System Only Gives Me Useless Gifts

53 - Meridians

Meridians were a composite of the cardiovascular system and the internal qi channels. The connection wasn't physical but based on relationships and concepts. Like how two people from the opposite sides of the ocean could be connected simply by thinking of the other person.

The key that Li Yun was missing was the emotions that governed meridians. It was those emotions that connected meridians to the body's physical systems. But what were emotions?

Emotions were based on human survival instincts. Fear to avoid danger, lust to promote fertility, and anger to fight against danger. Play, care, seeking, and sadness were all rooted in human survival. Those emotions trigger the brain to release hormones that govern the body's physical responses.

In classical Chinese medicine, emotions were associated with the five elements. Anger, fear, and sorrow affected the kidney and nervous system and were associated with water. Grief and sorrow affected the liver and were associated with wood. Excessive emotions and lust affected the heart and were associated with fire. Worry and sadness affected the spleen, stomach, and were associated with the earth. Lack of happiness and joy affected the lung and were associated with metal.

The emotion that could counteract all the negative emotions was happiness. The ancients knew back then that happiness was the key to preserving the balance between the five elements and achieving longevity. However, happiness was not a human instinct. In fact, humans were not built to be happy. Happiness was against human nature like immortality was an idea against heaven. But why?

Studies have shown that the human instinct was meant for the survival of the human race, not for the survival of the individual. Humans were meant to die after their childbearing years. This was to ensure that there would be enough resources available for future generations of humans. If humans become too happy, wouldn't they want to live longer to enjoy it?

Ancient Chinese doctors were fighting against human instinct, trading one type of immortality for another type. Meridians were developed to map out and rewire the human body for immortality. It was a very simple concept to understand, but why had Li Yun been stuck on it for so long?

It had more to do with faith. If Li Yun believed meridian could be manifested, it would be manifested. If he did not, then it would never appear. Faith was a belief in something that could not be seen, reasoned, or explained.

How many stories of faith healing and miracles could be seen around the world? Unexplained by science or logic? The reason people were able to heal themselves boiled down to absolute faith. But for a western doctor like Li Yun, the leap of faith was too large to overcome. No matter how many Taoist scriptures he had read, absolute faith was not easy to rationalize or attain.

"When the heart reflects on something, that is called intention. The location where the intentions are, that is called the mind." -Huangdi

The system congratulated Li Yun on comprehending the meridian.

Qi Visualization awarded.

After thinking about the true nature of meridians, Li Yun's eyes opened to a room brightened only by the dim lights of the stars beyond the window. His eyes adjusted to the darkness and felt someone shifting on top of his arm. He turned to face Chu Rouxi, who was still sound asleep, and he combed through her soft hair.

It was a bit ridiculous that it took him falling in love to realize that all he needed to do was believe in meridian for it to award him with Qi Visualization (Qivi). But if he thought it through, it wasn't that ridiculous. Out of all the human emotions, what was the most irrational human construct?

Only a crazy person would believe that love was real. Li Yun hugged Chu Rouxi's body and smelled the scent of her hair. Maybe he was crazy for sleeping with her, but he couldn't stand her hurt expression when he backed away from her. He couldn't explain why he was in love with someone he barely knew, but there was no use thinking about something that did not make sense in the first place.

He began to wonder how Qivi worked. On that thought, he saw the movement of blood flowing through a series of arteries and veins, controlled by the beating of the heart. The blood flowed to the liver, spleen, kidneys, ovaries, lungs, and various organs before returning back to the heart and repeating the cycle. The pace was slow and steady like a walker around a track.

There was air entering the pharynx, trachea, lung, and bloodstream. There was also something else flowing through the body. An invisible mass that flowed through the various channels that didn't correspond with any known systems. The channels looped and tangled around like messy webs throughout the body. There were 365 points scattered throughout the body where the channels and blood vessels overlapped.

Looking deeper into the center of the channel, the body disappeared, and what appeared were twelve main channels running into two pyramids. The more he looked, the more energy he consumed, and restlessness overwhelmed him.

The next morning, Chu Rouxi disappeared, but at least she left a message on his phone.

Rouxi: Heading home, don't miss me too much ;) See you next Friday?

Li Yun looked at the time, it wasn't even six yet. He wondered if she purposely left to avoid seeing him in the morning. After putting on his clothes, Li Yun drove back to the hospital and rushed to the radiology suite, taking An Luchang along.

With just a touch on An Luchang skin, he could see the flow of air and blood in An Luchang's body. It was immediately obvious that there was a slight build-up in the coronary artery, but it was usual for someone of An Luchang's age.

Before, Li Yun could only tell the different types of pulse and the different patterns. He wasn't skilled to the point where he could feel the small oddity and clot in the vessels running through the heart.

Everything else seemed normal. As his mind concentrated deeper into the core of An Luchang's being, the two pyramids appeared. His energy drained rapidly, and Li Yun quickly released his fingers from An Luchang's wrist. Li Yun checked his own pyramids, which he considered the dantian. Half his energy was gone, whereas, little was consumed when he was checking the blood flow and pulse.

"What's up with the sudden need to check my health?" asked An Luchang.

"Not checking your health, just a bit curious about something. You're relatively healthy for a guy who doesn't exercise."

"I walk around the hospital a lot…" An Luchang paused midway. He didn't know why he had to explain his health habits.

"Lay off on the pork belly," Li Yun warned.

An Luchang returned a blank stare; he didn't need to explain his eating habits either, especially the pork belly.

Li Yun had originally wanted to take a CT or MRI scan of An Luchang, but it was really unnecessary. Even without the scans, it was very likely that what his system showed was accurate.

"What would you do if you have the ability to see the cardiovascular system?" Li Yun asked.

"Go see a therapist," An Luchang responded.

Li Yun rolled his eyes after looking at An Luchang's straight face. The guy was serious, "If you are in a fictional world, and you have the ability to see the cardiovascular system, what would you do?"

"Well, having that ability will certainly help with diagnosing certain complications. It's especially helpful in an emergency situation, diagnosis, and interventional surgery. However, there isn't much benefit beyond that."


"Because you would still have to use imaging and testing to verify the diagnosis. There isn't a way to skip the process, in the hospital setting. Even if you are correct, no one will believe you until it's proven to be true."

Li Yun sighed. An Luchang was right, western medicine was an evidence-based practice. No doctor would confirm a cancer diagnosis until the lab tested the specimen. Nevertheless, Qivi was a very useful skill.

After examining An Luchang, they both got up and entered a laboratory. It was time for their weekly lesson with Dr. Lim. During the lesson, Li Yun thought about the next system mission.

Next mission: Exorcise 100 spirits. 17/100.

Bonus mission: Create Lei Ting Charm.

"17 out of 100?" Li Yun thought. "When did I exorcise 17 spirits? Is it possible this has to do with some of the cases I have solved with Bu Tao?"

Li Yun thought about the woman who was trapped in resin above the attic. Although it was just her body, it was possible for her spirit to remain with her as she was without a proper burial.

"Dr. Li, do you have any opinions on what the patient is suffering from?" Dr. Lim asked as her eyes shot darts at him. She was pissed that he wasn't paying attention.

"Dr. Lim, it's almost the New Year, don't you have any red envelopes for us?" asked Li Yun.

"That's a poor attempt at redirection, no one gives out red envelopes on New Year Day*. You get one day off, that's it. Now pay attention."

Li Yun halfheartedly listened to the rest of the lesson. Immediately after the lesson, he scoured the internet and researched ways he could use Qivi effectively.

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