Tale of Discovery

Chapter 54: Angelification ; Winged People

"We're going to this academy," I say as I show my computer screen to both Asia and Sora the next morning.

After looking at it for a few seconds, Sora asks,

"Is there any particular reason you chose this academy?"

"No," I reply.

"Uhm, Your Holiness," Asia nervously says, "am I also going to be transferring to this school too?"

Looking at the fidgeting young nun, I smile and say,

"You have to learn to socialize with others. School is one way to do so."

Getting my point, she nods her head.

Sora then asks me about how we are going to transfer there. I then proceed to explain how I will be "negotiating" with the school principal.

She was a bit hesitant when she heard my plan, but after some reassurance, she gave in and wished me good luck.


This was much easier than I expected it to be. Honestly, I was expecting some power wielders to appear out of nowhere and ruin my plans half-way through.

Glad it didn't happen. Now that I have gotten everything prepared, we should head over tomorrow.

I know it might seem sudden and may arise some suspicion, but I hate wasting time doing nothing.

And so, I head back to our apartment, produce a pair of female uniforms based on the ones used in the academy for Sora and Asia, and a male version for myself.

"We're all going to be transferring there as second-years," I say to both of them.

"Tomorrow?" Sora asks.

"Yes," I reply.

Now then, what do I do for today? Perhaps exploring Tokyo would be nice.

Settling on that idea, I ask Asia and Sora to join me, which they both agree without any hesitation.

I guess they were bored, huh...

Now that I think about it, won't Krul and Yuno arrive in the Rift today?


After hanging around for a couple of hours doing nothing but enjoying ourselves, Asia tells us she wishes to visit a church nearby.

I curiously asked her about the reason, to which she just replied that she can't feel easy unless she prays to her God in the church.

I understandingly approve her request.

Upon reaching the church, I feel a gust of wind as a girl with black wings lands in front of us.

"Oh there you are~ We've been wai-," she stops saying whatever she wanted to say when she set her eyes on me.

"God?", she mutters with a stupefied look on her face.

Not again... Is it that obvious that I have the Holy Essence? Or is it something that's giving away my powers? Why do they immediately think I'm a god and not some high being with light powers?

Leaving that aside...

The girl in question has jet-black hair and purple eyes. Her wings are extremely similar to the ones I saw in the vision back then.

She seems to be slightly distressed as she steps back a little. Getting into a combat position, she raises her arm as the light around her arm bends into a purple lance.

Then, she throws it at me.

Lifting a finger, I use Light Manipulation to disperse it.

Upon seeing what I did, her face goes from a look of abject shock to delight as she rushes before me and exclaims while kneeling,

"I wish to pledge my loyalty to Your Holiness."


{Fallen Angel: Raynar - Wishes to serve you.}

AI's voice resounds within my head.

What the heck is going on?

{Once an Angel has fallen, they can pledge their loyalty to a god other than the one that created them or redeem themselves so that the god that created them once again allows them to be Pure Angels.}

I have seriously become a god now? If yes, then what're the benefits of having angels serving me? Will they obey my wishes and do whatever I want them to? Or will they just pass judgment down in my name?

{All of the aforementioned is true. An angel serves a god and does as the god wishes. Once they do something against what the god they serve wishes, they become Fallen Angels.}

Do I have to be concerned about anything when accepting someone as my angel?

{Negative. One that has nefarious intentions that go against the god won't be able to become said god's angel.}

Then there is absolutely no reason to refuse other than the fact that she just tried to kill me.

"Explain yourself. One moment you are attacking me, and the other you wish to serve under me. Is this some kind of joke?"

The fallen angel, Raynare, is visibly shaken as she explains in an anxious and fearful tone,

"This lowly one wouldn't dare! This one just wished to confirm if someone had the galls to take the form of God or not."

She seems to be devoted already, even before I've accepted her. Now that I think about it, are there any perks that come with having angels?

{Several ones. Angels are able to communicate with the god they serve telepathically and their god can see everything through their eyes whenever and wherever.}

Oh, wouldn't this help me in my search for the Knowledge of the Tales? So, the more angels I have the better. Is there a limit to the number of angels I can have?

