Tale of Eldramir

CH 315 (Book 8 Ch 25): Negotiating for Time

As he got used to the sensation of communing directly with the remnant Spirit’s soul once more, Ezekiel couldn’t help but idly wonder at how strong one must be in order to handle being conscious in total sensory darkness for any length of time.

It hadn’t been mentioned before, but when he had sensed the souls of the others inside of the remnant Obscurity, their activity was almost nothing. Only Riley and Celia had shown any sort of awareness. Though, it was difficult to sense Obscure Mages and Spirit when they were in their natural environment. So, it was possible that they had been aware too.

I wonder if it’s the level of power that makes it feasible... Could it be due to the time alone, and in the vast emptiness of space, that it requires a powerful soul that can keep their wits about them in such an environment? Not just the physical and magical protection, but a soul that can withstand such a place where even time becomes twisted and warped.

He shook his head. Now was not the time to be getting lost in thought, and without a single moment more of hesitation he flared the light of his mana into his surroundings.

His mind immediately cleared, and the fogginess he had almost failed to notice was dispersed. However, this time there was no screaming.

It seems that this thing learned something from our last talk. A method of defending itself, perhaps? Or is the problem coming from my side?

Ezekiel spread his senses outward, but it was much like when he had first entered the trial [Domain] where his mother had been taken. There was nothing that he could sense in his surroundings.

Ah... So, it figured out the fact that it was the surroundings itself, rather than just the avatar and the shadows that it was directly controlling. He had been somewhat worried that this would happen.

He had been prepared for this possibility, since it was the normal concern when doing a soul dive like this. But in the past he had mostly done it to those possessed or harmed by the Cruor. As well as those that had been of a more distinct, and obvious, element.

Not the one element that was specifically tied to keeping secrets and hiding in plain sight.

He currently assumed that the only reason this hadn’t been a problem earlier was because the remnant hadn’t expected his attack, nor had it likely ever been in such a situation as to need to hide its spiritual presence before.

“Hey... you have to understand; even if you hold the memories of the Ancient Obscurity, you aren’t them... Not really.” Ezekiel wasn’t certain that this would work, but right now he didn’t want to destroy the Spiritual remains of one of the Ancients.

He figured that he had to at least try to negotiate something with them.

“Look... Can you even say that you’re one of the Ancients, even a remnant of them, if you can’t even face me directly?” He didn’t know if it would work, but taunting had done things in the past. “I mean... you might have the authority to command the Guardian of this Legacy, but that doesn’t mean much if you can’t give them orders. Neither me nor my partner will allow that. So, talk to me, and maybe we can figure out a way to give you the chance to land the finishing blow on that bastard, Radiant Chaos.”

Still nothing. Silence and darkness were the only things that answered him.

“Alright then... Time to bring out the big guns,” he muttered while channeling his mana.

He wasn’t casting a spell, however. Instead, he intended to bring in more of his soul and put it into a conflict with the remnant’s. That would force its consciousness to actually do something that he could use for the sake of communication.

The fact that he felt his soul shake, and an angry snarl echo all around him confirmed that his actions most certainly got a response.

“Good! Now get over here so we can talk like civilized beings! Or are you just as beastly and monstrous as the Broods that your predecessor once fought?” He immediately regretted that particular challenge, but he couldn’t take it back now.

In all honesty, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to broker a deal with the remnant. It was acting more like a crazed Wild Spirit than what he recalled of the Ancient Spirits from the memories he had once viewed. Though, perhaps this was how they acted when the Void wasn’t there to keep them in check.

“You... you bastard!” A shadowy silhouette appeared in Ezekiel’s vision. “Why do you continue to oppose me?”

It was distinct from the surroundings due to the light that he was still shining, but he altered it, just enough so that his [Nothingness] wouldn’t harm it this time.

“Anyone would oppose the one that wants to kill them,” Ezekiel didn’t back down, though he realized that the remnant was somehow calmer than before. “You seem more rational than before. What changed?”

