Tale of Discovery

Chapter 64: Familiar Forest

"Looks like I will be getting myself a familiar as well," I declare.

Shortly after I said so, Sona has a troubled expression on her face as she glances at me then at Rias before saying,

"You will have to do that later, as only one group can go get a familiar at a time."


"And why is that?", I inquire.

"Look, you are wasting too much time, so ho-", not letting Saji finish what he has to say, I use Indoctrination to order him: "Kneel."

Saji immediately falls onto his knees. Having completed the order, he regains his clarity of mind and once he does, a look of hatred appears on his face.

"Continue," I expressionlessly say to Sona who calmly watched everything unfold.

This girl is an interesting one. Ever since her punches failed, she has maintained her composure and effectively avoided incurring my wrath. Can't say the same for her servant, though.

Nonetheless, she has piqued my interest. Has she found something to be suspicious? I mean, other than the fact that Rias and her peerage are silent while I'm doing all the talking.

"In order to get a familiar, you need to get into contact with the Familiar Master, who is only available once a month," Sona explains.

Is that all? I thought that the place would have some kind of seal preventing more than one group to enter or something. This makes it easier to deal with.

"The Familiar Master is a master when it comes to catching familiars. Without him, it's hard to catch one," Sona continues.

Then he's not required.

The only reason I want to go over is to face off against Tiamat. I wonder how strong it is for it to be one of the "Five Great Dragon Kings".

"Is there some specific place where you can get a familiar from?"

"The Familiar Forest," I get a direct reply.

Upon further inquiry, I learned that the Familiar Master that they spoke of only appears during full moons. As for the means of getting to the Familiar Forest, it can be done with a magic circle.

I've decided that I'm going to go to the forest. However, that doesn't mean that I will let my guard down and just throw myself at everything.

"Hey, bastard! Let me-", before he can continue, I create a blade and launch it at his neck.

Before anyone can react, Saji's head flies off from his body and rolls onto the ground. Everyone is dumbfounded as they stare at the headless body fall to the ground.

Sona immediately glares at me furiously while channeling demonic energy through her right arm.

Not willing to waste any more time, I nonchalantly walk to the body and use Transmutation to grab the Evil Piece inside of him.

A pawn, once again.

Then, I obliterate his body before creating a new one under a blanket. Unlike Issei, I create a Devil's body exactly like the one I destroyed.

Say, when does my Spiritualism become ineffective?

{If more than two minutes have passed since the death of the being. By that time, the soul of the dead being has already scattered.}

Well, I thought it would be something like this, so I'm not really surprised.

I'll just go ahead and place the idiot's soul inside.

Once I'm done with that, I turn around to take a look at Sona and her peerage.

What my sight was Sona and the rest having a look of terror on their face as they look at the unconscious Saji.

Seems like my plan worked.

A few seconds later, Saji slowly opens his eyes while grunting. He lifts his upper body and looks around, confused.

"What just happened?", he asks.

Ignoring him, I turn to Sona and say, "I'll meet you tomorrow, right?"

As she nods a few times, I wave my hand, indicating that they are dismissed before turning my attention back to Rias and her peerage.

"Prepare to be summoned," I say.

Before I leave, I use Clairvoyance to check on both Koneko and Asia.

Asia is in the kendo club interacting with the girls, while Koneko is with her observing the girls practice kendo.

Well then, "Arena."

---3rd POV---

"Ma'am, what happened?", Saji, who's still confused asks Sona.

"That thing... is not a Devil. He's beyond anything I've seen," Sona solemnly says to no one in particular.

"Yeah, what he did can't possibly be done by a Devil," a girl with long black hair says.

"Rias was aware of it," Sona says, "the way she handled herself was unnatural. She didn't dare act out of place in his presence despite her status."

"Can someone tell me what's going on?!", Saji who's gotten impatient exclaims.

"You died.", Sona bluntly declares, "He cut off your head."

"Huh? What do you mean? Am I not alive right now?", Saji inquires, stupified by what she just said.

"That's the problem," a brown-haired girl says, "He brought you back to life."

"What?" Saji gasps in shock.

Sona walks around in the empty clubroom for a few seconds before she turns to her peerage and says,

"He wants me to meet him tomorrow... I'm considering consulting my parents about this."

"But what if you piss him off, and he turns out to be even more of a monster than we're expecting?", the girl with the long black hair says.

"You're right, Tsubaki. However, what else can I do? I have a feeling that if he wanted to, he could easily wipe us out. His powers, they're unconventional to the point that I doubt he is even a mortal being."

At her words, the others seem to be confused as they stay silent, however, a girl with green hair suddenly gasps as she exclaims,

"You mean, he's literally unkillable?!"

Sona shakes her head and says, "I'm just assuming that he is. His powers are unlike any I've heard off or seen, so he's either a forgotten high-classed being or his abilities are evolved versions of already strong abilities.

"So, I have no other choice than meeting him... I'm placing my bets on the fact that he doesn't want to kill us, or else he wouldn't have brought Saji back to life in front of us. His actions imply that he doesn't care if we know about him and his powers. It also has a hidden threat,"

---1st POV---

"I could kill you anytime I want to," is what Sona should be thinking of my actions right now if she's the way I think she is.

Honestly, smart people are much easier to manipulate than dumb ones. All I have to do is learn their way of acting and thinking before implementing a plan to be successfully make them do my bidding.

Why doesn't this work on dumb people? Because you don't know the depth of their stupidity unless you've spent a good time knowing them.

"Hah!", I hear a cry as a red figure flies towards Raynare.

In response to this, Raynare produces a whip made out of light and flies towards her.

As expected, letting my Angels train the Devils was a good choice, as it would be beneficial for both sides.

For my Angels, they'll learn to control their strength so that they don't accidentally kill some weaklings, while the Devils will learn of their flaws by instantly getting thrashed whenever they expose one.

Looking at Kiba who's being used to smash buildings apart, I almost feel pity... Almost.

When they first got here and I told the Devils about the purpose of the place, he directly "challenged" me which enranged my Angels who were called here shortly after them.

So, my Angels decided to take turns beating him up without giving him a moment to take a breath. It's all good as my Angels learned how to use just enough power to not kill an individual.


"Asia, Koneko, we're going home," I say to the two.

Asia quickly bows gently before excusing herself along with Koneko as they both come toward me.

The girls who were with Asia smile as they wave at me, so I smile back and wave at them.

Ignoring the shrieking girls, I ask Asia,

"How was your day?"

She smiles brightly before saying,

"It was great! I made a lot of new friends."

Patting her head I turn to Koneko who is silently staring at me. I move both of my arms and envelope her in a hug as I ask her,

"How have you been doing, Koneko?"

She squirms a little before eventually giving up and replying monotonously,


Having heard her response, I grab their hands and pull them along to where I've parked my car.

---3rd POV---

"He has returned," a golden-haired man with a floating golden ring above his head says.

"Do you suppose that He will finally reveal Himself?", a woman with golden curly golden hair as well as a floating ring similar to that of the man's asks.

"I don't know what He thinks, but what I do know is that His return indicates that great changes are coming to the world," the man replies as he turns his head to the right.

There, a few meters away from the man is a floating golden orb surrounded by rings made of runes.

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