by the sight as Hannah entered the tavern, her face contorted in disgust. Breathing out loudly, she ignored the twins moaning their fathers name loudly.

“Should I be worried?” She sat by my side exhausted, grabbed over the counter and retrieved a bottle of home brewed beer.

“Nah … they are just brining the term daddy issues a whole new level.” I turned around as well, placed the mug on the counter and closed my eyes.

“It’s getting worse again?” Hannah touched my shoulder carefully as I placed my elbows onto the counter. Blood was running out of my nose into the mug without me using any magic whatsoever.

“I don’t even know what’s happening at this point. Her soul is alive which is nice … but it’s materials should be replaced with death over time. It shouldn’t hurt me at this rate … but I got a grip on it. I shouldn’t lose my reasoning before we left the capital again.” Angrily, I pinched my nose until it finally stopped again and pushed the mug away from me a bit disgusted.

“… how do you intend to deal with Aska then?” That was hard to answer. I had yet to find a satisfying way after all.

“I do what I always do. I’ll crawl back to him and slit his throat until I’m satisfied.” I giggled a little crazily, balled my hands to fists and smacked the counter loudly, just as the twins were ripping off that poor guys arms.

“It does seem the twins aren’t the only ones with family issues. I’m kind of lucky I chose not to get involved with mine.” Hannah set the bottle of beer on her lips and drank a little bit before it spewing out again. “Tastes like shit.”

“Yup, the tavern owner wasn’t a great brewer, that was for sure.” I told her, sharp pain shooting through my chest area again.

“Did the twins also …” She didn’t get to finished her sentence as she looked behind herself towards the indecent sight the twins gave her.

“So does it seem.” They didn’t want to waste my gifts after all.

“Sometimes the shit you all do is so fucked up I don’t want to hear about it. And those are the times where I remember I’m not your slave. Have a great night.” She stood up again, reluctantly grabbed a bottle of wine and left without giving the twins another glance.

Reaching over the counter, I grabbed a rather strong beverage and poured me a handful.

“Mum, Clarice is taking the corpse all for herself.” But these twins weren’t giving me any free time whatsoever.

“I am not your mum.” I growled unhappily, but didn’t react otherwise to her words. I had hit them, punched a few teeth out of their mouths and made them drive animal blood already … nothing helped. “And you already got to have him during his lifetime, so deal with it.”

“But …” Clara wasn’t satisfied in the slightest with my answer and puffed her cheeks angrily.

“No. You guys had two already. It’s not my problem you ripped that tavern owner to shreds.” They could have had two corpses to sleep with during the day, but their greediness reduced their corpses to one.

“Lucinda, you are being mean.” The naked Clara stomped the ground angrily, kicked a nearby chair and shoved a table over.

“You two just use this as an excuse to get another prisoner.” I claimed utterly unimpressed by her display of violence.

Please.” She begged loudly and fell onto her knees pleadingly. Looking over to Clarice, I saw her laying her cheek onto a ripped open chest while she snuggled up to the corpse as if it was her lover.

“How about … no.” I growled, stood up from the chair and grabbed my beverage. “You can have a corpse from outside.” I proposed unhappily.

“But they are all so boring.” Clara complained loudly once more. She wouldn’t shut up, no matter what. Gritting my teeth, I placed my hands on her shoulders and pressed her down to the ground. My legs were a bit shaky already as I had managed to do so and so, I went on my knees alongside her and promptly used her as a pillow.

“Shut up and let me sleep.” I was quite tired all of a sudden, a feeling shared by the two others as well. Clarice, blood all over her, robbed over to us as well and settled down hugging me from behind while I was slowly drifting into sleep already.

And then, I dreamt the same dream, happening over and over in front of me time and time again.

Two binary stars floating around each other in a delicate balance. Close and yet so far away from each other. Asteroids were pulled into their deadly embrace thanks to their massive combined gravity and even other stars had their course altered as these two rushed through the galaxy, bound to each other by fate and yet still separate. In the distance, a third, smaller blue star orbited around the duo, influenced by them at every second, but not strong enough to return the favour.  

Slowly over thousands of years, they approached each other even closer and started to kiss. But what was a sign of affection for most was the destruction of these two stars. They both struggled to exist after this point with their paths finally joining together into one. But it was a small path … and treading it together meant the destruction of one star.

The star which spewed out deadly rays the whole time collapsed into itself and died a pitiful, slow death. But what was the demise for one, meant the happiness of the other. Finally freed from its partners gravitational pull, it managed to heal its wounds over time and travelled the universe until the end, the small star following it into all eternity.

It was a normal dream, at least kind of. And yet, I couldn’t help but to wake up in a panic. The same dream was following me into my sleep occasionally. It was nonsensical and yet I couldn’t help but to grip my heart when I was woken up by Hannah.

“You screamed in your sleep.” She told me while I pushed the still sleeping girls off me.

“A big, fat alligator was trying to eat me …” I mumbled and stood up from the rather uncomfortable floor, took the wet cloth Hannah handed me and attempted to clean the blood of my attire.

“What’s an alligator?” A bit stunned, I paused my cleaning and looked at her, but she really didn’t seem to know what an alligator was, even though they existed in the west.

“Never mind …” I told her, threw the cloth onto the bar as I finished and strolled out of the tavern, only to be greeted by a beautiful sun, high in the sky.

“Someone went out of his way to attack us.” Hannah told me and pointed towards the tent of the absent demon king.

“And who might that be?” I surmised hopefully.

“I wonder…” Well, there weren’t many idiots attempting to attack an army a few kilometres away from the capital city.

“It’s already starting?” I reached into my pockets and retrieved a simple compass. Then, I thought about Gregory and the needle moved west. Thinking about the other four didn’t change the bearing at all, which meant they were close to him, or directly in between me and the royal palace.

“It’s already starting.” She answered using my words.

“Ahh~ it’s already starting.” The same words were used thrice, but changed their meaning with each time. In the end, it was relief. I wouldn’t have to wait too long to get back to Aska and tell him to fuck off my planet.

Because at that point, every other reincarnator would have submitted to me in one way or another.

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