“You stole them from me! You stole the only chance I had at returning to my true power and fulfilling my ultimate purpose!” There was a sense of desperation in its voice. It sounded like she was pleading with Ezekiel, but he would not give in.

“They were dying! Humans, and Spirits, who are not of the Obscure element cannot remain in the shadow realm for long periods of time. Let alone when they are being drained of mana!” A light flicked on in his mind as realization came to him. “That’s why it hurt you so much... The opposing elements of the Mages and Spirits that you had taken in were conflicting with you.”

There was a visible reaction from the remnant. It recoiled as if he had struck it in the face. It didn’t reply, however, and Ezekiel stood there while the remnant remained quiet.

“Look... I will not allow you to harm the people under my protection. At best, I will do something to provide you with enough mana to sustain yourself.” This was the most he would give as concession for now. Only after the contract was signed would he offer more. “Now, I need you to tell me what you’ve been doing this past millennia. Why didn’t the Guardian know about you, and why didn’t you simply leave this place if you can travel through the shadow as extensively as you’ve shown you can?”

The remnant remained silent, but Ezekiel couldn’t allow it to do so for long. He also knew that the stick wouldn’t help much more in this circumstance, so he decided to go with the carrot this time.

He [Willed] a small spark of his mana into his surroundings, and a blissful sigh filled his mind. What was once his mana was now empowering the shadow that he was communicating with.

“That is just a piece of what I can offer you. Along with the revenge you dearly wish for, because I promise you that Radiant Chaos will die. No other option is acceptable.”

For a moment, there was just more silence. The remnant merely continued to bask in the feeling of Ezekiel’s mana granting them a small portion of power.

“Your magic would be incredibly useful in granting our forces the time needed to grow strong enough to fight. Would you be willing to sign a contract to provide aid to us? To ensure that you can get revenge, and for humanity to be able to continue moving forward alongside the Spirits?”

The remnant of Obscurity stilled upon hearing Ezekiel’s questions. For a moment, he thought that it had seriously considered his proposal. Then the shadow spoke in a biting tone, while his [Danger Sense] flared to life.


With a sigh, Ezekiel threw up a barrier, and the shadows that lanced toward him were stopped in their tracks.

“Fine. Have it your way.” Ezekiel then filled the soul of the remnant with his Void.


The central chambers of the Legacy were quiet, and Riley couldn’t help but glance around the room with impatience. She was currently seated on a stone chair, and was hunched over while the healers checked her over.

“Please keep still, Exalt, we need to soothe a few more pathways before you overexert yourself again.” Green glowing hands ran over her back while the healers did their work. “It seems like you only strained yourself. No burns are apparent, but you’ll need to hold off on using your mana for a few more days than previously expected.”

Closing her eyes with a small wince, Riley let out a sigh and allowed her body to relax. The shadows weren’t moving strangely, nor were the people as paranoid or twitchy as they were before.

“I understand... Is there anything else we need to work on right now for my recovery?” Though it frustrated her, she knew that doing everything she could for her recovery was the best option right now.

“Just get some rest. Spiritual injuries like this mostly take time.” The healer stood up and walked away. All Riley could do was shake her head. “With your leave, I will be going to check on a few others.”

She waved the healer off before clasping her hands together and inclining her head to think.

“Ezekiel wouldn’t be stuck here like this... Just waiting for his injuries to get better...” She knew her words weren’t true, since her husband had been through far worse, and had spent long stretches of time recovering over the years when pushed too far. “He’d better finish up soon, or else I’ll be going after him myself.”

Celia, who was curled up at her feet on the ground, tilted her head up and blew a puff of smoke right into Riley’s face. She reeled back, sputtering and sneezing, while the Spirit at her feet just laughed.

“Very funny,” she muttered.

Taking a look around, Riley saw the twins and Evelyn at one of the more serious medical beds that were created for their use. Evelyn still hadn’t woken up, but the twins had seemed fine. Though it was apparent that the ordeal had been stressful for them.

