TalentPlus!: Talent + Effort = Strongest Capture Target!!!

Sorry…(not a chapter)

So, I have no clue whether or not this is against scribblehub rules to post a chapter that really isn't a chapter, but fuck it.

Yeah, I'm dropping this novel.

But before anyone clicks away, listen(more like read) to what I have to say(write). I am going to rewrite this novel.

Now, was this a hard decision? Yes, but multiple circumstances have led to this being an unavoidable situation where the only other choice was to forget and leave this story alone forever, and I really hate that.

So first off, my entire flow got messed up. As a lot of you guys know, a few months ago, I was doing semi-consistent uploads with the occasional mini-hiatuses because of some weird reasons, but even those were manageable. However, after the big hiatus, I just wasn't able to write. It wasn't a writer's block or anything, I could still think up of more ideas. The thing however, was that no matter how much I wrote, it felt really off. A few weeks ago, I did try coming back to this novel, but it felt like the chapter I was writing(and was planning to release) at the time was written by someone else compared to the earlier chapters. It just felt wrong to me. I kept on erasing and rewriting the same sentence again and again which never happened back when I was still writing. That's why I decided that it would be easier to just rewrite the entire thing from scratch.

Second, wait actually, there is no second point. It's just that. Yeah...

So, what are my plans?

Well, as I said before, I plan to rewrite the entire thing from scratch. And unlike before, I most likely will not be doing daily(ish) uploads, but instead will be uploading chapters whenever I feel/am able to do so. Also, I will not be deleting this novel ever. This will stay on this website as my first ever attempt at writing, lol. So, if there are some changes to the story, well, if you guys don't like the changes then that sucks, but there will be changes that much I am sure of. 

Anyways, that's basically it from me. I probably missed a bunch of stuff that I wanted to say, but eh, we'll deal with it when we cross that bridge.

And once again, please treat me well.

-Irresponsible author  

Edit: Bruh I actually forgot to tell you guys when the first chapter will be out. Answer: I have no fucking clue

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.