Tale of Discovery

Chapter 56: Code: Dominion ; Plans

She rubs her palms against each other a little nervously before asking me,

"Victor, how much do you remember about the... past?"

I have no idea why she is asking me this, but I don't like the way she did. Besides, does this have anything to do with what just happened?

"Everything," I simply say.

Almost as if not expecting such an answer, excitement covers her face as she exclaims gleefully,

"You remember! You remember our days together!"

The others are giving her a weird look. Well, that is understandable, as she is acting a little unladylike right now.

"Keep your voice down," I say to her casually, however, she immediately shuts up and gets serious as if I just shouted at her.

"So..." she fidgets a little and turns her eyes to the left and right guiltily as she begins to explain,

"That world... Is the same one you went to right now."

Hold up, what?!

"Correct me if I misunderstood you, but what you're saying is that the 'world' I just fought in right now is the very same world we had that stupid battle royale in?"

In response to my words, she nervously nods her head with a small smile on her face.

What the hell? First and foremost, why and how did it become the way it is right now? Secondly, why is Yuno able to send me there along with those other guys so easily?

Asking her about it, she fidgets even more as she thinks of an answer for a few seconds before replying with,

"I was kind of angry that when you died, you had already passed through the Mete before I could resurrect you, so I let out my anger on the world."

So she brought oblivion upon that world because of my total "death"? I'm already aware of how her mindset is a "little" different from your average being, so I'm not that surprised.

Leaving that aside,

"How did you do it?"

She explains to me that when she found out about my total "death", her sense of reasoning, which I highly doubt ever existed, was gone.

All she knew was that one moment she was near my "corpse" and the next she was using her powers to destroy the world and its inhabitants.

This raises another question,

"What are your powers? Or should I say, what's your Code?"

Without the least bit of hesitation, she replies,

"My Code is Dominion. My powers are related to the manipulation of Space and to a certain extent, Time."


"That still doesn't explain how you were able to send us there.", I say.

"It's simple. My power over Space allows me to keep the world and use it as a pocket dimension."

In other words, she can access it whenever and wherever she wants to. Spatial powers sure are convenient.

Oh right!

"Then what are her powers?", I say as I point at Krul.

"I'm aware that her Code is Abbadon, but what are the powers that develop with it?"

Before Yuno can reply, Krul steps forward and says,

"My powers are related to Chaos and Concept Destruction."

For some reason, I feel like her powers suit her character a lot. Even though I don't know what kind of life she's lived, I know that it wasn't a simple one based on our past conversations.

I shift my focus from them to the rest and notice that my Angels are staring at me a little too hard.

Sora is quietly listening to my conversation with Yuno, while Asia still seems to be in a stupor.

This is problematic...

Now that our numbers have almost tripled, that small apartment won't be enough to accommodate all of us.

The best solution for this issue for this would be,

"My Angels," I say while looking their way.

Responding to my call, they all kneel down before me.

"You are to live your lives 'normally' until I settle down properly."

The three of them unitedly respond with,

"Yes, All-Father!"

If there is a problem with my order, it's that they're no longer Fallen Angels, so they'll be suspected by whoever that knows them, similar to how I am discovered by my Holy Essence...

{Father can use Rework to deal with that.}

Wasn't Rework just a way to cover up something that I didn't want others to notice? Oh, right... that's exactly the case right now.

"Come forward," I ordered the Angels, and that they did.

I begin using Reword to make them look similar to what they used to be. Once I'm done, I examine them from head to toe.

Great, they're no different from what they used to be like before their conversion to Angels.

Next, I use Rework to mask my Holy Essence, and the best way to do this is to make my aura similar to that of a different race or make it seem nonexistent.

I decide to go with the latter, which makes it seem like I'm an ordinary human.

{Be warned that beings that have a sufficient amount of power will be able to see through Father's Rework and Illusion.}

That makes sense. Speaking of powers against beings with sufficient strength, is my Plunder unable to be used in the Rift or was it that I had used it against such a being?

{It's the latter. Tiering it up should solve that issue.}

To tier up my Plunder, I need to constantly use it. For that, I need to be around power wielders, which makes my decision of going to that school right.

Irene, what does the Knowledge of the Tales look like?

{A small floating orb that glows and has a bluish colour.}

I relay that information to my Angels and order them to look for it while keeping their identities a secret.

"Let's go home now," I say to the rest.


"This is where you live right now?", Krul asks me incredulously as she points at our apartment complex.

"Yes," I simply say.

"How degrading," she continues.

See, that's what I meant when I said that her life must not have been a simple one. Normally, people wouldn't complain about such an apartment, as it's a pretty neat one, yet, she finds it degrading to stay in it.

Ignoring her, I enter the apartment and begin creating more things that we'll need.

Once I'm done, I head back to my room and notice that Sora is there sitting on my bed and using the laptop.

I attract her attention as she pushes the laptop to the side and looks into my eyes.

Seeing the look in her eyes as she's doing so, I move closer to her and run my hand through her silky hair.

Enjoying my touch, she closes her eyes as a smile spreads across her face.

I then move my hand to her face as I bring her closer to myself before kissing her soft lips.

She seems to be a little more used to this now as she responds to the kiss fairly well.

It doesn't take long for us to move on from a light kiss to a much more passionate kiss with a lot of tongue action.

Several minutes pass as we continue to kiss until we both suddenly hear a little yelp from behind me.

Turning around, I see the door to the room half-opened as a blushing Asia is standing there and staring at us with a look of shock.

"Uhm. Sor-sorry!", she practically exclaims before she leaves the room and shuts the door behind her.

I then turn back to Sora.

We both stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds before we both get back to kissing each other.


It's time for dinner and we're all sitting on a dining table I had created before.

I was planning to create our dinner, but that was immediately met with opposition by Sora. After asking her about it, she told me that she's been learning how to cook.

And so, I settled with creating the ingredients while she did the cooking.

"You siblings sure get along well," Krul says.

Asia immediately blushes while Sora just beams a smile.

Once dinner is served and we've all begun eating, I speak of my current plans to them regarding the school and the power wielders.

I also give an explanation regarding what happened today, and the reason why I readily agreed to the Fallen Angel's pledges to serve under me.

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