“Let’s go see how they’re doing.” Riley slowly pushed herself up, and Celia grew in size to help support her.

The pair didn’t make it more than a dozen steps before the room started trembling, and Riley couldn’t help but let out a grunt when she dropped to a knee in shock.

The shaking stopped within a few seconds, but it was enough to make her and the others more wary. Several Hunters donned their Spirit Armor, and everybody had a weapon out, or magic primed in the case of the few unbonded Spirits.

The sound of stone grinding against itself could be heard as the floor shifted in the center of the room. An avatar of the Guardian took shape. It looked directly at Riley before bowing its head and addressing the room.

“Apologies,” the voice of the Guardian filled the room. “Steps were taken to ensure that the rogue shadow will not be able to harm you again. However, changes were made to ensure that this could happen. Within a few minutes, the Herald of the Void will be personally inspecting all levels of the Legacy, to ensure that no more unexpected surprises will be popping up.”

Seeing the Mythical Spirit in front of them, the Hunters and Mages lowered their weapons, but Riley could see the tenseness and anger in their bodies and faces.

“Due to reasons that I cannot explain, the one who acted against you was able to steal control of the Legacy from me, preventing me from interfering with its attack. Though it was a matter of differences in the nature of our individual existences, that was still a failing on my part.” The Guardian bowed lower, and some of the Hunters and Mages loosed up a little bit. Now there was wariness, but Riley didn’t think it was directed at the Guardian. “That is no longer an issue, and as compensation, since I am supposed to keep those who have entered the central areas safe from opposing forces, all of you will be granted access to at least three memories. Please ask your Exalt, or the previous trial takers, for more information, as I need to focus on aiding the Herald with his current task.”

Showing that this was all the Guardian had to say, it crumbled into the ground and left no further traces. Right after the Guardian left, the Hunters and Mages looked at Riley for answers. Even the trial takers from before, since they had been informed of what they were granted, but only Riley had yet to actually experience the memories of the Ancients.

It was all she could do to cover her face and merely sigh instead of scream.


On the far side of the room, where the healers were keeping their focus on Evelyn and the other injured parties, Wendy and Ellen looked over to Riley in concern, but didn’t move to do anything. Neither Wendy, nor any of the other resting Obscure and Radiant Mages, were in any state to get up right now.

“Do you think she’s going to be alright? I know that she told us what could be expected, but that was before we set out, so the others don’t actually know the full extent of what the memories the Guardian is talking about actually are, right?” Ellen asked Wendy, who let out a quiet grunt but didn’t say anything. Instead, she just closed her eyes and rolled over, hugging Kari closer to her chest.

“You can’t keep silent forever. We’re probably going to need you when Ezekiel gets back.” Ellen reached out and shook her sister’s shoulder. “You know damned well that none of this was your, or anyone else’s fault. Instead, we need to push forward. That’s what you’re always telling me, isn’t it?”

Wendy sighed, but it wasn’t her who answered.

“If I may,” Callrond spoke up from where he had perched behind the twins, “but I would like to ask what exactly is going on? Ezekiel told us that we would be able to learn much from this Legacy, but it wasn’t described in detail.”

“Ah, well, apparently the more in-depth information regarding the elements and magic involved delving into the memories of the Ancients themselves.” Ellen ignored the clattering of something being dropped nearby. “It’s apparently both a means of feeling the magic itself, as well as a means of training one’s soul, since the weight of such a powerful being’s memories is rather heavy.”

Callrond’s eyes had widened, as had Feynari’s, who was nestled on his back. But she shook her head and spoke before Callrond could ask for more information. Not far away, Spina landed from where she had flown over from another area. She remained silent, however, and let the other talk.

“So, what about that Mythical shadow? Was that something that your brother wasn’t aware of the last time he was here?” The Obscure Spirit’s voice was quiet but clear.

