Take the Red Police to Marvel

Chapter 27 Idol

If it is said that the people Rhine wants to see the most in this world, apart from his original parents, are some historical greats in this world.

She never chased stars, and she only had a look at people like Iron Man and Captain America, but she always had a few idols in her heart that she wanted to meet in her dreams.

At this moment, she looked excitedly at the nursing home in front of her, wishing she could rush in immediately.

"Miss Rhine, please don't make too much noise after entering."

"no problem."

Along with her was a peacekeeping infantryman who was disarmed and only had a pistol, and a senior Soviet official who was in charge of receiving her.

The reason is that the technology brought by Rhine is indeed very advanced and high-tech after being appraised by the technical department, and has a very huge value. In addition to the necessary supplies and equipment assistance, her request is to meet the undead in this world. Proletarian fighter, Lenin.

The sanatorium where Lenin lived was the one with relatively better conditions among countless sanitariums in the Soviet Union, and there was no special treatment. According to Rhine's understanding, the situation of this great man is not very good now.

Although the assassination in the early years did not kill him, it succeeded in causing Lenin's physical function to decline seriously. Coupled with the day and night hard work, it can be said that the fighter has not yet sacrificed, which is God's mercy.

In fact, it is indeed God’s pity, because in the original world Lenin died of illness more than 20 years before the end of the war, and now more than 70 years have already been affected by the change of the world line.

Following the officer to a garden, Rhine saw the man sitting on the chair from a distance.Plain clothes, thinning hair and an old face, he was looking at the distant scenery and didn't know what he was thinking.

Without a doubt, this is Rhine's idol.

The Soviet officials stopped here, and the peacekeeping infantry wanted to follow, but she threw it here with a word.

Rhine took a deep breath and walked over slowly. Although she had always dreamed of seeing him, she didn't know how to face it when this moment really came.

But without her opening her mouth, the old man turned his head to look at her when he heard the footsteps. Seeing that it was a little girl, he said softly.

"Come, sit next to me."

"Huh? Oh oh."

Like a primary school student, Rhine obediently sat next to him. Although she was very nervous, she still couldn't help turning her head to look at the idol next to her.

"Hi, is this the first time we've met?"

"Yes, yes, my name is Rhine Tuskul, you can call me whatever you want."

Because she was too nervous, she almost bit her tongue when she spoke. The old man smiled, and then introduced himself.

"My name is Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. I saw you and Ivanov coming together. What can I do for you?"

Although Lenin's body looked very weak, his eyes were not cloudy, but very clear and even bright.

Being watched by such wise eyes, her nervousness was relieved a lot.

"Mr. Lenin, I don't really have any special business looking for you, I just want to meet you."

Rhine did not say that she came here because she admired him. After all, Lenin himself hated personality cultism very much, and she was afraid that her rash expression of sincerity would cause resentment.

However, the wisdom of the old man cannot be concealed from her, who is not as old as anyone in her two lifetimes combined. Lenin saw that this little girl worshiped him and came to see him.

He hates personality cultism but understands this situation, the people need a leader who can point the way forward, so as to avoid more bloodshed and sacrifice, it is normal to have feelings of dependence and worship on the leader in this situation of.

"Hey, I see."

The old man sighed softly, raised his hand and stroked the girl's head.

Hearing the sigh, Rhine felt a pain in her heart. The old man in front of her had dedicated her whole life to the cause of the proletarian revolution. Feeling the caress of the big hand, she must have said something in her heart.

"Mr. Lenin, I can cure your ailments...even make you younger."

Lenin was obviously very surprised by this kind of thing. He looked at Rhine as if he was surprised that the current science and technology could do this kind of thing.

Seeing this slightly suspicious look, Rhine held the old man's hand and said quickly, "With your current physical condition, you can't directly use gene enhancement medicine, that would be too violent, but I can extract your body cells through Gene-directed expression to clone your organs for transplantation.

There will be no rejection after organ transplantation, and then you can gradually replace the aging organs on your body, and then use gene enhancement drugs for a period of 6 months to strengthen your body in stages to restore your physical condition to 35 years old. "

This bunch of words that he had never heard before made the old man a little confused. He subconsciously asked, "What is... cloning? Can organs still be transplanted?"

He has heard of the gene enhancement medicine and knows a little bit about it. After the United States launched the super soldier program, the Soviet Union followed up with the program, but the effect does not seem to be good.

"Cloning is to copy your organs, because the original body of the clone is your own cells, so it will not cause rejection by the human body and there is no risk. As for organ transplantation... of course it is possible. "

After some explanations, the old man sighed that she was a great scientist, but he said that he would not perform this major operation.

"I'm old, too old." Lenin started to touch his head again, which gave Rhine a strange feeling of being treated as a small animal. The old man didn't notice her expression, but continued.

"I was leading the workers when I was young, and now it's been a few decades, enough is enough."

There is no need to go into too much detail. These words have already shown what he means. Lenin has led the workers in struggle for decades, and few people can match his personal prestige.

Although she didn't want Lenin to die like this, she respected the old man's choice. After a moment of silence, Rhine asked.

"Is there anything else you want to do?"

"Me? Hahaha, I want to eliminate oppression and exploitation, and build a truly equal society led by the proletariat."

Hearing this, Rhine could only smile wryly, and she had no choice but to take down her hands that had rumpled her hair into messy balls.

"You and I know that true equality is impossible, even here, where exploitation and oppression have not been eradicated."

"I know, so this is my ideal."

Rhine talked a lot with Lenin again, and their exchanges did not involve politics and struggle, just like a little girl chatting with an old man.

"Communication with you like this has satisfied my only wish."

"What about the only wish?"

"The only wish..." Rhine stood up and stood in front of Lenin with bright eyes, "I would rather call it an ideal than a wish. I want to lead mankind to the stars and build a utopia. Equality is distributed according to need, but we can try our best."

Bowing deeply to Lenin, she said goodbye to the great man and left.

Looking at her leaving figure, the old man sighed, "It's nice to be young."

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