TalentPlus!: Talent + Effort = Strongest Capture Target!!!

Chapter 1: Just 300 more days to go

Hello, my name is Tou-, wait no how could I forget, I got ISEKAID!!! Well to be exact, it appears that I died and was reborn as a baby named Riel Lostbelt. As to why I am certain I had died instead of randomly being reborn, I have no clue yet I have this gut feeling that I died. Well rather than a gut feeling, it just feels like I died, and that any other explanation wouldn't make sense. Anyways as to why I know that I'm currently in another world rather than simply being reborn (pfft simply my ass), my apparent parents had given me an essential piece of evidence that proves my theory albeit not 100℅. That's right, my name.

Riel Lostbelt. The name of a tragic capture target in an (allegedly) well-renowned otome game called "Only I can see Love" wherein I(Riel) am subject to one of the most tragic backgrounds. First of all, I'm a commoner. Second of all, my parents die while I would still be at the age of 9. Third of all, my sister 5 years older than me would be subject to the worst treatment and exploitation just so she can afford to keep me alive until I become independent. The worst part about it is the fact that she dies from overwork just 2 years before the start of the main story which is, wouldn't you know it, highschool. 

Oh, and I may have forgotten to mention, this world is built around the old fashioned system known as aristocracy which is why it is a BIG deal that I am a dirty poverty-riddled orphan commoner. Oh, and to make it worse is the fact that the high school that I am supposed to attend in a few years is, wouldn't you know it, filled with Nobility. You may ask, how the hell did some random dirt rag that could be found on the side of the road end up in a high-class fashion store made by famous people for famous people? Well, it just so happened that Mr. Lostbelt over here just so happened to be a once in a lifetime, no, once in an eternity talent that just happened to be noticed by a Knight Captain and was sponsored by him. Notice how I didn't explicitly say that 'I' was talented? That's cause I have no clue if I was talented or doomed.

You might have wondered "oh why don't you just shout out status or anything?". Well, the answer to that is that first of all, I AM A FUCKING BABY! How in God's name(if ever) am I supposed to shout status out loud without scaring my family into thinking I was possessed by a demon (not saying that pre-isekai me was an angel or anything) at the ripe old age of just a few days. Second of all, I did try when no one was around. The result was


I had only recalled after calming down (because my new parents had heard a scream then calmed me down thinking it was night crying) that this world did not have status screens except the player's family due to their bloodline having the ability (cheat) to check other peoples status screen hence the title of the game. And here I thought "wow maybe I'm also an exception cause I got Isekaid" haha WRONG. 

Well, as they say, there are two types of Isekai novels, the braindead harem ones or the edgy ones. Okay well, there are the in-betweens but that's a rarity and the ones I enjoy the most. I mean like aren't harems just the most trouble if ever it happens in real life, and to be honest, doesn't it hurt when the one you are rooting for or any one of the beloved characters get hurt just because the protagonist likes someone else? And for the edgy ones, honestly, I'd rather not touch those, just a personal preference. You may be asking "why are you rambling about something unnecessary? Just get on with the story". Well, my answer to that is that you don't exist and I can do whatever I want because, wow I feel so lonely. Haha, why am I talking to myself as if there was an omnipotent being able to read my mind or as if I was the protagonist of a third rate novel? Cut me some slack, I'm a baby and I have about a year of just not being able to use my limbs properly while I am imprisoned in this cage called a crib. Who'll cut me some slack you may ask? I will cause I'm the only one here... Save me...

Anyways while I'm here tortured by the pain of "illiteracy" and common sense, might as well just organize all the information I have about this dumb game. And might as well recall some things about my past life. Oh yeah, I do have a past life. I was too busy being concerned about getting offed like a random background character. Well thinking back on my life... it was normal I guess. Plain if you'd like to use it as an insult. Well at least I wasn't a loner nor was I a popular dude which is why my only qualms about being isekaid are that I'm doomed to die and a year of just nothing. Well, I guess the lack of electricity sucks but it's compensated by the fact that hey, it's a fantasy world with magic, dragons, and certain doom. Haha funny. I wanna cry. Oh shit, I'm actually crying. Wow, infants really have no tolerance with crying. Whoops, I woke up my parents. Funny. Ah, one of the privileges of being an infant, being spoiled to the max. 

Wow I'm sad. If this is me after only a few days then I don't know how to last an entire year. Anyways back to the important stuff. I honestly don't know much about the game mainly because I've never played this game before. I mean think about it, why would I, a male high schooler play an Otome game out of all things. Oh did I forget to mention that I had died at the ancient age of 18? No? Well I guess that's that. Anyways most of my knowledge of this game comes from my friend, a female otaku. And yes, I did have a female friend, in fact, I had female friends and wasn't an absolute loser. Albeit I wasn't the closest to them but at least I didn't freeze up just being in the vicinity of a female my age. I have never had a girlfriend and honestly speaking, my otaku friend was probably the closest female friend I had. Also, both of us have made it clear on multiple occasions that we really don't see each other as members of the opposite sex, and trust me when I say that no it isn't some third rate love story where we actually had feelings for each other but couldn't say it out loud and thus forming multiple misunderstandings that are only resolved near the end of the story.

Anyways, all my knowledge about this game is mainly just my otaku friend fangirling over this game and consequently telling me things about the game on random occasions when she just can't hold back her true desires to non-stop preach the word of her God (which in this case seems to be the makers of this game). Looking back on it, I am very worried about her due to the fact that I am her only friend that she can openly talk to these things about. You know what? Since her ramblings are going to help me this time, I pray that she gets the shoujo manga protagonist treatment and becomes happier while I'm not there. Anyways it just so happens that her favourite character in the game is Riel Lostbelt and that she tells me the most about him. Sadly I can't use my knowledge to find some early game exploit since first of all, I am currently in early early game. Second of all, they don't exist which had led to her complaining about how there are close to no big speedrunning tactics that save a lot of time. 


Oh, I guess I'm sleepy now. That's one of the perks of being an infant I guess. Well, that's the end to one of my 300+ days of pure agony.

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