Tale of Discovery

Chapter 50: Reveal ; Shock ; Tokyo

Author's note: I definitely wasn't drunk when I was writing this chapter.


Opening my eyes, the sight of my cute little sister's sleeping face is the first thing that I see.

What a way to start my day~

I caress her cheek and think of what needs to be done today. Simply put, she needs to know about everything. The longer I keep it from her, the more troublesome it could get. It would be meaningless to keep it a secret.

For now, I need to test my powers and observe how they work in the Rift. Particularly the ones related to my Code.


Standing outside in the fields where I first tried my powers, I circulate the Holy Essence and deploy Godspeed.

I attempt to dash forward, but... I blink.

I didn't use my Blink, yet it happened on its own.

With my increased perception and familiarity of my body, I should be able to keep track of my surroundings if I go at extreme speeds. However, if I go beyond such a point, this is the outcome... I guess.

As I'm contemplating my powers, I notice through my senses a girl on a bicycle staring at me, wide-eyed.

How troublesome.

I appear beside her and immediately use Hypnotism to make her faint.

Catching her falling body, I begin utilizing Memory Erasure. It takes a while before I can start the process, but it pays off in the end as I erase all of the girl's memories regarding today.

I immediately get away from the area and go somewhere more secluded.

Thanks to yesterday's use of Clairvoyance to look all over the place, I find a location pretty soon.

Now, I need to make my powers seem less obvious.

After thinking for a few seconds, I come up with an idea. That is, using Illusion to make it seem like whenever I'm using my Holy Effects, the colorful veins wouldn't be visible to anyone.

Once I try it, Irene's voice resounds within my head,

{Discovered: Rework.}

Cool. It's been a while since I've checked my status.



Name: Victor (-)

True Name: ????

Title: -SEALED-

Age: 8,953 Years

Code: Exousia {Berserk | Mahesvara (NEW) | Holy}

Race: Human - 31%

Energy Left: 100%


Str: 48>>59 (15) - {Strength}

Agi: 46>>64 (15) - {Agility}

Dex: 45>>67 (15) - {Dexterity}

Int: 50>>55 (15) - {Intelligence}

Def: 53>>56 (15) - {Defence}

Vit: 56>>61 (15) - {Vitality}



Berserk: Hunter | Tormenter | God's Wrath

Mahesvara: Creation (NEW) | Destruction | ????


-Holy Slash II [V]

A slash that utilizes divine energy as an armament. 10 meters. Low energy consumption.

-Paragon's Eyes I [III]

Grants vision to judge one's soul. Low energy consumption.

-Godspeed II>>III [V]

The ability to travel at a great speed. The user can perform air-jumps. Low energy consumption.

-Blink I>>II [III]

The ability to blink to any area within 5>>10 meters. Medium energy consumption.

-Light Manipulation I>>III [VI]

The ability to influence light by their will. 30 meters. Low energy consumption.

-Healing Factor II [III]

Regeneration. Low energy consumption.

-Transmutation (-)

The ability to temporarily transform matter into light. Very high energy consumption.

-Divine Retribution I [V]

Judgment from the souls. 30 meters. High energy consumption.

-Clairvoyance (Passive) I>>II [III]

The ability to freely control the angle and location of one's vision. The user can have a leading vision once a day.

-Illusion I [III]

The ability to manipulate light in a state that affects other's vision. Medium energy consumption.

-Rework I [III] (NEW)

The ability to reconstruct reality based on all forms of perception. Low energy consumption.


Plunder II [V]

{The maximum distance is 15m. | Possession time - 4 seconds. The maximum amount of abilities that could be used simultaneously is 3.}

--- Primary Ability (1/1) ----

- Telekinesis II [V]

{Unlimited usage. | User can only lift objects with similar or less mass to themself. | Maximum velocity is 180 m/s. | Maximum range is 8m.}

--- Secondary Abilities (5/5) ---

- Permeation I [III]


- Location I [III]

{ Range limit - 5 km. | Accuracy = 46%}

- Hypnotism I [V]

{Requires direct eye contact.}

- Collapse

{Requires a stressed brain to trigger. | Range limit - 50 m.}


{ Requires at least 50% of brain focus to keep active.}

--- Tertiary Abilities (∞) ---

-Spiritualism I [IV]

{Maximum duration of 3 minutes.}

-Insight I [VI]

{Maximum duration of 10 minutes.]

-Indoctrination I [III]

{Can be used on 5 individuals simultaneously, at most. | Maximum range of 30m. | Lasts 2 minutes.}

--- Irregular (6/?) ---

- Flight I [III]

{Unlimited usage | Maximum speed is 40 km/h. | Maximum acceleration is 5 km/s.}

- Memory Erasure I [IV]

{Unlimited usage | Requires physical contact | Time need to initiate the erasure process is five minutes.}

- Imperfect Invisibility I [X]

{Unlimited usage | Can become imperceptible for one target.}

- Time-Leap (?)


-Ability Erasure

{Unlimited usage | Maximum range is 5 m}

-Gift I>>II [V]

{Unlimited usage | Maximum range is 25m | Lasts for 10 minutes.}

-Organic Constructs

{Unlimited usage. | Maximum duration of 5 minutes. | 10-second cooldown. | Maximum amount of contracts that can be active at once is 2.}

-Regeneration I [V]


-Absolute Evasion

{Requires unawareness to activate.}

-Vector Manipulation

{Maximum range of 5m. | Requires 80% of brain focus to keep active. }

--- Unassigned ---

- Thoughtography


Current Platform: N/A


The list sure has grown... Huh? My humanity has decreased to 31%. Should I be concerned?