“It wasn’t.” This time it was Wendy who replied. “I don’t know if it’s because it was my mother who that thing was trying to take as a host, but I was able to roughly connect with it after hearing my mother’s voice when trapped inside.”

The three Legendary birds turned to her, and Ellen held her shoulder tighter. She knew that Wendy had seen more in the darkness than she had, but hadn’t wanted to pry before this.

“I saw flashes of memories... I think they were from the remnant that trapped us.” Wendy shuddered but continued. “I think that they were sealed inside the [Domain] that was used as the trial for Obscure magic. However, it was drained of energy over the centuries. To the point that it was only recently, when mother went to take the trial, that the remnant was able to take shape once more. The fact that she has a mutated soul also seemed to be an opportunity that could be used to further take action. Mother and Reya are more closely tied to shadows than most of us are. Though, whatever happened to her ultimately didn’t let her make any breakthroughs.”

Ellen bowed her head. That hadn’t been something they were happy to find out.

The healers had said that their mother would recover, but that there was no growth, no changes to indicate that she would be able to reach Tier five on her own. Worse yet, there seemed to be pieces of her body that were changed even further. To the point that it was unlikely she would be able to survive for as long as a Legendary Mage should be able to live for.

“Apparently, after examination by several healers, and Obscure magic Scholars, it’s like her body is fading away. No one understands what the actual changes are, and no one has any answers. It’s like her mana is beginning to tear her apart at the same rate that it’s trying to keep her together.” Wendy told the birds about what they had both been told earlier, but Ellen hated hearing it.

However, she knew that it was even harder for her sister, who had suffered through watching everything happen to their mother originally.

“Her body is changing?” Feynari sounded strange in Ellen’s opinion, and she couldn’t help but focus on the Obscure Spirit. “Has your brother been told of these changes? Did they only happen recently? Like, after she had entered the trial?”

Both twins focused on the Legendary bird this time, as did the other two birds that stood alongside her. For her part, Feynari just looked between them all in confusion.

“Ah, did I say something wrong?” she asked.

“No... I’m just surprised why you think these things matter so much. Do you know something about this?” This time Ellen decided to speak up for her sister. “You sounded like you didn’t understand why this was a problem... I know that Spirits have bodies that are more composed of mana, but for humans, such a thing can be very deadly if done improperly. As far as I know, only Riley and my brother have been able to increase their bodies and physical strength when it comes to their mana.”

“I see...” Ellen couldn’t help but wonder why Feynari seemed so confused. “That doesn’t answer my question though... did these changes happen before, or after the trial occurred?”

Ellen shared a look with her sister. She didn’t understand why this was the thing that Feynari was focusing on. “It’s been a problem for years now, but apparently fell dormant, or into remission, I think the healers called it, until she went into the trial. Why is that important?”

Callrond tilted his head, eyes now narrowed in thought, before Ellen nearly flinched when his eyes suddenly opened far wider than before.

“Ah! You’re talking about the discovery made by Ezekiel regarding how bodies can also be refined and used to rise through the Tiers! He mentioned something like that back in the Fjorya.”

The twins gaped at Callrond. Ellen couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“Wait... wouldn’t he have told them about that when he first met up with them before?” Callrond asked his sister.

“Not if the one who it would help wasn’t even there. He wouldn’t want his theories to be tested out without his directions. He’s not sure if they would work for anyone else at this point. The only one who has taken any steps forward with it is himself, after all.” Feynari shook her head but let out a squawk when a band of light pulled her forward, into Ellen’s arms. Right at the same time a shadow grabbed Callrond.

Spina took the chance to fly into the air, but Kari and Tina took her down before she could get too high in the air. All three birds were held tightly in the grasp of the twins and their Spirits.

“You need to tell us more! What the hell are you talking about? What theories, and what means of body refinement?” Wendy was frantic with her questioning, and Callrond sputtered in her grasp, while Feynari flailed a bit, but wasn’t held quite as tightly as her brother.

“I’m sorry, but we need to know. Please speak up. The faster the better.” Ellen tried to keep calm, but the thought of something being found that could cure her mother was making her restless.

