Tale of Discovery

Chapter 34: Battle ; Legion


WARNING: Potential gore and blood. (Although I personally think it's not much.)


He doesn't answer. He doesn't respond at all.

"Talk! You're blind, not deaf!"

Now, because things were unexplained properly, Ayumi is in imminent danger. Not only her but Nao as well.

As I am contemplating something, I feel a hand on my back. I turn around and see the high-schooler that brought us here throw a punch at my face.

Without breaking a sweat, I dodge it, grab his arm and throw him at a couch in the room. I would've broken his bones had I not noticed that he hadn't used much force. Not that it would've done anything to me even if he did.

The guy gets back on his feet and says,

"According to what you said, we are in immediate danger. We don't have the time for you throwing a fit."

Oh? They want me to not complain about the situation and just deal with it?

My thoughts don't last long, as I sense a shock-wave, then the sound of an explosion. Using Clairvoyance, I see that they have broken the boulder which happens to be the secret entryway.

I take a look at everyone and think of a plan. My best option right now is to act as a distraction so that the others can escape in one piece.

"Is there another way to get out of here?", I ask the self-proclaimed brother.

"No.", he replies.

Great. Just what I needed. Now I am so much more motivated. Wait. I just remember,

"Juno what are you capable of doing. You surely aren't an ordinary human are you?"

She looks my and smiles feel before raising her arms. The next moment a burst of cold escapes from seemingly within her right palm. In her left palm, however, a heat wave capable of melting the ground escapes.

That seems like thermal manipulation. If it is, the current situation will be so much easier to deal with. Upon realizing this, I immediately order,

"Irene, protect Nao and Ayumi at call costs. Don't let anything get through to them. If things start to take a turn for the worst, immediately contact me."

"As Father wishes. I shan't disappoint Father's expectations."

Despite how monotonous she sounded when she said that, I can see an eager light within her eyes. Not delaying any further, I continue,

"Juno and I will be dealing with the men. You are all to escape whenever there is a chance. Stay low and out of sight."

As expected Irene and Juno have no problems with my plan, but that doesn't seem to be the case with Nao, Ayumi, and unexpectedly the self-proclaimed brother.


"Brother Yu, don't!"

"I can't let you do that."

As if I care if you want to let me do something or not. However, I can't let the other two worry needlessly.

"Remember what I was capable of doing? I can do so much more. I will be fine, I promise.", I attempt to convince the two.

This seems to work out, as both of them have seen different powers of mine. Ayumi has seen my speed and healing. Nao knows that a certain incident was caused by me. I assume that they know that they aren't able to do anything as they nod with worry apparent on their face.

Taking a step closer to Nao, I embrace her and gently stroke her hair. After a few seconds, I do the same to Ayumi.

"Let's do this!", I declare strongly as I send out a burst of Holy Essence. It had the effect I hoped for, as everyone gets a boost of confidence from it.

{Discovered: Paladin's Aura.}

I don't have the luxury of checking that out at the moment. I nod at Juno and dash to the corridor that leads to our location. There, I see several men carrying unfamiliar weaponry and aiming it at me.

Their reaction speed is incredible as they immediately begin shooting at me. In response, I circulate the Holy Essence and utilize Godspeed, then blink to them while avoiding the projectiles shot at me.

The next moment, my hand gets covered in veins as I use my Holy Slash to split them in half. Their bodies fall to the ground and their insides are visible as pools of blood begin to form on the ground.

Suddenly, I feel a great amount of heat behind me as a fireball(?) goes past me and burns the bodies to ashes.

Looking behind me, I see Juno smiling cutely.

Convenient. Now I don't have to fear Ayumi being traumatized by the sight of dead bodies all over the place.

We continue to move toward the staircase that leads to the entrance. On the way, we encountered more men, but they weren't much of a hindrance.

As soon as we're outside, my instincts fire up as I immediately move to the side. Bullets rain down as the choppers' armaments start revolving fiercely.

Without wasting a single moment, I move towards the nearest one and climb a tree underneath it before lunging at it.

Making use of my abnormal physique, I smash way inside, get rid of any hindrances before kicking the pilot's seat. After hearing the sound of a spine breaking, I jump down as the chopper loses control and starts whirling before inevitably crashing.

Upon making contact with the ground, I sense bullets being shot at me from all sides.

{Berserk: Hunter initiated.}

The familiar voice resounds within my head as I feel the adrenaline in my veins shoot to the moon. Moving at an incredible speed that I shouldn't be able to even with Godspeed, I feel my muscles being torn apart as I slash man after man.

Blood covers the whole place. Suddenly, I feel a different kind of pain compared to before in my right calf. I'm shot.

