Tale of Discovery

Chapter 91: Kokabiel ; Albion

Who's this jester?

Rias seems like she wants to start a long-ass conversation with him, but I'm not in the mood for that.

I've had enough of being interrupted before starting the daily training session.

"Hey, you, Coca-thing," I shout to the guy, whose name I've already forgotten.

Whatever, I'm sure he'll realize that I'm referring to him.

"What did you say?!" he cries out, losing his composure.

This guy has some issues with his temperament. Nevertheless, judging by the number of wings he has, his arrogance, his triangular face, and everyone's reaction to him, he should be strong.

At least, stronger than the insects I've met up until now.

Leaving that clown aside, who's the other guy that's beside Kiba? He seems like a nice guy to out and have a drink with.

Well, he can't do much being in the state he's in right now.

"So, is that thing supposed to be strong?" I ask nonchalantly.

"Yes," Akeno replies solemnly, "He's the leader of the Fallen Angels."

Sensing something, I observe the outskirts of the academy and see the student council members all flying and using their demonic magic.

A few moments later, a barrier made of demonic energy encompasses the whole academy.

It looks strong, but my guts tell me that if I flick it once, it will shatter like brittle glass.

"I don't know who you are," Coca-Cola says before summoning a floating chair with some extra decorations out of thin air and continuing, "But you will be entertaining me."

"Wrong," I reply, "You will be the one entertaining me."

He doesn't react to my words and just continues to sit on his "throne" brimming with arrogance before saying, "I will first have you play with my pet."

The moment he says so, a light appears at the bottom of his floating "throne" before a green energy beam is released which directly strikes the ground underneath it.

There, a magic circle appears before flames cover the whole area above it. A few seconds later, two giant three-headed hounds emerge from within the flames.

"That's Cereberus," Akeno says with shock, "The Guard Dogs of Hell."

Screw this, I'm too tired to fool around today.

Utilizing Holy Slash, I behead the guy next to Kiba as well as some fat guy that was hiding in the distance.

"What?!", the arrogant Fallen Angel yells, "You… You're not a Devil?"

As I thought. Even if one is strong, they must focus to be able to see my Rework.

"You guys go and deal with the dogs," I order Rias and the co.


About three minutes have passed since I've given them the order. During this time period, they managed to kill both of the Cereberus.

I was pleasantly surprised by how much they've improved. Particularly Rias.

She did exceptionally well, ordering the others while also fighting, herself.

And so, they managed to do it within a relatively short time-period, and not get injured even once during the whole process.

Looking over to the guy who's pridefully watching everything from on top of his throne, I prepare to take him down in one strike.

"This is probably going to be overkill…" I mutter before jumping dozens of meters into the air.


Ddraig's voice resounds within my head as I fly toward the throne.

-Ittou Shura

The next moment, I find myself in front of the Fallen Angel who has yet to realize what's coming for him.

My arm drawn back, I feel like a vortex is being formed by my fist as I channel Destruction into my hand before punching the jester.

Directly after my punch connects with his face, a grand shock-wave is released, shattering all the glass within the barrier, before the barrier itself.

Realizing the force contained within my punch is too much, I immediately weaken the vectors to keep the damage to a minimum.

Nevertheless, I witness the whole "throne" disintegrate as the one who was sitting on it a few seconds ago now non-existent.

The clouds in the sky all fade away as silence ensues.

I cancel the Boosted Gear and Ittou Shura before descending to the ground.

Suddenly, I feel another presence nearby.

Looking the direction I felt it from, a man wearing a white dragon-like armor enters my sight.


"This is troubling," the man in the armor says.

"Azazel told me to bring him back, however, it seems like that's impossible now."

The man looks at me and says,

"So, you're the current owner of the Boosted Gear?"

Sensing the pride exuding from the guy, I can tell that he's confident in fighting with me.

"So what if I am?" I reply.

"Nothing. It's just that as my arch-rival, you'd need to do better than what you did a while ago," he states.

"Oh, is that so?" I say before vanishing from where I am and reappearing in front of him.

I pull out Excalibur from my ring and slash in his direction.

However, the slash doesn't make contact with his body as he swiftly moves away before raising his arm and shouting,

"Divine Dividing!"

The next moment, I feel a wave of foreign energy entering my body. It seems like it wants to suck a great amount of my powers out, however, before it can do so, my own body reacts by expelling the energy.

{Berserk: Tormentor utilized.}

Feeling my strength and speed as well as precision all increase at once, I activate the Boosted Gear.



Appearing right in front of the guy with enough momentum to push him back by air current alone, I discard Excalibur as I punch him at the center of his armor, directly crushing it.

The guy is launched with terrific speed into the distance before finally crashing into a building.

Using Rework to change the way I look, I move over to where he is at and send several Holy Slashes at him.

In response to my flurry of attacks, the guy once again raises his arm before shouting,

"Divine Dividing!"

This, however, affects neither me nor my attack in any way, as his armor gets torn apart by the Holy Slashes.

Appearing in front of him, I kick him in the mouth with enough force to shatter the ground all around us.

Here I stand, peering into the broken dragon-head as humans scream all around me, running away with all they've got.

"There is no "arch-rival" or anything for that matter. You are weak. Stupidly weak. So, rather than spouting such words with pride, I suggest you go back to wherever you came from."

Should I let him go or not?

Firstly, I don't know much about him other than the fact that he's arrogant and overconfident. So, I can't break his mind just yet.

Secondly, he should be able to make contact with more big-shots, from the way he spoke earlier.

And lastly,

"Ddraig, take a look at your nemesis."


Giving Ddraig the opportunity to see through my eyes, I wait for his reaction to this.


"Ddraig…" A voice similar to that of Ddraig responds.

[It seems like this is where it ends.]

"What are you talking about?", the voice resounds once again.

[Your chances of winning against this guy are none-existent. He's abnormal.]

"He might be a little strong, but that doesn't mean my partner is weak!", comes the response from Albion.

"You do realize that I can crush his head right now, right?" I chuckle before I say.

Albion shuts up, most likely concerned about how I'm going to handle matters from here.

"What's the name of this guy," I inquire as I press my foot onto the skull of the user.

"Vali Lucifer," came a response almost immediately.

Lucifer? That's intriguing.

[[You're not killing him?]]

"I'm not sure. What do you think of this, Tia?"

[[It's your choice. Although, personally, I would've killed him the moment he disrespected me.]]

"Oh? Even though I 'disrespected' you back in the Familiar Forest?"

[[That's different. One should know when to fight and when to not.]]

"I never would've thought that I would hear such words from a prideful dragon."


Putting my focus back to Vali who's barely alive at the moment, I think of the choices available to me.

However, I suddenly feel another presence nearby.

I check it out and am surprised to find a black-haired woman with cat-like features hiding nearby.

She reminds me of Koneko, to the point that I'm beginning to suspect if they're related somehow.

Now that I think about it, Koneko did mention having an older sister.

So, how do I get her to come with me peacefully? Obviously, trick her.

First, I will have her trade herself for Vali's life if that's what she's here for.

Albion will tell Vali about it, which will piss him off and plant a seed of uncertainty within him.

I can take advantage of that later on, once I've gotten a grip on his personality to enrage him and loot Albion from him.

The other reason for doing this is that the girl will most likely accompany me peacefully if she's weaker than Vali, as she will probably think that Vali and whoever is with him will come to her rescue.

Not only will this attract the attention of several individuals that I could potentially loot abilities from, it will also help me resolve Koneko's past.

In other words, I lose nothing from doing this, and only gain from it.

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