{Insufficient information to respond.}

How do I accept her as my angel?

{Mahesvara: Angelification unsealed.}

What? It's not a part of my Holy Essence? That's surprising. I immediately check it out,


The conversion of sentient beings into an angel. A maximum of five beings can be angelified per day.


Having checked it out, I use it on the girl before me. I feel energy drainage, however, it's different compared to every other time I've had energy drained from me.

The next moment, a golden circle appears under the kneeling Raynare before a pillar of light rises up into the sky.

Yeah, this will definitely attract a lot of attention...

Focusing my eyesight, I can see Raynare in the middle of the pillar of light floating up as she goes through a number of changes.

I cancel the light out through my vision and watch carefully as her hair begins to change color from the raven black to a navy-blue while her eyes change from the former violet color to a cool gray color.

Her old wings burn to a crisp before a new pair of pure-white wings extend from her back.

A ruby-red symbol appears on each of her hands, resembling the head of a bull.

Finally, a golden halo forms over her head.

Once the conversion process is over, the pillar of light goes away and Raynare floats down slowly with her new wings spread wide.

"Raynare Victorianul hails All-Father," she says with a devoted look on her face as she kneels.

What's with this feeling? Is it hers? I feel her emotions right now. Elation, devotion, and pride. I also feel something else... It feels like my power has gotten stronger.

{That is correct. Angels provide extra energy for your Essence, albeit a little amount.}

This is "little"? I feel like it has increased by at least 5%. Could it be that my current reserves are small, so the increase seems to be big for me? Either that or the energy increase depends on who I angelify.

Forget that, what's with the "Victorianul" part of her name? That can't be a coincidence, right?

{Indeed, it is as Father says, not a coincidence. Beings that are converted into Angels can receive their god's name; similar to a family name. The god that converts them can prevent it from happening if they wish for it not to.}


Oh crap, I forgot about them...

Turning around, I see Sora with a shocked look on her face as she stares at me.

As for Asia, she's fidgeting in place while pointing a shaky finger at me as she mutters, "God" repeatedly.

Before I can say anything, two figures come out of the church.

One of them is a buxom blue-haired lady with a sharp look in her eyes. As for the other one, she's a short girl with blonde hair and a prideful aura to her.

The blue-haired lady is staring at Raynare with disgust, while the short blonde has a look of excitement in her eyes as she gazes at the wings on Raynare's back.

It seems like the blue-haired lady wishes to say something, but before she could do so, the short blonde dashes over and gets on her knees in front of me before saying,

"I wish to pledge my loyalty to Your Holiness."

So this is the usual phrase uttered by those who wish to serve a deity? Once again, there are no demerits to accepting more angels, right?


Then I have no reason to refuse.


The same process occurs, however, this time the color of her hair remains the same while her eyes become cool-gray like Raynare's. Similar to Raynare, a golden halo appears on her head as the same symbol appears on each of her hands.

Once the light fades away, I find myself standing in place with two shocked humans behind me, two angels kneeling in front of me, and a raging buxom woman in the distance.

"You two! How dare you betray us!", the raging woman screams.

Raynare seems to be unfazed as she rises to her feet and says with grace,

"We were never wished to be a part of your faction. It was just that we had no choice. Now that All-Father has returned, you may all face his judgment."

The moment she is done speaking, I notice several humanoid figures flying toward where we are. I see three kinds of wings. They're exactly like the ones in my vision.

{Extracting location...}

AI's voice suddenly resounds in my head as the figures land around us and begin to glare at everyone not part of the group they're in, including myself.

Just as it seems like they're about to make a move, they're startled by the sight of the space above us cracking as light particles appear to take the form of two girls.

Once the forms are complete, a shock-wave sends all the new arrivals back as Krul and Yuno float down from the sky.

"What a way to welcome us," Krul says with a grin.

As for Yuno, she looks around for a short while before she says eagerly,

"It's been a while since I've done this."

Once she's done she raises her right arm and yells,


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