She tried to ignore the wandering eyes that were now focused on her and her sister. Whatever it was the Legendary birds had to say was too important to be letting her focus wander right now.

So, even though she knew that there were others listening in on them, she narrowed in on every word that Callrond and Feynari were saying. A warm feeling grew in her chest the more they spoke.

There would be words that needed to be said to her brother later. For now, even if they couldn’t act on it at the moment, there was a new hope for their mother’s health.

A wide smile spread across her face, even as whispers started spreading when the birds finished speaking.


Sitting on the ground in the [Domain] of the Obscure magic trial, Ezekiel and Shine watched the form of the remnant of Obscurity as it wiggled on the ground. While it was still as strong as a Mythical being, its form was so miniscule that it would be hard to consider it as something that had nearly killed off over a hundred Hunters and Spirits of Adept or greater strength.

Given how its power flickered, however, it was clear to see how it was able to remain hidden from other’s sight. Even now, if Ezekiel wasn’t looking right at it, he knew it was likely that he would lose track of it.

“Are you calm now? Do I need to delve into your soul once more and rip my way out again.” The growl in his voice made his frustration clear. It also made the shadow tremble even more.

“No! Please no! If you do that again, then my soul will certainly fall apart! Even now, I’m barely keeping coherency!” The voice from the remnant no longer resembled his mother’s, and instead turned into something that was much squeakier and higher pitched.

“That’s a lie, and you know it,” he disputed the remnant’s claims. “If your soul was in that bad shape, then you wouldn’t even be able to speak to me right now.”

The shadow on the ground flinched back. “I’m sorry! Please don’t do that again!”

Ezekiel sighed, and Shine couldn’t help but chuckle in the back of his mind.

This is rather pathetic, isn’t it. They said after a moment of thought. For us to see what was once a piece of the most powerful Obscure Spirit in existence, brought low due to your actions.

There was a sense of pride that Ezekiel could hear in Shine’s tone. Their emotions flooded through him, and he could tell that his Spirit was happy to see an enemy brought low.

To be honest, he also felt glad that he had managed to make the shadow submit. Though he knew that he shouldn’t be taking joy in another’s suffering and fear.

“Do you agree to the conditions from before... to have you contractually bound to me and my family, as a guardian Spirit who will no longer take the initiative in acting against humanity, in exchange for a steady supply of mana and aid in recovering your soul, as well as the information regarding breaking through to Tier six. As well as an opportunity to strike down Radiant Chaos in the final battle.”

There were more details that he was thinking about including, but for now, this was all that was necessary. Anything else might make the shadow back out. But for now, he needed to get the shadow on his side, and make sure that it couldn’t act against him again.

Though, it was apparent that the fear he had instilled in it, when he ripped his way through its Spirit Paths, while it practiced futility when it tried to stop him. Its shadows were like tissue paper in the rain, and Ezekiel’s [Nothingness] was like a corrosive acid eating away at the scraps of mana that it had managed to pull together.

“I agree... I will retract my reach from the other shadows within the Legacy and confine myself to a room of your choosing so that I can properly serve.” There was no longer any hesitation in the remnant’s voice. “Just... please don’t rip apart my soul...”

Ezekiel just scoffed. He knew that he had gone quite far with his actions, but he had long since realized that showing mercy to his enemies wasn’t always the best option.

“Then sign and be bound in entirety to my family.” Ezekiel held out his hand to the shadow on the floor. It glowed with the light of his mana.

A black hand made of shadows reached up and grabbed his own. Words were spoken, and they resonated with the world, the might of Eldramir’s attention on them was enough to shake the Legacy.

“Now that that’s finished, it’s time we get started on fixing what you nearly broke.”

The remnant slithered up Ezekiel’s leg, hiding in the shadows beneath his armor.

An opening formed in the wall, and the path back to the Guardian of the Legacy was opened to them. He still had a few more things to do before he got back to work.

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