My Destruction is gone and now in its place is Mahesvara. What even is that?

My parameters have also increased by a good amount. The base parameters of the Rift are higher than Charlotte by 5 units.

Checking my Holy Effects, I immediately notice that Blink and Godspeed have tiered up. When did that happen?

{During the time Father was going through recollection.}

Irene's voice clears my confusion up. How convenient.

{Naturally. I exist solely for Father's sake.}

Yeah. Good girl.

Now that I think about it, Irene, can't you take on your physical form in the Rift?


The sadness couldn't get any more obvious in her voice making me almost regret asking her about it.

Putting that aside, I've noticed something important: The daily usage limits are no longer displayed.

{Fret not, Father. Special abilities acquired from Platforms have no daily usage limit in the Rift. As for the other restrictions, most of them are applied normally.}

Seriously? Hehe. It seems like I will be able to enjoy myself a lot in the upcoming days.

{Be careful Father, the calling assigned ends in 13 days.}

You had to ruin it, didn't you?

{A Knowledge of the Tales has been detected in the Rift. The general location is Tokyo.}

Alright, I forgive you. That's some really great news.


Returning back to the house, I smell omelets from the kitchen. Having gotten hungry, I take a seat on the dining table and wait for my food to be served.

Sora walks over with an apron on and places my breakfast in front of me, then proceeds to take a seat opposite to me.

For the whole time, she's been acting way more cheerfully than "yesterday" morning.

I wait for a short while before saying,

"Sora, there is something that I must tell you about."

Intrigued, she stops eating and looks my way, waiting for me to continue.

"I'm no longer an ordinary human," I say as lift my arm and use telekinesis to make several kitchen utensils float in the air.

Surprised, her eyes widen as she drops her chopsticks. Having introduced the existence of supernatural powers, I continue to explain,

"That's not the end of it," I say, "I'm also able to traverse from one dimension to another."

This one doesn't have as much of an impact I suspected it to have. Is it because the idea is too absurd? Or is it because I didn't do anything to prove it?

Once both of us are done with our breakfast, I tell her to follow me.

She, however, stays in place. Confusion and fear are apparent in her complexion. Of course... I just told her that I can go to another dimension. One day after she requested of me to not leave her.

Yeah, this one's definitely my fault. I should've been more considerate of her feelings.

Letting out a sigh, I approach her and pull her face towards myself as I kiss her lips.

She is still shaken by my earlier words. I can tell by observing how she reacts to my actions. Not willing to compromise in any way, I pull her into my embrace as I continue to kiss her and stroke her back.

After a while, she seems to be less stiff as she melts into my arms with a blush on her face.

"Let's go," I whisper to her before holding her hand and pulling her along with myself as I go to my room.

"There is a lot to talk about, so I want you to listen carefully, alright?" I say to her once we're both sitting on the tatami that I had left my body unconscious on.


I summarized what had happened while leaving out the complex parts such as my powers, origin, and past lives out.

In the beginning, she kept on getting more and more distressed as I continued to tell her about the events. Later on, she managed to pull herself together and began analyzing my way of doing things.

For the most part, she found my actions to be satisfactory, however, she wasn't very pleased when she heard about my relationship with some girls over at the other side.

Whenever I was speaking of them, she would have a frown on her face and would sulk about it.

The part that affected her most, was surprisingly everything related to Ayumi. It's as if the thought of "me" having another little sister is an impossibility.

It took me a while, but I finally managed to convince her of everything. And so, I move on to explaining why we need to move from here to Tokyo.

"But we just moved here," she says in a normal tone not betraying any of her emotions.

Nodding my head in acknowledgment, I reply to her,

"It's fine. Living in the city might be better for us, you know? You spend most of your time on the internet, which is much faster and better in the city.

"Besides, I'm planning to get some work done over there and make some cash for both of us."

She seems like she will think about it for a while before answering, however, she doesn't do that, but instead just comes closer to hug me and says,

"As long as you are there, I don't mind it. I want to be with you forever."

I could sense all sorts of emotions in what she said. Towards the end, most of it was of sorrow and relief.

Moving her head a little, I give her a quick peck on the lips before saying,

"That's a matter of course."


We packed any necessities that we have up and are both prepared to take our first steps into the city.

We had left it not too long ago, yet we are going back there already. The only difference this time is where we're going.

Going over to where the train station is, we wait for a while for a train to arrive then hop aboard.

I hope this goes better than I expect it to. Paperworks and all the other related matters are going to be annoying to deal with.

The train ride took a long time. We had not brought much food with us, so I used Creation to create anything that we wished to eat.

Sora particularly enjoyed the train ride as she kept on teasing me about every little thing once she had gotten over the fact that I'm no longer what I used to be.

I'm glad that she's back to her usual self.

After we got off the train, Sora wanted to walk around with me for a short while before we went to settle up.

Not a very good thing to do, but it doesn't matter as long as it makes her happy.

We walk around Tokyo for a while and finally come to a stop at a park.

The two of us sit on a bench as I use Creation to produce some ice cream for us. Perhaps because of how cute Sora looks, a lot of people were rudely staring in our direction.

I use Hypnotism on every single one of them. It caused a little commotion, but nothing too out of the ordinary.

As we continue to enjoy the atmosphere, a blonde nun appears within my sight about 10 meters away from us, and in her hands is an icecream cone.

The nun suddenly trips and almost falls facefirst into the ground, however, before that could happen, I use Telekinesis to break her momentum and catch her icecream for her while I am at it.

Once I'm done, she seems to be extremely confused as she looks around until she set her sight on me.

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