That doesn't affect me in the least as I continue to massacre whoever the hell comes in my way.

Abruptly, I hear the sound of an explosion. Looking at where the sound came from, I see Juno there floating mid-air and below her are two choppers that are in an extremely terrible condition.

She disappears from where she was in the blink of an eye and reappears behind some men. The next moment, the men start to wail in pain as their bodies start to get disfigured. It takes a few seconds before they all drop to the ground, dead.

This is turning out way better than I thought it would.

"We did shoot him but it doesn't seem to be working!", I suddenly hear one of the men shout.

Observing him, I see that he's speaking with someone through an intercom.

"He's still able to use his abilities!", he continues.

What? Are these bullets supposed to stop me from using my powers? As if something that bugged would exist. I need to finish these guys off and find out what's going.

Not wasting any more time, I dash to the guy and punch him in the guts with just enough force to knock him out.

As I am about to dash back to open grounds, I feel an unordinary amount of energy behind me. I dodge to the side, but there I feel the same thing, once again behind me. Realizing that I can't move my body fast enough to dodge it, I blink somewhere nearby.

However, I once again feel it, and can't react fast enough. The most I can do is tilt my torso as an overwhelming feeling of pain comes from my left arm before I realize that the unordinary energy is the same as the energy beam shot out of the van that day.

Looking at where my arm used to be, I see blood gushing out.

Suddenly, Juno appears in front of me and places her palm which is radiating extreme heat on where the blood is coming from. I resist the pain and try not to think of the disgusting smell as she finishes what she started.

In the few seconds that I stood and waited for her to finish, I felt an unknown energy building up within me. It's starting to make me feel like I'll go insane if I don't move anytime soon.

Having locked on the locations of where I presume the energy beams were released from, I make my to one of them in seconds.

The first thing that catches my attention is a futuristic-looking weapon. The happen has a container attached to it which happens to be empty.

I'm guessing that whatever was inside that container was released through that weapon as the energy beam...

I notice that no one seems to be around. Was the weapon timed to shoot? Is it remotely controlled? I then think of another possibility before using Clairvoyance to check the surrounding area while moving around.

My head is starting to hurt... I need to kill...

A few seconds later, I find him running away. I immediately rush to where he is and crush him by kicking him from the back as he drives through the ground while I'm riding while I'm still on his back.

{We are about to leave the premises, but there is a roadblock preventing us from doing so.}

Irene's voice resounds within my head.

How could I forget?! I had forgotten and only thought about killing everyone here...

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I move toward where they are at, using the weird bond between Irene and me to locate them.

Upon reaching the location, the first that I see that everyone is in the vehicle we used to get here.

Looking forwards, I see two heavy armour trucks blocking the road with two of the energy weapon in front of them. The containers this time aren't empty and contain a blue-white liquid.

I utilize Holy Slash but manipulate the slashes making them stop at either side of the weapon and trucks. The men standing there are alarmed, but before they cant react, I snap the fingers on my left hand.

The next moment, the two "slashes" extend toward each other, splitting anything they come in contact with.

Upon making contact with the containers, they explode. A beautiful explosion. No flames, just blue shockwaves as everything in the vicinity disintegrates. Thankfully, the car they were in is far, or else they would've been caught up in the explosion.

Taking a look at the huge crater that formed, I use Light Manipulation to form a bridge of light and contact Irene, ordering her to tell the driver to drive.

{Berserk: Hunter terminated.}

I heard Irene's voice as a wave of pain washed over me. Shaking the feelings away, I move back to where the... massacre occurred and check for any survivors.

To my delight, Juno had finished all of them off, except the one that I had knocked out.

Time for some interrogation...


After forcefully having woken him up, I "nicely" asked for information. He responded in kind as he began telling me everything he knew.

At the end of it, there was a kindling hope of survival, but before he could realize what was happening, I finished him off with a light kick.

According to what he had said, the organization they're a part of is called Legion. It is lead by an extremely powerful guy that is rarely seen. This organization collects "samples" and extracts powers from them to make it "useful".

The "samples" are children with abilities. Ever since the appearance of the leader, there has been a boost in the research of ability extraction and usage. There was one thing that everyone was aware of. The leader was obsessed with someone.

And that person is me. He has been keeping an eye on me; waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike me. When the guy was telling me about how obsessed with me the leader was, Juno confirmed that he is an Unknown. Most likely a 2nd Rank one.

How the hell do I deal with this? Is this se-

Before I can finish my thoughts, I feel an extremely quick projectile coming my way. Exhausted from the battle, I am unable to dodge as the projectile directly pierces my nape.

My vision darkens as I feel the energy leaving my body and fall to the ground.

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