Tale of Discovery

Chapter 52: Raging God vs Dragon Emperor

---3rd POV---

In a vast open space that seems to extend endlessly, are two figures. One is humanoid being floating in the air, while the once facing it is a humongous red dragon.

The humanoid figure, Victor, has a look of absolute wrath on his face as his arms get covered in yellow veins that seem to be glowing.

As if responding to him, the dragon breathes a flame in his direction which he uses one arm to split apart.

Taking advantage of the timing, Victor swiftly throws out several Holy Slashes at the dragon.

The slashes land and seem to do very little damage to the dragon. However, the dragon seems to be surprised by the attack as its slit-like pupils narrow down.

Before Victor can throw in another attack, the dragon dashes at him at a speed that shouldn't be possible for his size.

Victor gets slammed into by the dragon and gets thrown away several dozens of meters in the vast space.

Not wasting a single moment, he floats back up in the air and raises his right arm. On his open palm, a light begins to form and takes the shape of a sword.

When the light eventually fades away, in its place a magnificent sword with a rich design is apparent.

During the time period this occurred, the dragon got closer to him so much that they are separated by only a few meters.

The red dragon is alarmed by the sudden appearance of the sword, its features, and the aura it emits.

Victor gives it no chance to think as he utilizes Blink in the air and gets close enough to cut him. However, before he can strike him, the dragon whips its tail at him as it suddenly turns.

Using Blink to move away from the trajectory of its tail, Victor slashes at the dragon's leg cutting deeply into it.

A roar of pain and agony resounds as the dragon attempts to slam its body into Victor but utterly fails to do so as he has already used Blink to appear behind it.

{Mahesvara: Destruction}

The mechanical voice of a young lady resounds within the head of the raging Victor as black veins extend from the tips of his fingers all the way to his face.

His eyes have turned black with red pupils glowing at the center of each eye.

The dragon seems to realize the severity of the situation as it lets out a roar and dashes away from where it's at.

Right after it does so, Victor punches where it used to be at as cracks form in the space all around him.

This leads to the chain effect of cracks appearing all over the white space, destabilizing it.

Just as it seems like the dragon will be facing disaster, its body begins to glow in red before it diminishes in size to the point it reaches the size of an ordinary human.

Once done, a man that seems to be an older version of the high schooler that Victor had used Plunder on, in the park, is revealed.

Green energy swirls around the Dragonoid's arms as he leaps into the sky, where Victor is at and punches him.

In response, Victor returns a punch of his own.

The moment their fists meet each other, the white space seems to change colors to several darker shades as more cracks form.

Victor gets pushed back by a couple of meters in the air, while the Dragonoid is launched back into the "ground".

With a determined expression, the Dragonoid gets on his feet as the green energy reappears and gets sucked into his legs.

The next moment, the Dragonoid seems to vanish from where it stood as it appears beside Victor and sends a kick at him.

Reacting equally as fast, Victor blocks the blow using his arm and responds with a kick of his own.

The Dragonoid is launched backward before wings emerge from its back and its arms turning into a miniature version of its original draconic arms.

After a long while, their battle seems to come to an end as the Dragonoid finds himself lying on the ground with a fancy sword pointed at his neck.

{Mahesvara: Destruction deactivated.}

{Berserk: God's Wrath deactivated.}

As the mechanical voice of Irene resounds within the head of Victor who has partially regained clarity, he pushes the sword closer to the Dragonoid and says in a tone bereft of any emotions,

"Speak; How do I leave this space?"

---1st POV---

After several minutes of attempting to get a hold of myself, I was able to prevent myself from outright killing the dragon. Lucky guy.

There were several close calls, however, I was successful in the end.

I don't need to kill the guy off, as I have no idea if I will be able to leave the space even if I do so.

So what's the best way to handle this?

Prove yourself stronger and "befriend" the foe to earn their trust. I had always heard in my past life that dragons are extremely prideful creatures, so if I am able to beat their pride without pushing it too far, I should be able to converse with it.

"You've entered my dwelling and ask for a method to leave it?", he asks me, bewildered.

I think I should go along with what I had said earlier,

"Greetings, my name is Victor. I've come across your dwelling without willing to do so for some reason and wish to leave without any further trouble."

Did that sound a little too forced? Whatever.

I hope he gives me a proper reply...

The dragon doesn't let me down as it responds,

"Hello, I am the Welsh Dragon; one of the Two Heavenly Dragons. You may call me Ddraig."

"I don't know how you got inside of the Boosted Gear, but I'm able to send you away if you allow me to prepare."

Should I trust it? It's a risky choice, to be honest.

However... he doesn't seem to be a wicked guy.

"Very well," I say as I step back from him and get rid of Excalibur.

My choice turns out to be the right one as the dragon returns to his original appearance and works around with his green energy before a small portal appears.

"The next time we meet," I say with a polite smile, "let's try to get along."

"Understood," he replies.

I can't tell how he feels through his expression as I have yet to learn about dragon psychology.

As I step through the portal formed, I hear him mutter in desolation,

"A god-killer got beaten to a pulp by a god. How pathetic..."


As I gradually open my eyes, Asia and Sora appear within my sight with worried looks on their faces.

"Are you okay?", Sora hurriedly asks.

I get up and respond with,

"Yeah. I just feel a little tired."

And by a little, I mean that I have almost no energy left in my body. I feel so drained...

"Does Your Holiness require to go to the hospital?", Asia voices in.

Shaking my head, I pat both of their heads and say,

"Let's just get going. Oh, right. Asia, where will you go to?"

Before she can reply, Sora says,

"She'll be staying with us."

Seriously? My anti-social Sora letting a stranger live with us? It seems like they've gotten significantly closer during the short while I was fighting against Ddraig.

Well, if she says so. I mean, if it turns out that the girl has a hidden purpose for staying with us, I can just split her in half before she can try anything funny.

I take a look at where the high schooler was at and see him lying on the ground writhing in pain as his veins are bulging, while he's being tended to by some adults.

Alright, time to get going.


"This cost us exactly the amount of money we have right now," Sora says as soon as we're done negotiating with the owner of the apartment we've decided to stay at.

"Don't worry, I will be making some money soon. Besides, I can create whatever we lack, right?"

Agreeing with me, she nods.

"Creating?", Asia curiously asks.

So far, it doesn't seem like she's a bad girl. Her naivety reminds me of Ayumi a little.

Speaking of Ayumi and the others, they will arrive in six days, huh...

I need to collect enough money to buy a house or more preferably, a mansion big enough to accommodate all of us.

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