Tale of Discovery

Chapter 75: Camping Again ; Star-Gazing

I wake early morning, feeling something on both of my arms.

Both of my little sisters.

It has become the norm for me to sleep with them in one bed every night. Knowing that this will go on for quite some time, I changed the bed to a double bed and redesigned the room. In the end, I even brought all of their stuff over from their rooms.

I probably should've done this from the beginning, but oh well.

Using Permeation to phase through the blanket and Flight to float up from the bed, I head to the living room without making any noise to avoid waking my sisters up.

There, I find Nao going through some bags.

Yesterday, once I was done with training Rias and her peerage, I immediately returned home. At home, it was an ordinary day until we had dinner.

Everyone interacted with each other much better than the day before it, so I was glad. However, Nao abruptly decided that we will go camping the day after it, which is today.

Having agreed to it, I offered to create anything that we might need, however, Nao immediately rejected the notion.

So, we went out to a convenience store and bought whatever we wanted.


"Nao, I have found a location already," I say.

She stops what she was doing and looks at me.

Last night, before going to sleep, I used Clairvoyance to look for a good camping site. As I had enjoyed the camping trip back in Project Charlotte, I was set on going somewhere away from other humans.

Thus, I found a place for us to stay that is similar to the location we stayed in. The only difference is that there is no ruin of a well and a random daughter appearing out of thin air.

After informing Nao about this, I help her out with the baggage a little before going to wake the others up.

I knock on Misa's door a couple of times, before going to my own room, waking both of sisters up and helping them get dressed for the day.

Once I'm done, the three of us head to the kitchen together.

There I find Asia and Koneko both sitting at the table in their school uniforms.

After a while, Nao and Misa both come over as well.

Having eaten our breakfast, we all go our separate ways, as Asia and Koneko decide to walk to school.


"We're finally here," I say as I park the car someplace near the outer parts of the woods.

All of us get off from the car and carry our own bags as we walk through the vegetation to get to the location I've prearranged.

It doesn't take us long to get there.

Upon arriving, beautiful scenery meets our eyes.

An open field with a gentle stream beside it. Surrounding the whole place are trees of different sizes and shapes.

Walking to the center of the plains, we begin to set up our tents while Ayumi runs all over the place excitedly.

Once we're done with setting up the tents, we begin setting the other stuff up.

Unlike last time we went camping, this time we've gotten meat to grill rather than corn.

The moment I'm done, I join Ayumi who's stepping into the water stream nearby.


After a while, Nao and I begin to cook the meat, while Ayu and Misa are playing with a small gaming console.

As for Sora, she's on the laptop that she brought along.

Honestly, this is so similar to last time, except the fact that I'm the only guy here.

Hold on…

"Hey Ddraig, you there?"

[Uwooohhh!! You finally let me out!]

"What the heck?"

[Don't act like you're not aware!]

"Look, like I said, I have no idea what you are talking about. Last time you said something similar, but what exactly happens to you?"

[You better not be doing this on purpose…]

Hehe. From my guess, whenever I am not willing to use a power or ability, it enters a dormant state.

The thing is, I used Ddraig to test that hypothesis.

[Why do I suddenly feel like beating you up?]

"Want to go at it again? We will see who will beat up who then," I say with a scowl.

[Spare me a fight with you. The last time we fought, you almost destroyed the Boosted Gear. I would've been gone and the former host would've died.]

"Oh yeah, that guy… he should be long broken by now…" I murmur, but Ddraig seems to hear me,

[What did you say?]

"Oh, nothing at all. Your previous host should be living a normal life right now."

So normal that he should hate it.

[I feel like there is more to what you're saying.]

"Forget that, would you like a body?"

[Hm? What do you mean by that?]

"I am able to create a body for you and probably able to place you inside it."

[This sounds too good to be coming from your mouth... What's the catch?]

"It's going to be the body of a twelve-year-old girl."



[Are you seriously asking if I want to go into the body of a human child?! A female one at that!]

"Tch. I offered; you rejected. Don't regret it later."

[Wait, wha-]

Before he can finish what he wants to say I focus back on reality, making the skill enter a dormant state once again.

"Brother Yu!" I suddenly hear Ayumi call for me.

Looking to where she is at, I see her jumping with fervor while pointing at something.

Going over to where she is, I check out what she's pointing at.

The ruins of a well.

No way, right?

Creating a metallic platform, I cover the top with it.

"Eh~ Brother Yu, what's that?" Ayumi asks me curiously.

"That's the remains of a well. In the past, they used it, but now it has become like this because it's forgotten."

Taking the satisfied Ayumi back with me, we all begin eating the grilled meat.


"You lose once again!" I proclaim as Nao wryly places her small gaming console down.

"That makes it a 2 to 5," she says.

"That's correct, and as per agreed, the loser has to listen to one command of the winner."

"Pervert," Misa mutters from the side.

"I haven't even ordered her yet!"

While I'm thinking of an order for her, Raynare's voice suddenly resounds within my head,

[All-Father, we have a found lead on the described object.]

Great. I was just starting to get used to my Destruction, so it would suck if I suddenly lost it.

"Where is it?"

[So far, we know that its general location is Kyoto.]

Kyoto huh… I guess I will have to go over there sometime. There are four days left before the deadline for the calling, so I'm probably going to be fine.

"Why is it taking you so long?" Nao asks me impatiently.

Oh, crap. I've just got to ask her to do something… anything…

"Kiss me on my cheek," I suddenly say.

Nao is startled a little, but I see a barely visible smile form on her lips as she does what she was told to.

"I knew it," Misa says.

Whatever, I won't even bother to say anything.

Feeling a cold gaze from the side, I turn my head to take a look.

As expected, it came from Sora who is presently glaring at me.

"Look, it's getting late now. We should go to sleep so that we will be full of energy in the morning," I say.

As I am about to head to the tent we set up, I catch a glimpse of the starry sky.


Now that I think about it,

"Hey Ayumi, do you want to gaze at the stars?"

My words seem to ignite a dormant flame within her as she begins to jump joyfully while yelling, "Yes! Ayu wants to star-gaze with Brother Yu!"

Moving to a more vacant spot, I create a platform as well as several comfy objects before creating a number of telescopes.

"Come over," I say to Ayumi while patting my lap once I have taken a seat beside one of the telescopes.

Looking over at the others, I motion to come over as I say, "Come on, it's a beautiful sight."

Thankfully, they agree to do so as the three of them come over and join us. Nao and Misa both use a telescope while Sora comes over and hugs my back.

Well, this works too, I guess...

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